My Heart's on Fire for Elvira

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Awww AJ is such a cutie patootie! It's hard to imagine that THAT sweet little child gives you such a hard time lol!!!!
I LOVE the movie UP! :D It is my new favorite Disney/Pixar movie. I am planning on naming my next dog Doug. After the dog on the movie. And if I get a reverse sealed brindle boxer (they appear to be black), I will name him Black Doug. Like from The Hangover lol. Oh and I just saw the 3rd one last night it was so dang funny!!!
And the map and the solar system are a good idea. I sure could have used the solar system one when I was a kid, it was hard to remember the order in which they are in. I think theres some kind of saying to help remember..... Something about My Very Evil Mother ....blah blah blah I don't remember. I could use it now apparently lol

Oh and Jenny! What a wonderful lil bun! So glad you rescued it. I agree with everyone else, that bunny couldn't have picked anyone better to find! :)
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Hahaha. Black Doug. I laughed pretty hard.
I love Up, its definitely one of my favorites. I think the love story between Carl and Ellie(the old people) was like the sweetest love story EVER.

Yes, AJ is precious but he's insane. He's just a wild child. haha. Its hard for everyone to believe that he acts crazy when he's with me. LOL He's really smart and he picks things up really quick but sometimes, he's wild. And he doesn't listen for crap. Unless its what he shouldn't hear, then he's all ears and saying the F word all the time. hahahaha.
So a few hours ago part of a huge tree fell in my yard, like 10 feet from my house. I was cleaning the bathroom when I heard this crack and wet, dull thud and looked out expecting to see a branch but instead saw the top 15 feet of a dead tree and half of a live walnut tree 10 feet from my house.
I called my husband at work and was like A FREAKING TREE JUST FELL DOWN RIGHT NEXT TO THE HOUSE! I'M SCARED! hahahaha.
Here are some pictures that I just took of it. And now the sun is out and its cool out. This weather is doing my head in and I can't take it. There is literally a river running through my front yard and my whole back yard has like 4 inches of standing of water.




I just weeded my garden for the first time since I planted it! hahaha. I have a lot of squash growing, there are like 20 on there. I have a few tomatoes and I think I need taller cages. The plants are like 4 feet tall and they're already over the cages and I don't think they make taller cages. I have one tomato that is pretty big and I think I'll pick that bad boy soon!
OMG! That tree is HUGE! Haha. I would have been scared too if that monster fell in my yard.

That's good that you have a lot of squash growing. 20 Is a lot of squash! That's good that you guys have some big tomatoes. I love when your first big tomato is ready to be picked or your first fruit of the season. And I like growing my own fruits because they always taste better than fruits bought from the store.
Wow, not been on for a few days and I´ve missed loads. Loved the pics of AJ and his presents were great. He looked so pleased with himself with his tractor and that table is so cute for him. That walk on piano reminds me of the one in Big but it´s a bit smaller.

You certainly did get loads done before the must have been absolutely knackered after all that but the food sounded lovely, making me feel hungry now.

We can get beer from our burger king, macdonalds and pizza places...aren´t we lucky.

Jenny, that bunny is so lovely, she is a lucky girl and it´s such a shame you can´t keep her but I´m sure you´ll find her somewhere where she´ll be loved and well cared for.

I bet that tree falling scared the crap out of you....that is some size. I´ve got a massive palm tree outside my window and when it´s really window like it has been the last few days, it really blows and leans and I´m sometimes really scared it´ll come through my window one day.
The tree did scare me! I didn't even finish cleaning the bathroom because I got distracted! hahaha.

Yes, AJ loves everything that he got. We just painted some pictures with his new paint set. He's been rolling around on his car all day and he's really loving his table.

All the food was really good at the party, if I do say so myself since I cooked it! LOL I thoroughly enjoyed everything that I cooked. I wish that we could get beer from fast food places! That would just make my super lazy nights MUCH easier, with getting some easy food and beer at the same time. haha. I really wished when I ordered my pizza I could have ordered beer too! That would have been a great ending to a pretty good day, a nice cold beer with a veggie pizza with extra cheese, sounds like my kind of finisher for a productive day.

Now every time I get a headache, it now goes into my jaw too. So its like my whole head hurts and then it goes into jaw and I can barely talk. Ugh. It HURTS.
I love AJ's tractor! is it foot powered or battery?

Wow! That's a big tree brach. I'm glad no one was outside when it happened. I wish we were getting some of your rain. It's supposed to be a drought year for us.

