MPHF and their bun Floppy need some good wishes

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This is great news :). Sounds like they are in excellent hands at the vets. It must be a relief o you (and your mum) knowing they can stay there in case of any emergency.

What a good boy Harley is - and he was obviously pleased to see his mum :)

Floppy is doing great this morning. The nurse looking after her said that she is eating well and was good taking her meds too!!! We can go and get her on monday at 4.50pm.
Thanks Karen for the fleeces. they came this morning.:thanks:
Thats ok glad they arrived hope they will be of use.
Wonderful news that she is doing so well xx Bet you cant wait until monday now. You will be so happy to have her home with you xx
I'm very excited about getting them home again but finding it quite scary also. I want to do everything right for her and i will be watching her so closely to make sure she is happy and comfortable.
I noticed yesterday at the vets they have got me a little bag together to bring home. It had metacam in, some critical care and some tablets (I think!). I dont think i will have any problem with giving Floppy medication as if it smells good she wants it.:biggrin2:
Hey you will be just great at looking after her, you care so much for her you couldnt be anything but.
I bet she will be the perfect patient and she will have Harley to look after her too xx
I hope you both had a good time last night. I'm heading out now (off to see my grandparents near London) but I hope everything goes great when you go to pick her up.
We now have Floppy and Harley home. Floppy is looking really good and is beginning to put a bit of weight on it. She has come home with Metacam and Baytril.
Oh yeah, Hannahs home too and has had a great time!:hugsquish:

Your family is all back under one roof again :)

That's brilliant :D
Floppy is doing well this morning. She has had her meds and pellets. Harley has been chewing the vetbed so we had to take it out. Now she just has fleece. She is resting a lot and is still very sleepy. :)
Aw. What a pickle Harley is. Fleece should be fine :)

Laura at the vets was saying how cute Harley is, and also commented on how good it must feel for you guys to get then both home. :) Your two are very well known.
Last night we saw Laura then going home on her bike. :) And it does feel really good to have them home, it's put my mind at rest :D
She has to go back to the vets next week for Joe to check the wound and then another appointment for another x-ray in 3 weeks to see how it's healing.
Here are a couple of pics of Floppy's shaven leg, we couldn't manage to get a pic of the actual wound because it is on the back of her leg.




She is also beginning to put a bit more weight on it now as well. I also forgot to mention earlier, she's not allowed to be handled for about 2 months... :(
oh bless her poor thing when they are shaved makes them look so skiny x x That will be so hard not being able to hold her for so long. That is a really long time aswell. x
Aw, she has chicken legs :D

As long as she gets strokes and fuss she won't miss not being handled. Did they give you any advice about how to cut her nails?

She's doing awesomely :)
We didn't get any advice but we will ask next week when we go about her nails. When she has her next x-ray i might ask them to trim her nails then with not being able to hold her it will be hard.

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