My Heart's on Fire for Elvira

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Morgan. Settle something for me. I work with these three medics I call the stooges. Every freaking day at lunch we have the same damn barbecue conversation. One kid is from out of Charlotte. This is the gist of the conversation. Someone mentions barbecue or vinegar. Kid from Charlotte says vinegar is the best thing for barbecue. Stooge 1 goes on to tell him how messed up it is to put vinegar on barbecue. Stooge 2 says something about being a backwards southern. Kid from Charlotte chimes in that we're the backwards ones and we probably dont even put vinegar on french fries. Next day repeat conversation....

Answer me this. Do people in North Carolina use vinegar as a sauce for barbecue? Do people from North Carolina indeed put oil and vinegar on their french fries?
And can you please explain to me how this same conversation happens every single day!
Vinegar based sauce is what we eat here! Hes not wrong! BUT there are a ton of different styles of barbecue, all good in their own way.
The Charlotte way is vinegar based sauce though. Ask him if he ever went to Bubba's BBQ on Sunset, thats the best barbecue and coleslaw in town, they just bring you a sweet tea when you walk in the door! The coleslaw is mustard based and its damn delicious! Makes me wish I wasn't a vegetarian so I could go eat the barbecue.
(As I shove a veggie hummus wrap into my face. :tears2:)

As for the oil and vinegar on the fries, no. I've never seen that done, but I like mustard on my fries. Don't British people put vinegar on their chips? When I eat fish and chips, I put vinegar on both things.

I know Texas has a really saucy barbecue right? I don't like the saucy kind that much. And when I make my own barbecue, I make a vinegar based red pepper sauce.
Eastern and Western Carolina barbecue are different though. Eastern style is what I make, with the vinegar and pepper, no tomato sauce. Western is vinegar with a bit of tomato sauce in it, like ketchup. But the Western is still pretty thin and vinegary, not like thick bottle sauce.

You guys need more to talk about than barbecue. Do you eat barbecue all the time? LOL I would bring a list of things to talk about it, because that conversation would get real old!
Wow, so many varieties. And yes we brits have salt and vinegar on our fish & chips, not the same without it. Onvthings I always have when I go back to England is good old yorkshire fish & chips !!
Well at least that's cleared up! Morgan we're medics! We have loads of interesting, sometimes disgusting, sometimes morally wrong conversations. Why this one comes up every freaking day at lunch is beyond me.

Yea Texans like to douse their barbecue in sauce. Sauce is what gives the barbecue it's flavor and there are all kinds of contests for it. Will have to give this vinegar barbecue a go some day.
Just to put in my two cents because I am in that kind of mood...

Hubby doesn't like vinegar based barbeque.

I have only found one place where I can get barbeque I like. It's actually a guy that sets up a smoker and barbeques at a local gas station. His sauce is so good that if I could I would just have him give me a gallon of his sauce and a straw and I'd be good!
Denise, I love barbecue sauce like that! Thats so good on its own you could just bathe in it!

I'm glad you got it cleared up, Kaley! I can imagine that your conversations are pretty messed up, but oh well, such is life. LOL My husband I have pretty messed up conversations too sometimes. LOL

Chris, I could totally eat some chips with vinegar and salt. Yum! Sounds SO good!

Stanley, got neutered today! Poor guy is so drowsy still, he can barely stand up and is sort of lulling around. Its so sad to watch! Tomorrow he'll be awake again and normal.

Annie is doing really well, shes on the couch right now. Doing well.

Oh, Stanley just staggered in!
Ellie has found a new friend...AJ.

AJ has never been allowed into the kitchen, 1) because its Ellie's house, 2) because the kitchen is dangerous and the only un-child-proofed thing, 30 because when you're in the living room you can't see into the kitchen and I don't like that.
After, I penned Ellie up in her pen, I still had the baby gate up because AJ just doesn't need to be in the kitchen. I wound up having to take it down because I needed it for the front room and Annie. So now AJ has free roam in the kitchen. Jesus, what a learning experience this has been for me!
So at first he was super excited about being in the kitchen, touching everything, in all the cabinets. CONSTANTLY MESSING WITH ELLIE. I just knew for sure that he was going to get a finger bitten off. I had a talk with him, told him he can't be mean to her, can't pull her ears, can't hit her, can't scream at her.

Then it happened. The other night we were all standing in the kitchen and we look over and Ellie is standing up at the side of her pen and AJ is petting her head. Her eyes were CLOSED! She was so happy! She even did a little headflick away from him! Now whenever he goes in there she stays right around the sides of the pen and wants him to pet her. I told him not to put his fingers in the holes of the pen, but he does anyway, shes so gentle with him! If I put my finger in her pen, she would bite me. LOL

I think its a pretty good thing!
AND she is staying flopped around us now! I can walk into the kitchen now and she'll stay totally flopped out, its so great! I got her a new box and I think she really likes it. She has this tendency to eat the bottoms out of the boxes and then I flip them over and she eats the other side. So the boxes end up looking like donuts. But when they don't have a top, its the funniest thing, because we can see her and she puts her head up through the top of the box like "up periscope, down periscope". Rabbity comic gold.
Anyway, she seems content in her new pen.

