My Heart's on Fire for Elvira

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Oh Morgan, I´m so sorry but I am laughing so much at your naughty little girl....she is a little terror. I wonder if they do bunny muzzles lol. A spay sounds like the solution so you´ll have to think about it seriously, she is a hormonal tornado at the moment.:tantrum:
I agree with Denise, she is the poster child for bunny spays!!!
Lol @ hormonal tornado hahahahaha!
I'm sorry Morgan! Bet you can NOT wait til May!!!
So what kind of cleanse are you using? When you say cleanse I automatically think of colon cleanse, is it a colon cleanse?
BAHAHAHA. Katie no its not a colon cleanse. No, its getting my body cleaned out, to start eating healthier. Its 7 days, day 1 is nothing but fruits, any quantity and fruit other than banana's. Day 2 is nothing but veggies, any type any quantity; with a potato for breakfast. Day 3 is a mixture of fruits and veggies, with no potatoes or bananas. Day 4 is milk and banana's, like 3 big glasses of milk and up to 8 bananas and a special soup that I have to make. Day 5 is beef and tomatoes day, 2 10oz portions of lean beef and 6 whole tomatoes. I also have to up my water intake by a quart to wash out my body. I don't have to eat all the meat but I do have eat all the tomatoes. Day 6 is beef and veggies, an unlimited amount of beef and veggies. Day 7 is brown rice, fruit juices and all the veggies that I can eat.
The good thing is, that I can still drink black coffee! And I think it said something about being able to drink white wine, but I haven't been drinking any wine lately so I probably won't drink.
But with this cleanse it means no more fast food and no more crappy food. I'm going to start cooking clean, with better flour and better oils and better alternatives. More fresh stuff and more balanced meals.
I'm going to completely change my life! haha. Sounds silly and sounds cliche but I really want to change my life. I was thinking about it the other day that when my son starts school I don't want to be the "frumpy" mom I want to be the "active and fit and hot mom". haha. Ya know what I mean?!
And I want to start running.
I have big plans. LOL
Okay, so I have figured it out with Ellie. Other than putting her outside like I so wanted to do yesterday. I'm just going to let her out for monitored out of cage time. I know I said that when she chewed the fridge cord, but I didn't stick to it because sometimes I have other stuff to do and I can't sit there. BUT I'm going to start letting her out after dinner when I would usually be sitting on the couch, I'm just going to sit in the kitchen instead and play with her.
Hopefully she'll want play with me and not chew on anything.
Then between now and when she gets spayed, I have to spend some serious time rabbit proofing my kitchen. I don't think that getting her spayed will stop her chewing, I think she is just a chewer, but I'm going to make sure she can't get anything.
OR I think I might get a metal x-pen for her or something.

OR I'll make her an outside area for her to stay in when its nice.

I hope that getting her spayed is going to help with the chewing and hopefully the grunting she does. And the nipping. She just nipped my finger when I was putting hand my in her cage to get her water dish to change it. She's so crazy.

On the plus side, my husband was not that mad when I told him that she chewed through the washing machine hose. I think its because the washing machine is MINE and I'm the one who uses it and the one is cripples. I thought we had an extra hose, but we don't. I have to go to lowes tonight and get one. Jesus, I live in the store.

Oh and another good thing. The hen is laying eggs again. I've gotten 5 from her. She's laying them everyday again. She's such a good girl. A little calcium deficiency can't keep her down! I think its pretty great that she's still laying considering she is 2 years old. They live to be like 7 but sometimes they stop laying when they get over 1. Maybe she continue for a while! haha. Then the baby hens will be laying soon, when they're like 20 weeks. So now I have 5 eggs from her and 6 from the store that I jumped the gun and bought. Lots of eggs. But I love it.
Here are some pictures of the chicks, I just went out to feed them and they're so crazy. I swear, they eat more feed than I ever could have imagined.

These two roo's couldn't wait for me to scoop the feed out, so they got in the bucket instead. The white one is perched on the side. haha.

There's Blanca. She's turning into a pretty girl.

Here they all are, pecking at the side of the bucket trying to get the feed. haha.

That black one behind the white one, is the big hen. The babies are catching up to her! haha. I can't tell for sure, but I think the white one is Blanca, she's one of the bigger ones. But they're all pretty big now! Oh and blue one next to the white one is Bluebell. She's gorgeous with really nice lacing. LOL
Last post till later I swear!
This is my new hydrangea. This bed is a mess still, so don't look at the weeds and stuff.

My other beds still look weird, I have to add some stuff to them before I share pictures! Nothing has bloomed yet because its still early in the season, but my elephant ear is growing well and it almost has an ear! haha.
I love little Blanca, so like the name for her, it suits her. They all look so big and healthy and so lovely.

