So here is Ellie. I got some silly videos of her because she's difficult to catch and she wasn't feeling playful.
And some pictures of her and her DEWLAP! Yes, the little ball has a dewlap! hahah. Its tiny, but its there! Its so funny!
The video isn't that great, it just has a good binky in the very beginning. And the music, is once again a little loud. haha. Sorry. She doesn't do anything during the day, so it always seems like its late at night when she's doing something and its always so dark in the videos because my phone isn't that great. haha.
Woody started eating last night thankfully.
Oh and my MIL brought his food and bowls over today, she brought me back the tub that I had his food in and it still had his OLD food in it. Like 15 lbs of old food, the REALLY good food! I was like, why didn't y'all finish feeding this? She didn't say anything. Its because they think they're the sh*t and they don't believe a damn word that comes out of anyone's mouth, so when I saw that Precise is a great food (4stars) they think I'm wrong and start feeding him Pedigree (half a star and highly discouraged from being fed). But of course they know "best" but its all such BS. I'm not very happy, still.
This is also day 4 of my stress headache.
But on the plus side, in two weekends we're going to the mountains on a semi-vacation! My husband is playing in a disc golf tournament and a bunch of his co-workers are going up there too, so we're all splitting a cabin rental for the weekend! I think it will be me and like 10 men, and MAYBE one other woman, but it should still be fun! The guys will all play golf during the day and I can roam around Boone for the weekend! I'm going to the history museum, then to all sorts of antique shops and anything else they have there! I told my hub that if theres a town, I'll be in it and in every single store front there! He told me to not get kidnapped! hahaha. But I'm pretty excited about it. My mom is coming to tend the animals and AJ will be with my dad for the weekend. So it should be really nice. I'm pretty freaking excited, so is my hub because disc golf is his favorite thing. LOL
AJ is at my MIL's for the last time in a long time probably, my husband is going to play disc golf in the morning for the whole day, my house is clean, so that means...I get to sleep the hell in! LOL and I'm also doing NOTHING tomorrow. I made sure to clean everything up today and tonight so I can sit on my fat ass tomorrow! At the most, I'll have to clean a coffee mug or run the vacuum over my kitchen rug. Other than that, it ain't getting done! LOL
I'm so done now, at least you guys got to look at some pictures and then read my rambling!
And some pictures of her and her DEWLAP! Yes, the little ball has a dewlap! hahah. Its tiny, but its there! Its so funny!

The video isn't that great, it just has a good binky in the very beginning. And the music, is once again a little loud. haha. Sorry. She doesn't do anything during the day, so it always seems like its late at night when she's doing something and its always so dark in the videos because my phone isn't that great. haha.
Woody started eating last night thankfully.
Oh and my MIL brought his food and bowls over today, she brought me back the tub that I had his food in and it still had his OLD food in it. Like 15 lbs of old food, the REALLY good food! I was like, why didn't y'all finish feeding this? She didn't say anything. Its because they think they're the sh*t and they don't believe a damn word that comes out of anyone's mouth, so when I saw that Precise is a great food (4stars) they think I'm wrong and start feeding him Pedigree (half a star and highly discouraged from being fed). But of course they know "best" but its all such BS. I'm not very happy, still.
This is also day 4 of my stress headache.
But on the plus side, in two weekends we're going to the mountains on a semi-vacation! My husband is playing in a disc golf tournament and a bunch of his co-workers are going up there too, so we're all splitting a cabin rental for the weekend! I think it will be me and like 10 men, and MAYBE one other woman, but it should still be fun! The guys will all play golf during the day and I can roam around Boone for the weekend! I'm going to the history museum, then to all sorts of antique shops and anything else they have there! I told my hub that if theres a town, I'll be in it and in every single store front there! He told me to not get kidnapped! hahaha. But I'm pretty excited about it. My mom is coming to tend the animals and AJ will be with my dad for the weekend. So it should be really nice. I'm pretty freaking excited, so is my hub because disc golf is his favorite thing. LOL
AJ is at my MIL's for the last time in a long time probably, my husband is going to play disc golf in the morning for the whole day, my house is clean, so that means...I get to sleep the hell in! LOL and I'm also doing NOTHING tomorrow. I made sure to clean everything up today and tonight so I can sit on my fat ass tomorrow! At the most, I'll have to clean a coffee mug or run the vacuum over my kitchen rug. Other than that, it ain't getting done! LOL
I'm so done now, at least you guys got to look at some pictures and then read my rambling!