Monty is being an awesome bunny, as usual. She has a playpen now, and gets to hop freely in it whenever she wishes during the day when I'm home. She likes to snuggle, eat, and be a bunny. Yesterday when I got home from work, I somehow got her into her harness and then distracted her from it by letting her investigate my non-bunny-proofed apartment. She did a very good job! She listens when I say "out" (backs up a step and then goes back to something "safer"), and we practiced stepping outside my front door into the hall. I'm on the top floor and there's a skylight, so I think she liked seeing the bright sunshine. Today I let her explore all the way to the bedroom to wake up Beardyman, and he really liked that. She's hilarious when she's being cautious.
Her first out-of-comfort-zone flop yesterday, after exploring on and off over 4 hours.
After this morning's adventure, she flopped here for a nap while I was on the couch:
A couple days ago, stretched out in her playpen. Laying next to her is a 6" by 24" gridded ruler that I use for quilting.
For now, she's napping in her crate. I closed it when she was eating her breakfast pellets so I can get some much-needed relaxation done without hopping up to follow her when she decides to go for another round of exploration. My lower back was really sore yesterday after following her around and stooping so many times to give her treats (just pellets). I'm really super mentally spent lately, working short shifts several days in a row and feeling like I barely have any time for myself. I was supposed to be off yesterday too, but my manager asked me to come help with stocking at 6am (to be clear, though, she asked me the day before, haha). I felt dumb right after I said yes, but I didn't change my answer because I neeeeeeeeed the money so badly that I'm not in a place to refuse extra shifts.
Hope you liked the little update. I have dozens of f'n adorable pics of Monty that I so want you guys to see, but uploading is not something I'm in the mood to fiddle with right now. It's easy, but I also need to clear them all from my phone and back them up on my computer, then make a folder of just Monty pics on it so I can show her off when I'm out and about. People are definitely mystified when I say I have a giant bunny. A giant, litter-trained, GOOD bunny that I allow to run around inside a playpen in my living room. <3
Also: It's worth mentioning that I'm VERY active on Instagram now. Or rather, Monty is. I post a ton of pics of her daily under the username sysdown143 . I'm going to devise a new name soon, though, because this account is more bunny stuff than me stuff