Your hydrangea is lovely, they have loads of them in the market right now and I just love them but I can´t have one or it will die. I´ve been trying to persuade my friend to get one as I just love them so much.

When my mom goes, I´m going to get back on track with diet and fitness. I´ve been going back to old ways and eating bad stuff and drinking too much so it will be fruit and veggies and fish and lots of water.....the occasional beer when I´m out but no alcohol in the house again. And lots of swimming this year...I have a massive pool on the complex so I´m going to start to use it :biggrin:
I know, I need to change my eating habits too. I had a funeral today and could only fit into one of my dresses. Ughh! I've gained a little weight since I sold the horse and I'm not hiking up the hill twice a day to feed him. Feeding rabbits just doesn't require the same amount of effort as feeding a horse.

I think Ellie is going to give you gray hairs. That girl is always finding a way to get into trouble. You need some serious bunny proofing to outsmart that clever little bun :) Xpen sounds like a good idea too.
So yet another ridiculous morning in my house. I'll start in order of events.
1) woke up with a headache and a whiny son who wants my protein bar. AHH!
2) my dad got into a motorcycle accident this morning. HE'S OKAY! His girlfriend called me this morning and said that he was taking a left onto a side road and there was a woman on the rode and she took a left into him. He saw it happening to he lifted his leg up so it wouldn't get mushed, but she still threw him from the bike and did lots of damage. He's not a happy camper this morning, but I've yet to talk to him. haha.
3) and the best event. I was making coffee. I was filling the pot up in the sink and looking out the window, when I see Bronco my barn cat running through the yard with an animal in his mouth. I filled my coffee maker up with water and run outside. I went out there to see what it was and make sure it wasn't a bunny and see if it was dead. It wasn't. It was a chipmunk. So this is what happened after finding the chipmunk:
"Bronco, why did you have to catch one of only 2 chipmunks in SC?! OMG, its hurt!" *runs into shed to get rag to pick up the chipmunk* Cusses at Bronco for being a jerk!
The chipmunk starts to run away, Bronco attacks it again. I kicked Bronco to get him away! The chipmunk runs under the gate into the backyard, so I had to run to the other gate. Its running across the yard and I'm running after it, not fast because I didn't want it to stop and me mush it plus I had no shoes on and there are SO many walnuts! So I'm trotting and yelling at the chipmunk "ITS OKAY MR. CHIPMUNK, I JUST WANT TO CHECK YOUR WOOOUNDSSSSS AND GIVE YOU SOME ANTIBIOTICSSSSS!" Then it went under some foliage against the fence and disappeared. I hope its okay, it had a puncture on its tummy and possibly a hurt leg, but maybe he'll make it! Rodents have to be pretty resilient.

It was a little ridiculous though.

I also have to complain about my husband for like 2.5. He is terrible to share a bed with. OMG last night was a little chilly, so I wanted some blanket. He rolled over and took ALL the blanket with him! So I woke up freezing and realized all I had was a cat! He had the whole blanket and sheet! It was so irritating. I think we're going to have to have separate blankets again. I can't take it! He's been doing it a lot and if he's cold he will purposely take the covers FROM me! RUDE! haha. So thats part of the reason I don't sleep well, fighting over covers and fighting to get the elbows off my head and the cats out of my butt or off my head.
And now I'm done complaining! haha.

My washing machine is fixed! I felt so crippled without it! The fridge is pretty dead, I don't know if its actually the cord or if the fridge is dead dead. haha. I'm not sure, but either way its dead and has to be replaced. I'm so sad and I don't even want to think about it because I love my fridge. I told my hub that if we get another one we have to paint it green to match my stove because I don't want mismatching appliances, then I told him I'll paint the microwave and the washer and dryer. haha. And now I'm done!
Hahaha! Morgan, I could just picture you running through the yard barefoot, chasing this totally freaked out little chippie, waving your arms and yelling, 'I just wanna help', and your neighbors looking out the window wondering if you've cracked.:laugh:

Sorry about the fridge. I wonder if that little 2 lb wrecking ball, killed it? Or it may have just been it's time. You could see if it's fixable and an easy fix, but being so old it might not be worth it.

I hope everything is going to be ok with your dad. Motorcycles are a little scary to me. You feel so vulnerable on them. There is like nothing protecting you from anything.
I just talked on the phone with my dad and he's fine. He's just a little sore. Neither one of them were going very fast, so its not that bad. His bike has some damage but not much, they had her towed to Harley so they'll take good care of her there. haha.

