My Heart's on Fire for Elvira

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Wish you´d have got that on video....your hubby scared of the really need body armour and a helmet to go and tackle him lol.

Facial expressions are terrible give mom sometimes lets her facial expression get the better of her and you can really see it....she once did that with a friend of mine like....OMG, what´s she doing her was so embarrassing, good job my friend´s known her for a long time and it was Ok but I hate when she does it.
All the testing is done! They are all clean and disease free and they're all banded. The rooster did really well, he just crowed the whole time.
I did all the testing myself, the woman just held the birds for me and directed me with some of them! I feel so proud of myself! I was so nervous when I first started but towards the end...I totally rocked it! hahaha.
I'll get my card in the mail soon and everything will be good to go and good to sell! She said my coops look good and the only thing she had concern with was the grass being too tall on the fence. But I can just pull it up or weed eat it. Apparently it attracts unwanted critters.

I'm going to go back out in a minute and take some pictures! I think I've had too much coffee today and not enough food, I feel super shaky and a little off in the head. LMAO.
Here are pictures of the coops. The pictures were kind of hard to get, because of the coops and the angle and my not great picture taking skills.

Here is the roosters new bachelor pad. The swingset never had swings, it had been long forgotten by the children of its past.


Here is the big coop. Its next to the barn. Behind the coop is another open area for them to be in, its a little hard to see.

That bar that the hen is on is what leads to the other side of the coop, the open part they can get into too.

This is the other side.

So its a huge dog pen with another area the same size as the pen. They have a roosting bar, tons of grass to dig in, a place to dust bathe, and a nice house to stay in thats filled with sand. The roosters house needs feeders and a new door, that should be this weekend and then he can go into his new home. I'll also cover part of his coop with a tarp, so he won't get rained on.
And thats my chicken coops! YAY!
That is so impressive...I love the old swing transformation, what a great way to use it. I´m sure he´ll be very happy once everything is finished and the hens have loads of room. It looks so nice and sunny for them, you´ve done a great job....your are very crafty, my girl, you´ve been hiding your talents lol.
Yay! I'm glad the chickens are healthy clean and disease free!

Your chicken coop looks great! Hopefully when I get chickens ( I will someday) my coop will be as good as yours. Its really nice, you are pretty talented. :)
Well I just put Big Boy in his new home because I think its going to rain and he can't stay in the small dog kennel. So I was reaching in to get him and he pecked the sh*t out of me! I can see where his beak met! It hurts! This damn bird, I'm so sick of him. Thats why he has his own house now and I don't have to mess with him, I can just pour food through the door and water through the fence.
Hopefully I don't get another terrible infection! I washed it really good, but good god almighty, it hurts.

Thanks y'all for thinking my coops are nice! I think they're okay, but I think that I could do more to them and make them better! Always an on going project.
Morgan...That roo would be dinner! I like your coops and the one with the swing set is exactly how I pictured it minus the one swing. If you would hang it up I would buy and send you a swing! Ha
I have some rope, so I could put a swing in there for him! He would probably use it too, he likes to get on the roosting bars and stuff.

Lisa, all roosters are not created equal. I don't blame him, I blame myself for part of it. Because I was a newbie and I didn't learn how to treat a rooster until later and I didn't treat him the way I should have, I didn't state my dominance and establish the correct pecking order. But the other half IS him. He doesn't understand that I'm not a rooster and he's just trying to protect his flock and trying to be a good rooster. He IS a good rooster for the flock but not to me.
There are some roosters who stay sweet their whole lives and some that stay mean their whole lives. I happen to have a mean one.

Now that I got all my chicken stuff out of the way yesterday, my brain feels empty. haha. Like the back of my mind feels lonely and without something to focus on. Since I've been focused on this for months! Now I have to find something else. Oh I house! Or maybe my poor little bunny who's been in a cage for 2 whole days! OH NO! I have so much to do!
This is what has been happening since the chicks got here. I go out and tend to them, I come in and do some house stuff, go back out and tend to chickens, get on here for a little while, get on pinterest for the rest of the day, do some stuff with Ellie and her cage, do some laundry, pinterest app, check chickens, drink lots of coffee, clean the living room, eat no food, wash dishes, cook dinner, dance like a *******, pinterest app, wash dishes, fight with my kid about bed, clean his toys up, bed time for him, check the chickens, sit with Ellie for a few minutes while I pinterest app it, then I watch something on tv AND am on here or pinterest, I laugh to myself, my husband is too scared to ask, shower, check the chickens, put Ellie away, bed at midnight. Then in bed, think about the chickens, think about the weather, the wind, the house, think about how I didn't do something and then think its 3 am and I could TOTALLY do it right now, sit up and then say screw that, go back to sleep, wake up at 6 and think about getting up and then realize that its 6AM and say screw that and go back to sleep until 7:30 then I get up and start the whole day over again. With the worrying thrown in there all around and some tiredness here and there.
Thats my whole day in a nutshell.

