MPHF and their bun Floppy need some good wishes

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Just heard from the nurse Jo. Joe the vet has had to rush off to do some more surgery but he is going to phone later to talk to me but the nurse said Floppy is in recovery and is waking up very well.:biggrin2:
so far so good!!!
I'll let you all know later when i've heard from the vet but i'm now going to go and play with Minstrel and Penguin.
thank you all. x
glad everything went well :) hope it stays that way and Floppy comes home safe and ready to play...but hell be in a cast wont he?
Have some relaxation time :) Look forward to hearing from you later.
I am soooooo happy but still wary of the battle ahead.
Joe said that it went as well as he expected but took over 3 hours.The bone in her arm, the ulna, was shattered and when they tried to drill into it, it just crumbled. they have a band from the elbow to the tricep and ulna. She has to be very very careful now and must be totally rested. He said she has come round from the anesthetic really well and have just got to make sure her gut is working properly. I have to phone at lunchtime tomorrow to see if she can come home or if she has to stay another night.
She still has a fight on her hands and it's down to her to pull through. Hannah and i will do all we can for her to keep her rested and comfortable.
What a trauma for the poor girl. I'm glad she is doing well, and even more glad she has her Harley boy with her to help comfort her.

I can still lift you tomorrow but me and mum are going to probably go out in the afternoon (but be within reaching distance to lift you if you need it) so if you still need a lift tomorrow then text me as soon as you know.
Goodness! Poor girlie. I'm glad she came through surgery ok. I hope she has some good pain medicine for that!
thanks Tracy. will text you when i know anything.
I think she will be on pretty strong stuff when she comes home too. She is a tough little lady and i hope she will get through all this.
What a relief that she is recovering after a loonng surgery :shock:. I think having Harley with her will help her chance of recovery - is he stayingwith her until she comes home?

Keeping all positive thoughts coming :hug:

Harley will stay with Floppy until she comes home. This was a great decision (made by Tracy really), when we went to see them Harley was being a real little husbun, snuggling up to Flops, just like he was saying "I'll look after her Mummy". He is a real cutie!!
Sorry, lol. Well, not really sorry he's being ace, sorry it was me who made the decision, that should have been your decision.

Looking forward for a positive update later :)
I'm pleased you made that decision. I would have bought him home and that would be really selfish of me and Floppy might not have been doing so well.:D
i am now getting my front room ready for Floppy and Harleys return. (hopefully today!!) Floppy has got to be in a confined space and we thought of keeping her in her carrier, which the vet thought was a good idea. I want to be completely ready and make her as comfortable as possible, so, what would be the best thing for her to lay on?
what about going to the toilet?
how could i keep her warm/cool?
should i keep the grill front on the carrier? if i take it off she might come out?
i just want to do everything i can and do it right, any info would be great.
thanks for everyones wishes too. it really does mean alot to me. x
I would use fleece for her to lie on (in fact, I bought one for Dumbo when he was going to Karen but decided last night to give it to Floppy as a present, if you want it?).

Actually, something else that might be even better would be vet bed (which I believe you can get from P@H) because when she wees it will soak through.

The risk with her being in a carrier is that you have to move her out to change it, which will be unsettling and painful. I wonder if having a small space, that you can effectively change around her might be better for her. Like a triangle made from your puppy pen sides, or maybe a small space made with NIC grids (have some I can lend you if you want)-that in itself could go inside the puppy pen, which is presumably where Harley will be living?

Whatever you give her to live on and wherever she lives she is going to need to be cleaned out several times a day to avoid her sitting on anything that could irritate her.

To keep her cool its no different from the other buns really, same as with heat, just as long as she can get away from whatever you give her then it should be fine.

We already know she plucks her fur when she is distressed/unhappy, so that is going to be one to keep a close eye on.

I know you want to do this right, but remember there is not really a right now wrong, it's just working out what is best for Floppy, and that may change, and its also about doing the best you can with the info you have at the time, which is what you are doing, and you're doing an ace job :)
Thanks Tracy. I was thinking about her being in the carrier and how awkward it's going to be to move her to clean her, so if you wouldn't mind the NIC grids would be great. We really want to keep Harley in here with her as i think he is a great comfort to her. I think Floppy is going to get spoilt now and she will love it!!!!
Ok, I'll bring them round later.

Harley will obviously still need time to strecth his legs and run but it's a good idea to keep him with Floppy as much as possible. :)
Just heard from the vet. Floppy is doing really well. She is eating, drinking and going to the toilet.:woohoo
But her leg is swollen so they are keeping them in for another 24hours. He said if it were a cat or dog they could bandage it but it wouldn't stay on a rabbit. In one way i'm pleased she is staying in cos i'd hate her to come home and it got worse.
I just hope the swelling goes down and she carries on being such a good girl.

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