I bet my neighbors probably think that I have cracked. But you have to picture them looking out their big picture window looking at me running with a towel and no shoes hollering about wounds and helping a chippie. They would be like *in a real country accent* "well, Jim, it looks like that girl 'cross the way has finally lost it." Jim "oh yeah, whats she doin'?" Wife "she's runnin' through the yard after somethin' yellin' and wavin' her arms! And she ain't got no shoes on!" Jim "shes crazier than a sh*t house rat... " *shakes newspaper out*
Thats how it worked in my mind! hahaa. Because I'm sure they've probably had a conversation about it before. Especially when they're all outside and I'm out with the chickens. haha.

I don't know about the fridge. My hub said he checked the whole cord and there was nothing wrong with the cord. I don't know how he missed the large gag in the cord where she chewed partway through it, but he did. He didn't say anything about it.
I think when I got to lowes tonight to get some flowers, I'll get a cord and just replace it myself. He replaced the plug part, but it still didn't work. BECAUSE ITS NOT THE PLUG ITS THE CORD! But I can't say I know what happened, I had to let him find it, but he didn't and now I have to fix it myself, secretly. hahahahaha.

But first I have to sew up the back of a giant teddy bear.
That's so funny that he didn't find where Ellie chewed the cord. Ha! I'll try and remember to ask my hubby. He may have some suggestion as to the fridge, that's if it doesn't start working after you replace the damaged cord your hubby missed.

Don't you just hate it when cats have to kill something like that or even attack it. Frisky used to hunt all the time and each time I tried to get whatever off of her if it was still alive but she always wound up getting it later. I had two young cat birds sitting in my cherry tomatoes and pooping on them. I tried shooing the birds off. I didn't care if they went somewhere else just not on my tomatoes. One flew out of the garden and instantly was pounced on and killed and I looked for the cat first before shooing it and she was nowhere to be seen.

Sorry to hear about your dad but I am glad that he's OK. People are idiots! Not your dad, the lady that hit him. I hate when I'm behind anyone on a motorcycle because I make sure and concentrate even more so I don't run them over and I hate driving when I feel tense.
:roflmao: THAT'S IT!!! That's exactly what they're saying. Could you just see it! I'm crying here, I'm laughing so hard. They need to make a reality show of your life. WITH the neighbors looking out their window watching what's happening, and saying exactly that.

I can't believe your hubby never saw the chew marks in the cord. Good for Ellie though, haha... It really could just be the cord. Won't hurt to give it a try, and it would be a pretty easy, cheap fix. At least cheaper than a new fridge.

I'm afraid to ask what happened to the bear.
BAHAHAHA. Katie no its not a colon cleanse. No, its getting my body cleaned out, to start eating healthier. Its 7 days, day 1 is nothing but fruits, any quantity and fruit other than banana's. Day 2 is nothing but veggies, any type any quantity; with a potato for breakfast. Day 3 is a mixture of fruits and veggies, with no potatoes or bananas. Day 4 is milk and banana's, like 3 big glasses of milk and up to 8 bananas and a special soup that I have to make. Day 5 is beef and tomatoes day, 2 10oz portions of lean beef and 6 whole tomatoes. I also have to up my water intake by a quart to wash out my body. I don't have to eat all the meat but I do have eat all the tomatoes. Day 6 is beef and veggies, an unlimited amount of beef and veggies. Day 7 is brown rice, fruit juices and all the veggies that I can eat.
The good thing is, that I can still drink black coffee! And I think it said something about being able to drink white wine, but I haven't been drinking any wine lately so I probably won't drink.
But with this cleanse it means no more fast food and no more crappy food. I'm going to start cooking clean, with better flour and better oils and better alternatives. More fresh stuff and more balanced meals.
I'm going to completely change my life! haha. Sounds silly and sounds cliche but I really want to change my life. I was thinking about it the other day that when my son starts school I don't want to be the "frumpy" mom I want to be the "active and fit and hot mom". haha. Ya know what I mean?!
And I want to start running.
I have big plans. LOL

Wow!!! Kudos to you! I could never do that! I'm sure one day I will have to because all the women in my family have gained weight once they hit 30s or so. BUT, they all had kids too. So I wonder if I don't have kids, if that will make a difference. I couldn't eat vegetables all day. I would barf, and then go on a no-food diet. And your running plans! Yay! That's very good!!! Don't you live on a highway? I would be embarrassed that all the people would be talking about me :( I run like an idiot you see...even my dad and Leo make fun of me and I know that other people do too. -_- so embarrassing.
But I am happy for you that you want to make a change and eat right and be healthy and fit! :D good job and you can doooo it!!!!! Woot woot!
I live on a through road, between two towns, but it gets plenty of traffic. I don't think I run like funny or anything! haha. But maybe. I don't know, I always feel weird bending over in my front yard like in my flower beds, because my ass is so wide! haha. Sometimes I do get honks so that makes me feel good, but they're always teenagers and then I feel awkward.
Well, that escalated quickly.

