The days are starting to cool, and Monty is forever growing. I think she's going through her first molt, or changing colors, or something. Her fur comes out with the greatest of ease (there's still fur under it, so she's not going bald) and what's left is darker. Is my baby just growing up, or is it seasonal?
In any case, she's just as cute, and entertaining me every day
Here's the nomster demolishing her biggest salad yet:
And then some random nosing around in the kitchen:
In the second video, you can seewhere her back is a little darker, and a line on her legs where the loose fuzz hasn't come out yet.
No bunny blog entry is complete without silly pics, so here's a couple new ones:
"Did you say SNACK?" (If I intend to share something with her from the fridge, I say "Monty, do you want a snack?" and she's starting to respond to the prompt by following me. If I don't say it, she just curiously watches from a distance.)
"No, it's cool; you can do the dishes while I lay in MY SPOT" --I feel like I have one bunny slipper across both feet