I think the abandoned girl bun is maybe part rex. I'm no expert, but her head and ears look rex like, but she doesn't have the plush rex fur, though her fur is very soft.
Jenny, his tractor is battery powered. He hasn't completely grasped that he has to press the pedal with his foot yet, but he's getting there.

I thought she was part rex, I was thinking the same thing when I saw her head. But like you said, no plush fur and no curly whiskers. She's a cutie though, I hope you find her a really good home!
Whoa. I would be scared too. Our neighbors have like gigantic trees in their backyards and some if them have gotten smart like us, and cut them down before the hurricane comes and takes out one of our houses. But the people next to us that idk t like always have branches falling and one fell in our new fence the other day! I was so mad but it didnt do any damage. Leo is going to throw it back over the fence lol.
I'm just glad the tree didn't hit the house! Trees are scary.

So we woke up this morning to my crazy FIL at our house, yelling in our driveway. The windows were open and he was yelling about a pressure washer...that we don't have. He yelled at my husband and asked if he was coming outside, and he was like "no, I don't have pants on! We don't have the pressure washer, we never had it and I don't know where it is or who has it." Then my FIL gets in the truck, slams the door and slings mud everywhere as he peels out of my driveway. I WAS PISSED! I went downstairs as my hub was brushing his teeth and I was like "wtf was that?" he was like "I have no idea, he's in the crazy place."
That was at like 7:30. Then I looked at my phone and it said that he called me like 30 minutes before and called my husband and texted him. Then showed up at the house. Ugh. I'm not happy, I hate that guy.

Okay, well as I was typing this, my FIL showed back up at my house with the dog. He was confused on where he was and said that he wasn't meaning to be here. I asked him where he was supposed to be at. He said he was heading to the pound, he was trying to take the dog to the freaking pound! CAN YOU GUYS BELIEVE THAT?! So I took the dog from him and sat in the yard and talked to my FIL about crazy stuff because he's so messed up on whatever pills. HE TRIED TO TAKE THE DOG TO THE DAMN POUND! I can't believe it. I called my husband and he was like, "have you talked to my mom?" I was like "no! I haven't had the chance to, he just left and you're the first person I called!" I'm just in shock. All of our pounds here are kill shelters and he would have been put to sleep today. I'm shaking I'm so mad and upset and scared and I don't know what is going on with my FIL. Jesus Christ, I'm not happy. I feel so sick.
Great, I really didn't want the dog back, but how could I let him go to the pound and be put to sleep?

I just really don't like people.
And Ellie hates the dog. She hasn't been around him in a long time so I don't know if she remembers him. Shes in her cabinet and he walked passed and she completely freaked out. She threw her food bowl around, spilled her water and went crazy trying to jump out of the cabinet. She ran around in there and hit the walls. I had to calm her down. I was scared that she was going to hit the walls so hard and kill herself. I hope she's okay.
WTF am I going to do? Seriously? I'm totally about to freak out.

And now AJ won't leave Ellie alone and he's hitting her cabinet door. I think I'm about to have a nervous breakdown. I don't do well with stuff like this, like stuff being thrown in my lap.
The poor dog, I know he's so confused and I just had to put him in the front room. So everyone can get acclimated to each other again.
Good lord. What a crazy day, already. Its only 10:30, what else can happen?
Wow. That is a crazy turn of events. You probably had specific plans today and then BLAM crazy man alert!!!! He sounds like my ex-stepmom Crazy Psycho Carly. I called the coon Carly when she was acting bad. Poor dog, poor Ellie :'( Buster has done some freaky FREAKOUT stuff like that and I got scared he would hurt himself too. Heck sometimes I'm scared he will break his damn foot by thumping so freakin hard!!!!! What are you going to do with that dog though? :( maybe he could live outside? That really sucks. Intervention time?
Oh its totally intervention time! Hopefully my MIL will come home soon and she'll able to put her foot down with some of this stuff. Its just my stupid sister in law that gets in the way of everything. I hate that B too.

