Its really depressing! Thats why I was so upset last night, they killed Lady Stark and Rob Stark and his wife. It was ridiculous! My hub and I were left sitting there like, "they're all dead! They're all dead expect the kids!"
Its been a rough 2 weeks for me and TV. We get The Walking Dead from a friend and we got no warning about the second to last episode. I was like, WAY done with that show after that one. I was traumatized. Tonight we're watching the season finale, and tomorrow night will be Game of Thrones season 3 finale, then I can start for real on Mad Men season 6 on netflix and Archer. LOL
Will Annie ever get a real home? I have no idea. Its going to a year or so for her to normal, so she's going to be with me till shes ready to leave. If she doesn't stay with us forever. She really really, likes my hub, so she might just be his dog.
I just looked over at my kid, with a skinned knee and I was like "what happened". My hub answered, "oh, he got hurt on my watch". LOL I had him outside for hours with no problem, hub is home for 4 minutes to watch him while I chop veggies and hes wounded. MEN.
We're about to watch a movie on netflix called Rotisserie Chicken. Lord have mercy, what will they think of next? Oh my god, its literally a movie of a rotisserie chicken, but its in reverse, so it starts out cooked and ends raw. For an hour and 13 minutes? WHAT?! I hate tv. Netflix sucks.
Have a good night everyone!