Anyway, I've had WAY too much coffee today! I'm a little...jittery. My rooster is just a-crowing, he doesn't know the sun is up obviously. And I don't like how pandora stops after like 20 songs to ask me if I'm still listening, well YEAH! I'm still listening because its gone on for 20 songs! Plus, who could stop listening to Luke Byran and Eric Church? No one, thats who. Thats the conversation I just had with my phone. Wtf is wrong with me? haha.

Denise, if you could ask your hub what the problem is, that would be great! Its like a 1975 model GE fridge. Its old, so no one tell me its old! I'll cry. It might just be "its time", but I don't want it to be, it makes me so sad to think about! How could I upcycle an old fridge?

Jenny, I should have my own TV show! It would be much better than those stupid Kardashian girls. Oh and nothing bad happened to the bear. AJ got him for christmas from my MIL and it had a split in its back so AJ kept pulling stuffing out it. I fixed it though. The bear is bigger than AJ, so its huge! haha. Stupid thing has A LOT of stuffing.
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I live on a through road, between two towns, but it gets plenty of traffic. I don't think I run like funny or anything! haha. But maybe. I don't know, I always feel weird bending over in my front yard like in my flower beds, because my ass is so wide! haha. Sometimes I do get honks so that makes me feel good, but they're always teenagers and then I feel awkward.
Well, that escalated quickly.

Anyway, I've had WAY too much coffee today! I'm a little...jittery. My rooster is just a-crowing, he doesn't know the sun is up obviously. And I don't like how pandora stops after like 20 songs to ask me if I'm still listening, well YEAH! I'm still listening because its gone on for 20 songs! Plus, who could stop listening to Luke Byran and Eric Church? No one, thats who. Thats the conversation I just had with my phone. Wtf is wrong with me? haha.
Lol. Damn teenagers!!!!

Yes exactly!!!! Pandora is being dumb! If I wasnt listening I would turn it off so I don't waste battery on my phone DUHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!
And if I'm listening on the computer I would turn it off and watch TV Instead lol
But I totally agree. I cannot stop listening to Eric church. He is one of my favorites. I can listen to his cds over and over and over and then if Leo gets in the truck with me and we already listened to the cd twice he's like OMG I have to change it now!!!! I yell at my phone too though, when it plays the commercials as well. I think they're so stupid for playing those annoying commercials. I don't know if every one has the same commercials as me but damn it I get tired of hearing about McDonalds, jack in the box, and massage school...gross!
HAhaha. Katie, mine are for the hair school in town! haha. Its annoying. And its really annoying that my PS3 always has to update itself and it takes FOREVER. Because it just updated something--10 minutes and now its installing...45 minutes.

So I was just thinking about Denise's cat killing a bird after catching it in mid air. We had a cat that did that, he was like 12 when he did it. It was crazy to watch. But this same cat full on lion attacked me once. He was rolling in an ant pile and I walked over the try to get him off. I tried to push him off with my foot and he wouldn't get off, so I was like whatever then started to walk away. I was walking up a small hill and I heard rustling from behind me and turned to see this 30 lb cat flying at me like a lion attacks a wildebeest. He makes contact with my hip and totally took me down in the yard, he bit me and dug his claws into me. In my mind it all happened in slow motion and I'm all like "NOOOOO! *puts hands up to save the face*" And he's flying through the air with huge claws outstretched and is making the cougar noises and takes down the wildebeest, which is me. haha. It was hilarious. My mom saw it from the kitchen and came out laughing so hard. She didn't even help me up because she was laughing so hard.

It was her cat. haha. Explains a lot.
And he was seriously 30 lbs. He was part maine coon or something, he was tall and big and his name was Biggen. HA! Actually his name was Casey Cletus Biggen. Casey when he was a kitten, then Cletus because of the movie The Clumps, where the old lady was like "Come'on Cletus! You'll walk over but you'll limp back!" my mom thought that was hilarious and he was always a very volatile cat. Then Biggen because he turned out to be a big boneded boy! haha.

I also watch my cats daily take down butterflies. I'm like yeah, you're real tough cats for killing the monarchs! But I try to save a lot of them. Cats are nuts, moral of the story. LOL

Yes I said "boneded." I have to stop, I'm cracking myself up too much now!
Morgan, I can so imagine you running barefoot after that chipmunk, telling him to stop running while you give him first aid hahaha.

Yeeeeees, get yourself a reality show, you´d be much more interesting than the Kardashians and more entertaining......hope the chipmunk is OK poor little fellow.

Do try and fix your fridge cord....I fixed a clients curtain rail today and it´s working perfectly.... I am so handy and I was so pleased as the curtains weighed a tone, took me ages to hang them again but it was well worth it.

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