Anyway, we're going to keep the dog. Forever, until he dies. I'm not going to make him go through the whole moving houses thing again. Poor thing, the last 4 years have been rough for him. He lived with my hub and his dad for 4 years, then my hub and I started dating 4 years ago...We moved in together, my FIL moved to Pittsburgh so the dogs came with us, lived with us for 2 years. One dog got hit by a car, then we just had this dog(Woody). He lived with us until AJ was 2 months old then went back to my FIL because he had a mental breakdown and wanted the dog back. Then Woody came back to us when AJ was like 10 months old then we had him until 4 months ago? So he's been passed around several times in the last 4 years and its so ridiculous. Its been because my FIL refuses to see the dog as anyone elses dog other than HIS dog, but its not that he wants him as a pet Woody is just his POSSESSION. Its BS and I'm done with it. He'll live with us until he dies of old age or I have to put him down because hes too old to walk. THERE I'VE DECLARED IT! IT IS TRUTH.

Sorry, I get a little weird when I get stressed and I'm having a hard time today. Its officially been the longest day of my life. Its only almost 2 and I feel like I've been awake for days and it should be time for my husband to get home but its not. Its probably because I ate lunch at like 10am and put AJ down for a nap at 11am and now I have the rest of the day to do nothing because I finished cleaning this morning. Ugh.

But seriously, he's a good dog. I just have to teach my youngin' to stop messing with ALL the animals. I think I'll get him a dog house or get my husband or dad to make one for him. So he'll be able to go out and stay out if he wants to. The crappy thing is, we took out part of the fence so my hub to could ride his lawn mower into the field. So we have to put a 16 foot fence there, so Woody can't get out but the hub can still get his lawn mower into the field.

Well since I'm here, this morning, I wanted to tell you guys about my new cleaning schedule because its amazing! I was having a hard time with my house and my husband and all of it. I wasn't coping well and I was doing nothing a lot of the time and the house and everyone was suffering. So I started reading other peoples cleaning schedules and they were crazy difficult and time consuming and ain't nobody got time for that. So I finally found one that fit me, sort of. It had good points but it was still too difficult. Then I found another one that was like "clean your house is 45 minutes" and I thought hey, I have 45 minutes! So I started that one 2 weeks ago and its been great so far! BUT I put together the one that I sort of liked and the one that really works so now I have the quick clean with something specific everyday. When I started it I was setting a timer and going by the timer to see how long it takes me to do everything, like the thing recommended. It started out with 15 minutes for my kitchen, the WHOLE kitchen. Then 15 minutes for the living room. Then 5 for the bathroom. 5 for the bedrooms. And at the end of all of that, I run over all the rugs with the vacuum, taking 10 minutes. Then I sweep the hardwoods and bathroom, taking 10 minutes. Then I do my one thing I was supposed to do for the day (ie, Tuesdays "wood day", where I polish all the wood in my house). So BAM clean house in like 55 minutes to clean it. But now, since I've been on top of everything I can take a few minutes off each room. And I clean my shower every time I take a shower, with one of those dish scrubber things and a 50/50 mix of vinegar and dish soap. Works like a charm and my shower and sink freaking sparkle!
Really, the whole point of this was to say that I've finally gotten it! I can have a clean house without busting my ass day in and day out. Its fantastic! I feel so much better about the house and about all of it.
Now if I could get my in-laws under control I would be doing MUCH better.
OMG, what a day you had. I do feel sorry for the dog, the poor thing, he´s lucky that you´re prepared to take him in. I don´t think animals are good with change either so I´m sure he´ll be pleased to be in one place for good.

I´m glad I don´t have any crazy people in my life right put up with a lot and it must be so hard.

Great that you´ve got your cleaning schedule sorted. Sounds like you´re getting loads done in no so much time. I always clean the shower every time I use it but it is so much easier for me being on my own.

Poor little miss Ellie, I think we all worry when they go a bit crazy that they will hurt themselves. I hope she gets used to him.

Yes, we´re lucky to get beer with all our fast food, good job cos I don´t drink soft drinks so I´d be having mine with water if not lol.
Oh the poor dog. Sounds like you've been having a hard week. Its good that you were there to save that poor thing. Good thing your keeping him. I know its not easy on animals to be moving around like that.

Like Chris said, you have a lot of crazy people and crazy things going on in your life. You do put up with a lot. I can't imagine. I'd probably have nervous brake down with all the stuff going on.

Poor Ellie, with all the stuff going on she must be so scared. I hope she adjusts to everything quickly.

Your cleaning schedule sounds awesome! I can't believe it takes only 55 minutes! Wow, that's really good that you found out about it. I'm sure it'll make things a lot easier on you.
Wow, I was gone for a few days and missed a lot!

