Little Miss Big Ears has a new video! I started filming because she was just standing there, which she's never done before. She usually periscopes briefly, then drops back down and goes about her business, but last night she was just standing around, ha! I also reintroduced her to her Quikrete tube, so she goes for a couple runs through it. Watch closely for her standing up for kisses from my boyfriend, too 
PS: To embed a video, just paste the whole url to it, and when you hit Preview Post or Submit Reply, it embeds like magic! (That's all I did above, no coding or tags at all, and this is what it did)
PS: To embed a video, just paste the whole url to it, and when you hit Preview Post or Submit Reply, it embeds like magic! (That's all I did above, no coding or tags at all, and this is what it did)