MPHF and their bun Floppy need some good wishes

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We are going ahead with surgery tomorrow lunchtime. It's going to cost me around £516 but they said that would be the top amount. She hopefully will be able to come home on thursday morning given everything goes ok. Joe sounds very optimistic and we are quite happy to try anything he suggests.
We are going up later to see them both. We are waiting to hear what time we can go up.
I'm glad you've now spoken to him. Hopefully tomorrow will go smoothly.

Please keep me updated and let me know if I can do anything.
Hopefully she should be out Thursday morning. Are you busy late afternoon today and Thursday? maybe you could be my taxi service...:pleaseplease:
I'm dashing out now (yes, VERY late), home visit shouldn't last longer than quarter past 3 and so should be back by four. The earliest I could probably get to you would be 5ish. Text me to let me know what time you are ok to go. If I can come, I will.

As far as I know I have no plans of Thursday, so I'll try my best to keep the day free and we can cross that bridge when we come to it.

Floppy is having her surgery today.:nerves1
She was heavily sedated last night but when we got the dandelion out we still saw the real Flops!! :p
Harley was looking after her and seemed on top form.
Hannah is also going to Portugal today for four days so i'm going to need lots of support and advice if anyone has any please.:cry2
Sending Floppy all the good vibes and good thoughts in the world.

Loving you Floppy!
I too was wondering.

I've been thinking about you and her all afternoon. I hope you've had a positive update by now.
I phoned at 4.30 and she was still in theatre. They will phone me when she comes out. She must have gone down later than expected. Fingers crossed.:pray:
Oh what a horrid waiting game.

Presumably they had an emergency that had to come first. I sure hope they let you know soon.

Keep yourself busy!

I hope Hannah got off ok?
Hannah is now in sunny Portugal but she is waiting for me to text her about Flops. She is probably worrying as well. I keep thinking "no news is good news"
Yup, no news is good news.

I'm glad Hannah got there ok, and that it's sunny too! She's lucky! She should send the sun our way.

I bet Penguin and Minstrell are enjoying all the attention they are getting :D
They were so cute in the garden yesterday, they kept looking over to see Harley and Floppy and couldn't work out where they were. Minstrel kept jumping and running really quickly, binkying all over the place and now it scares me as he has tiny legs, really skinny, i think one wrong move and it could be him too. When things happen to your buns it makes you so aware of it happening again.
MPHF wrote:
and now it scares me as he has tiny legs, really skinny, i think one wrong move and it could be him too. When things happen to your buns it makes you so aware of it happening again.
Yeah, it's easy to become paranoid, being a bunny slave ;)

the waiting must be killing you. I agree, no news is a good sign :)

When things happen it does make you aware, but also remember that whilst this happened to Floppy this was a fluke landing and any other time she might have landed fine. Their bones are tiny, but strong, but like with people, sometimes they do get broken. It's a case of being aware but not obsessive about it.

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