I am SO sorry about your father-in-law. I can relate with the craziness and it is never easy to deal with. I'm glad that you have Woody back though and are going to keep him. Sounds like that poor dog deserves a good forever-home. AJ is definitely at "that age" where kids tend to want to be around animals a lot but don't necessarily know how to behave with or treat them yet. I remember when my dad's wife's kids (3 and 5 at the time) decided that they were ALL about her dog and constantly wanted to be petting, poking, prodding, and playing with him. The problem was that he was an 8 year old, 100+ pound malamute/wolf cross that wanted no part of either of them. She had to put some pretty stern rules in effect pretty quickly for the boys to keep them from becoming dog snacks. :D

It sounds like AJ's party was great though, so that is awesome. Did you have one of those "oh my god he's already 2??" moments? :) Did you get a picture of his cake? He looks so cute eating at his little table. And he's eating healthy things, which is a bonus! I work with a couple of kids that eat about 90% total crap, so it's always refreshing to me to see a child happily eating things that are good for him/her.

I lol'd at AJ letting Ellie out. What a pair of conspirators! You always hear about animals "training" their people. I guess Ellie is getting started early with teaching AJ to do her bidding. :rofl: Pretty soon he'll be sneaking her extra pellets and bananas.

As for Phoebe's name (I forget who asked), I have never seen Friends. I actually had to read it a couple times before I remembered; it was a little before my time as I recall. :eek: My rabbits have classical literature names starting with "p" since I am a literature grad student and a huge nerd. I was on a Greek kick when I got Phoebe, so she got a Greek mythology name. To be honest I didn't think they'd learn their names too well plus I thought it would be amusing to give tiny rabbits huge, grandiose names. Turns out they have learned them, both full names and nicknames. Apparently I didn't give them enough credit!
NO! I didn't get a picture of his cake. I didn't do anything special though, just a vanilla cake with vanilla frosting and a number 2 candle. He liked the cake though and it turned out pretty good...for a box cake that is. haha.
I did have that moment when I was like "wow, he's 2! This is crazy!" Then I thought about the next year he would be 3 and he would be able to talk to me better and then the next he would be 4 and going to Pre-K then so on and so forth. I had that moment like the day before his actual birthday.

Yes, I really dislike when kids eat NOTHING but junk. I will feed him fast food and stuff but usually its homemade food. He does eat processed stuff and sugar, but not nearly as much as he eats homemade or fresh foods. He loves fruit and eats all sorts of berries every day. He loves watermelon! He also does pretty good with veggies, some days he doesn't like some stuff but then other days he's fine. I guess like an adult, he just has more picky days than others. haha. But he eats salad and loves it! He eats regular iceberg lettuce, romaine and spinach. He eats all the good stuff like that. For breakfast he usually gets a big plate of fruit like you guys saw, some milk and a hard boiled egg(but just the white, he doesn't like yolk). So he's a pretty good eater! He does well at other peoples houses too, he's not very picky which is SO easy when he goes to someone's house.
He also drinks a lot of water which I think is good, because a lot of kids don't like to drink water, just sweet stuff.
I would be lying if I said that he never ate processed chicken nuggets, because come on...who can resist a chicken nugget? I know I can't! But he more healthy stuff than crappy stuff.

A few weeks ago, I saw a toddler probably AJ's age walking through walmart with a large mcdonalds cup, drinking out of it! This kid was probably like 60 lbs and shorter than AJ who is almost 3 feet tall and weighs 33 lbs. I was disgusted. I'm pretty sure that the dark liquid that the kid was drinking was soda and I think thats BS. AJ has never had soda and I plan to keep it that way, since I cut soda out of my life completely! But seriously, who lets a 2 year old drink soda?! Thats insane.

Anyway, the dog is doing fine. My MIL is coming into town tomorrow evening and she wants Woody back. I put my foot firmly down and told my husband hell no. I'm not doing it again. Its not the dogs fault that my FIL is a crazy person, so he shouldn't have to suffer.