Stanley on the other hand, is THE most aggressive cat I've ever seen. Seriously, he just attacks all the other cats. Got into a massive fight with my fat cat last night, there is fur everywhere in my bedroom its terrible! My poor fat cat peed on herself! I had the door open to the front room to let Annie in and out. AJ was on Stanley guard duty, were he shunts Stanley back into the front room. LOL Anyway, we were making macaroni art when I asked my husband where Stanley was, not even 1 minute later, we heard the cat fight! I was like, "oh guess we found Stanley!" Ran up stairs and they're rolling around shredding fur and screaming, it was terrible. Got Stanley back in the front room and he went to sleep. What a jerk! I don't understand what his problem is, I've never seen a cat so aggressive to other cats. But hes fine with people and dogs. He eve lets AJ pick him up! Its so strange.

Woody just got up, so I'm going to take him and Annie outside. This will be her first morning walk!
I'm glad to hear Ellie likes AJ. Maybe she senses he's young and so is nicer to him because of it.

Our cat, Mamma (funny face) doesn't like other cats. She doesn't attack them like Stanley does but she will growl and his at them as well as swipe at them. And she will actually go out of her way to do so. I always thought the problem just might be our other cat Frisky (the two of them did fight a few times) but she is the same with Isabelle, Pepper and Cloud. The three of them pretty much ignore her and aren't bothered but her grumpiness although Pepper does love to follow her around. She likes the big, goofy dog though and will come out from her hidey spot to see him. Hopefully Stanley will calm down some now that he's neutered.
Thats what I'm hoping for, Denise. For him to calm down. Because if not, hes got to find a cat-less home, which is impossible. Or he can stay in the front room forever, which I hate.

Maybe in time he'll get used to them. But what a butthead he is!
How sweet is that little Ellie. She probably does feel his innocence and is a little sweetie with him. I bet AJ loves her, sweet little bunnies are just irresistible. I hope their relationship develops, would be lovely for both.

Stanley sounds like a real grump. A cat who hates cats, maybe he thinks he's a dog lol.
Maybe Ellie just found her person. Like Shya and my dad. Hell he could pick her up and sit on the couch with her. I wouldnt have a face left. Sounds like life is getting pretty lively round your place!!
I think she may have found her person! Like Annie found her person in my husband. I have no animals left who think I'm their person! :bawl:

Hahah JUST KIDDING! They can definitely all pick different people for love! I just feed them all. hahaha I'm only here to feed and scoop poop.

My house is VERY stressful right now. I swear, I haven't eaten in like 3 days, these people and animals are making me insane. I can feel the tension behind my eyes and I think its my brain trying to escape.
My child is the biggest stresser. (Stresser isn't a word, it says so in the squiggly line. Largest pain in my arse would be more like it.) Hes thrown more tantrums in the last 2 days than I can count and I really just want to leave. LOL Like run away! RUN!

It will be okay. Once this child learns how to act. And he won't stop cussing, did I mention that? He just won't! Its like I've been cussing up a storm but I haven't! I've been really good! I said one cuss word the other day and thats the ONE thing he picked up out of a whole day of conversation! Just that one phrase that I said. And yesterday he went through his whole storage of cuss words and used them all day long. It was absolutely ridiculous! I just wanted to warsh his mouth out with soap. But hes two and I think it might make him sick. Next time he has a cussing day, I'm going to get baby soap and wash his mouth out. I just can't take it!

Happy Sunday!
wow Morgan. Just wow. My hubby and I just laughed hysterically. He told me I might as well just quit now before the thing is born. Poor Morgan. You can come run away to my house for the weekend.
Hahahha Kaley! Sometimes, you just get overwhelmed with the days on end of bad behavior and it just makes you want to snap.
They are the easiest until they can walk/talk. Then you wish for them to talk and tell you whats going on, then you wish for them to stop talking. I think I've told AJ to stop talking more in the last week than ever before. He has a running commentary of EVERYTHING. LOL Its ridiculous! From the moment he wakes up, till he finally goes to sleep, hes talking. He woke up this morning and I was doing something so I didn't answer him, he said "mommy, you going to get me up?" 50 times in a row. 50. Finally, I told him to give me a minute and he stopped. Thank god he sleeps in because this was at about 8:30 and I had been up for about 40 minutes and already had 2 cups of coffee.