Now I can take most of that chicken worry out and what am I supposed to fill that time with? haha. I'll find something else to worry about!
So Ellie has been out of the cage for 2.5 seconds and she has already sprayed my pants and my washing machine! OMG! I was putting something outside and the wind blew my pant leg to my leg and I felt the wetness, it was where she sprayed my pants! She's so crazy.

And I also wanted to say that I just spent the last hour of my life, looking at pictures of baby alpacas. Best. Hour. Of. My. Life.

I think we got our names taken away again. Weird.
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Wow what a day!
Ellie must have been mad at you lol.
Lol, alpaca babies. Yesterday I spent an hour watching videos on YouTube of songs mixed with goats. It was so fun lol. Yeah our names are gone!
Hopefully you can get that spay done soon. I just hate being sprayed! It's so yucky!

On someone's thread, one of the moderators said they did a reset to get rid of the senior/junior member designation, so now it's just our first names, but yeah, everyone has to reenter them now.
My love for my animals never ends.
I just spent the last 20 minutes in the rain and 40 mph wind gusts, putting a tarp over half of the rooster coop. He was terrified and squawking and flying into the sides of the coop, but I got that damn thing put on. I'm wet and hot and irritated that I didn't do this yesterday when it wasn't raining. Now, its not going to rain. It only rained while I did it. Now its done. What is Zeus' problem?
Its been threatening to rain for the last 3 days, the only thing it does is get dark and then drop 3 drops of rain and then its sunny again. Makes no sense. Make up your mind Zeus! Are you going to make it rain or not?! Stop toying with us!
The only reason I'm concerned about the rain is because I just got new plants the other day and I don't want to water them if its going to rain, but I need to water them if it isn't going to rain.

I want a cheese burger.
Lol. I know what you mean about the rain. It only wants to rain when you're in it lol.

HA! I love that picture of Ellie!!!! She's too funny!
The weather got me too today. The dog needed bathed and I was planning on doing it this weekend but heard the front coming through tonight will keep temps in the 60"s so figured I HAD to do it today. Grrrr!!! Bathing him is not fun especially when it happens when I didn't want it to but 60's too cool to do it outside with hose and that's way easier (although still not easy) than doing it inside. What made it even more fun was the crazy 40mph winds we had all day long before the storms showed up.

When a storm finally hit I went into the garage to tell hubby heads up, he was working and wearing ear muffs so knew he probably wouldn't notice anything till the place blew down on him. He had one window open 3 inches and rain was coming in at a fast rate, I got rained on and wasn't even outside. Then it started pouring in under a door that was shut and the door is about five inches off the ground, I don't know if the wind was blowing that hard or the rain was coming so fast that it got that high in the yard. So then I got to grab the shop vac. Before I could suck up all the water I had to unclog a bunch of hay and bunny poos. That's why I don't use it for cleaning around Thump's cage.
I tried to use the shop vac like twice vacuuming up rabbit stuff and it was terrible, the hay and poop got stuck in the hose and it never worked right. I kind of hate our shop vac to be honest. So now if I have to vacuum, I use the regular house one and it does a fine job. I just clean the trap thing out when I use it. What is that called? A canister? Whats wrong with me? I'm so dumb tonight. haha.

I'm watching this scary movie called The Awakening, its freaking me out a little bit. But the guy in it is really handsome, so thats a plus.

So earlier when I took that picture of Ellie, I was sitting in the floor eating that bag of pretzels. She decided that she liked the pretzels and wanted them. I ate them all and the bag was sitting next to me. She kept putting her head in the bag and lifting it up and wearing it like she was in the picture. haha. I thought I was going to miss the opportunity of the picture because she wouldn't keep it on her head for long, but I was fast enough to get it!
She did steal a pretzel from the bag and ran away with it! She ate like half of it before I got to her, I was on pinterest and its hard to get my wide ass off the floor sometimes! haha. I hope she doesn't have tummy issues because of the half of the pretzel. Maybe it wasn't half, but like one of the humps. She's such a nut.

Yep, this movie almost made me pee my pants. I usually don't get scared, but when they're British and all gray and dark and whatnot, I get a little freaked out.
EDIT: That movie turned out to be more sad than scary. It had some jumpy moments but it actually made me cry. The end was happy, but the moments before the end were a little heart breaking. If you haven't seen it, I really suggest it. The Awakening.
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Haha, Ellie's such a funny girl. I bet the inside of that bag smelled really nice and tasty. At least it was only a pretzel. My sisters rabbit stole her daughters chocolate candy bar.
Oh no! I couldn't imagine if Ellie got a candy bar! I hope her bun is okay! They just have such a knack for eating the stuff that they shouldn't and they always seem to have this massive sweet tooth.
Oh yeah, he survived. This was years ago. The 2 lb candy bar was stashed under the bed. Her daughter went to get it, and all that was left was the wrapper. Rabbits are sugar fanatics. It's like a drug to them.

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