As it turns out my MIL told my FIL to take Woody to the VET to get his shots so they could board him while he went to Florida. It was too much to take him to the VET so he was going to take him to the POUND! I mean really?! I was even more freaking shocked when my husband told me that tonight after he talked to her. I was like "maybe he got confused and thought she said pound?" He was like "no, he just didn't want to take him to the vet and figured the kill shelter would be easier." I swear to the sweet baby jesus that my jaw hit the floor, I smacked myself in the forehead and was like "WTF?!" I'm pretty sure at that point, my brain jumped out of my ear and went to the fridge to find the beer, it was done for the night.
So I guess tomorrow night, we'll have the talk with my MIL to see what the hell is going to happen, but I can go ahead and tell everyone...a big fat nothing. Nothing will happen. He'll continue to live here and put himself and others in danger while he drives while xanex'ed up and he'll wrap his car around a tree or kill someone else. Its horrible. He doesn't even know what time period we're in. He went to Florida 3 MONTHS ago and he things he went 2 WEEKS ago. So he's super confused about when/what day/what month it is. Maybe he has dementia or Alzheimer's? He's only 52 is that early on set or what? I'm going to WebMD it.

Wow, thats pretty deep stuff. But please, let it bring you guys some laughs and feel glad that you're not in this family. I married into that. Good lord. Sometimes, I just want to back of the room slowly and be like "I was never here, I'm a ghost."
So when you guys think you're having bad days, you can read this and be happy that you know when you are and where you are. And that you don't have to deal with that crazy sh*t. I think I should write a freaking book. "The Life and Times of Morgan: You Can't Make This Sh*t Up."

Oh SO done now. Ugh, beer is not my friend.
Yeah time does fly. Some memories that happened years ago seemed like they just happened yesterday.

Yeah, its good that AJ eats good food. I see lots of kids eating junk food like cookies and hamburgers and drinking fruit punch. That's just not good for kids. Especially since you can make some really good tasting healthy food.

Good thing the dog is staying with you. I can't believe he was taking the dog to the pound on purpose. My aunt has Alzheimer's and I don't think she does things like that. And she's 70-80 but you FIL is only 52?! My gosh. That does sound early to be getting Alzheimer's! I would expect maybe he'd get it when he was 80 but 52! geez that's young.

Yeah you should write a book. I'd definitely read it.
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That's the best book name!!! There is a website that may help you with your dog/rabbit/child rules. It's very super awesome and they have all kinds of great stuff!

Oh that is interesting about Phoebe's name. Well I am a super huge fan of Friends. It was before my time too as I am only 22 but I always saw it on nick at nite and stuff so I bought the whole collection and watched em all.

I love your cleaning schedule! That is exactly what I need in my life because its getti g out of hand with all our guests, human and mammal, I need to clean.
Katie, my cleaning schedule is AWESOME! I'll talk to you on your blog about it. haha. Thanks for the link Katie, I'll give that a read.

Anyway, my MIL is coming into town today and my husband has to go pick her up from the airport. I don't think I'm allowed to go with him to get her because he'll want to talk to her alone or whatever. I don't think thats right because I'm part of the family too and the decision involves me GD it! PLUS my husband has a hard time standing up for himself and being "rude" to his mother. I can tell it like it is and I can be nice about it, but we're like ... 3 years passed being nice about it now. His mom doesn't listen to anything, she doesn't care about anything. So nothing anyone says matters because nothing will change. Can I call Adult Protective Services? Thats a real thing right? He's a danger. This whole situation is just screwed up. I'm having a hard time dealing with this...yet again. I've had a headache for two days now and its not going away.

Oh and Woody isn't eating. When he went to my in-laws he was eating this 5 star dog food, it was great. They bought one more bag of it and then started feeding crappy Pedigree. I hate that dog food, its just a pile of crap in a bag. So he was eating this terrible dry food and my FIL insists that he needs canned food with it to eat it, so he was feeding him Skippy cans. That stuff is like made out of horse or something. ITS TERRIBLE. But dogs like junk food so of course he ate it. I got a small bag of pedigree last night at walmart and he's not eating it. I need to go get him some better food, so he'll actually eat it. I know he's looking at me like 'hey, wheres that really good stuff that you fed me before?! Why are you feeding me the crap food?' Poor thing.
But he's stretched out on the couch right now and he's looking pretty happy. So thats good.

And AJ has found the scrubber for the fish tank and refuses to put it back when I ask him. Now he's rubbing it on everything. Too bad, I have a headache and I don't really care. I clean it before we put it up so its okay. Its really not, but he's not listening and I'm not in the mood to get mad about it. When I tell him to do something, he usually just does the opposite anyway, so I'm not in the mood to fight with a toddler. Maybe if I leave him alone, he'll just put it back on his own.

Now to finish my coffee and clean up. LOL We're starting to try different coffee every time we need coffee. So last week I was drinking Cafe Bustelo and this week I'm drinking 8 O'Clock. Its okay, maybe my next cup will be better.

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