I went to my moms today to help her get her new cat. Hes a tuxedo cat, named Tux. Hes so sweet and cute! But hes been so beaten up by other male cats that he can barely walk. His front legs, chest, and head are so scarred up from fighting that he looks terrible! But I swear, he is just the sweetest cat! My mom is keeping him because he'll never be able to run away from another cat or a dog, or get out of the way of a car. So hes special needs. I think hes going to be a good boy, and he matches her cat!
Anyway, my point of that was, my husband texted me and asked when I was coming home. I left in a huff, I was so irritated and ready to leave that I was like F y'all, I'm OUT! Hahha. I told him I was on my way, asked if he needed anything and he told me "your son just told me he doesn't like me" thats what he texted me back and I swear to god, I laughed for 5 minutes. I'm laughing again now. Its the funniest thing I've ever heard. It really hurt my husbands feelings, and I feel bad about that, but its funny. He said they were sitting on the couch talking about something and AJ just looks at him and goes "I don't like you". LOL WHAT?! WHY?! I was asking if my hub did something to him or said something? He said no, it was just out of the blue. hahhahaha. Lord have mercy, this kid.
...but at least it wasn't me. I would have flipped.

Kids say the craziest things though. He doesn't understand what he was saying or the weight behind it. But my husband said that AJ is basically a mini-mommy. LOL He walks around cussing at things and yelling and being an a-hole. He said, "you left your little mini-person behind to torment me". Oops! What else does he expect? When you spend like 90% of your time with one person, you're going to act like them. Duh.
I don't know where hes getting the cuss words from though. My most frequently used word is the S word, because it works in so many different ways, its the least dirty, most versatile word there is. Its basically, my favorite word. But he hasn't been saying that one much! Just the other ones. And I really don't cuss that much, and we don't watch adult tv when its just him and I...OMG Orange is the New Black! Thats what it is! I just died! I just came to be realization, that I was watching that show the other day when he was playing and I didn't think he was watching it or paying attention! I WAS SO WRONG! It all makes total sense now!

Oh lord. My husband is going to be thrilled!
Margan, you are a scream. It's like your brains going at 150miles an hour and it never stops, no wonder you have a headache lol. AJ sounds like a real smart kid, fancy saying that to your dad, sure he didn't mean it, kids sometimes say the weirdest things. Sometimes I am glad I live on my own :p
That poor cat, hope he finds a bit of peace with your mom.
This morning, I came downstairs to Ellie standing on a pile of something. As I looked closer, I realized that it was a pile of her pellets. She managed the knock down her pellet bucket, or the cat knocked it down for her, thus spilling 4 lbs of pellets which I'm sure she took to free grazing. It was ridiculous!
Hopefully it doesn't cause a GI upset with all the pellets she ate. Apparently, shes not happy with eating 1/8 cup a day! I gave her a big bunch of cilantro, but I'll keep an eye on her.

4 lbs of pellets, I bet she was in rabbit heaven. LOL
Yes, Morgan they see and hear everything especially when you think they are paying no attention at all.

We don't cuss around the girls either. I take great pride in the fact that twice I have been injured and could have used some stitches and it really hurt but because each time I had at least one of the girls nearby I did not cuss but oh how I wanted to! I did just catch one of the twins casually saying douche bag twice. Of course she heard it from a kid at school and had no idea what it meant or that it was bad otherwise she would have never said it so matter of factly and in my presence. We have gone through discussions on puberty and periods so I gave a very limited explanation of what a douche. The one twin replied when it dawned on her what calling someone that meant was "That's so rude!"

Poor kitty. I'm glad it will have a better life now.

I'm surprised Ellie didn't eat so many pellets that she can still sit up.
LOL Denise, I'm rolling around in my chair thinking about your sweet girls saying douche bag! LOL Awww! Poor girl didn't know what she was saying. But I bet it was shocking to hear her use that phrase casually! Did you laugh, were you mad? I feel like I would have laughed because thats not a normal one for us, but then I would have had to explain it. LOL

AJ is only 2, he really doesn't understand the words. Thankfully, hes stopped cussing. BUT he is at my dads with both step brothers, so hes probably going to come back knowing all sorts of different cuss words and how to body slam people! LOL

I had THE WHOLE DAY to myself yesterday! From 9am until 1am, I was ALONE. My dad took AJ to the Special Olympics to watch my step brother race in the 50 meter and do the long jump. He got a gold metal and a bronze metal, but I'm not sure what event he metaled what in.

I got SO much stuff done! I ordered a pizza because my kitchen was so clean and I didn't want to do the dishes just for myself! I like, super deep cleaned the living room for the first time in months, hand mopped the floor. I went through my drawers and got rid of a ton of stuff, that felt so good!

Annie, got her first bath yesterday! She did pretty well, but then hid under the rocking chair in AJ's room for a few hours afterwards. But she smells and feels so much better now! Shes all soft! She needs to be brushed, shes got this downy coat and I loosened it all up when I bathed her so now shes shedding. Today, I'm going to brush her.

Lots to do today! My husband is leaving for work so I'm alone again for today.
Happy Saturday!
Of course I laughed but just a little as I felt I had to control it somewhat. I couldn't be mad because I just knew she had no idea. That's not normal for us either. I did wait till I heard it the second time even though I heard it clearly the first time because I was so surprised.

Good job and congrats to your step brother!

Alone time can be nice. I know I always prefer cleaning when I'm alone that way it stays clean for a while.

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