Hahaha. Lisa, too bad my face is ALWAYS like that! I'm naturally bitchy anyway, if you guys didn't know, so my face is always like that. Especially if I'm cleaning or doing something with my hands, its a serious face then! haha. My mom and grandmother both have chronic bitchface too, so I don't even notice it. But sometimes I'll have to ask my mom whats wrong because her face will be into the super bitch face and she's usually thinking about something and thats her "thinking" face too. hahaha. Thats pretty bad when your thinking face is your mean face and your mean face is your all the time face. Story of my life.
When I'm around my husbands family I have to be really aware of my facial expressions, because I don't want them to be like why does she always look so mad all the time? Well like towards the end of all of our visits I can't control it anymore, because I'm usually exhausted and then the face sneaks out of hiding and BAM super bitch face until we leave. LOL
Jenny, I think I will lessen Ellie's pellets a little. She eats a lot of hay and I never really thought about the pellets. I'm being really slack with her greens and I hate it. I don't know why I haven't been giving her a bunch of stuff. She gets a handful of cilantro and a green leaf or romaine lettuce leaf, so I think thats okay. But it should be more. She looks bigger in pictures than she really is. She is tiny. I think she weighs about 2 lbs, its like she stopped growing at 4 months and stayed that size. Her head seems kind of big! haha. But her looks have changed and she looks like an adult rabbit but still has the tiny body of a baby. She is like half the size of Foo over all size wise and like a third of her weight. She's definitely small. I'll try to get a picture that shows her size better, like her with my shoe or something.
Once I get my head together after the testing today, I'll be able to focus on other things better. I feel like I've been concentrating on the birds more than the other animals because of the testing. This is why I am a tester, so I can just test every year and not have to worry about someone coming here. I hate when people come to my house, it makes me feel inadequate. But once the testing is over, I can get to the other animals that aren't being inspected! haha. I've been taking care of all of them, so don't think I'm being neglectful, but its hard to manage them all. Especially when you have a flock of birds stuck in your head.
I'm drinking my before the pot of coffee was done cup of coffee, the super strong cup. So I can go out and clean up some stuff in the coops. The birds are all in their small dog kennels, those poor babies are being pecked by Hen. She's been very rude to them lately, they're establishing a pecking order. Big Boy is in his small kennel on top of the other kennel and he has been crowing non stop since like 4 am. He's pissed.
OHH my husband had to get Big Boy out of the coop last night because I wasn't doing it. So we went out there with the oil lantern and I got all the chicks and the hen in the kennel and last was Big Boy. So my hub takes the lantern in the coop and puts it in the house and kind of swings it at him to get him to walk out. Big came out the hub with talons flying! hahaha. It was so funny, he jumped back and was like "OMFG I'M GOING TO DIE!" Then Big came out of the house and walked around, he was SO mad. My hub pinned him down with the broom and grabbed him. He said he was pretty hefty, so I'm thinking he's gained some weight. But my husband was shaking after that encounter. I was like, "now you know why I don't want to deal with him!" He was like "yeah, that was terrifying, all I saw was this big ass bird jumping up at me with this long claws and those spurs!" bahahahahaha. I laughed so hard at him.
And that kids, is why the rooster gets his own house. LOL
Now off to get some stuff done! Yay! My dad is coming to watch AJ while I'm out testing, so I don't have to worry about it.
I'll take some pictures of the coops. They're nothing special, but the chickens seem to like them and thats all that matters.
OHHH! My hen laid an egg yesterday! I was looking for her last night, so I went to where she was earlier in the day and there was an egg. Its a little on the small side, but thats because its her first one after not laying for a long time. Hopefully it doesn't kill her. The last egg she laid was when get got weird and I don't want that to happen again, but I can't stop her from laying. I don't think you can spay a hen...but maybe. Anyway, hopefully she's okay. I think she's got enough calcium, the shell was really hard and over all it is a really nice egg! I'm so proud of her. And now I know she isn't laying internally, which is a huge relief to me!
Happy Thursday everyone!