IMHO, she seems full of life yet. I am not at all educated in vet care, but she is alert, has an appetite, and doesn't seem like she's "given up." A good guideline is the three A's: appetite, affection, alertness. She seems to have at least 2 our of 3, and I don't know if she's still giving you affection. If so, it seems worth it to try. But, again, I don't know you or your bunny and only someone who does can make that decision.
I think Panacur might be a good idea, as well as getting her some vet bedding. It's a fleecy-type material that wicks moisture away to keep their skin in better condition. Leaf had two splay-legged babies that she kept in a kiddie pool lined with vet bed (they also had limited mobility). The pool was easy to wash out, the vet bed kept them dry, and it was high enough that they couldn't get out and get themselves into trouble

. Maybe something like this would work. It should cut down on the number of bunny butt baths you have to give her. The company is Royal Pet Bedding, I believe.
In any case, it's going to be a hard process. She may not live much longer even with treatment, but then again the Panacur might do wonders and cure her completely in a month or two. The question then is how likely she is to be treated and how much longer she could expect to live after treatment, assuming it did work, which may not be likely. I can't say anything about her prognosis since I'm not a vet, and only a vet that's seen your bunny can say whether or not they can expect recovery. She may also not recover, but enjoy the last few months of her life happily. In this case, Panacur would be taken to slow the progression of the disease and make her more comfortable. GentleGiants' Ben was a flemmie (I think with EC?) who had limited mobility in the last years of his life, and GG kept him on vet bedding in an extra tub in her house. GG made sure that he had treats all the time, got lots of love, and was able to live out his life comfortably and pass peacefully at home. That story really affected me because Ben was sucha beautiful bunny, and GG gave him such a wonderful gift of happily living out his life in a bunny's heaven, full of treats and love. Another person who has experience with special needs bunnies/hospice care bunnies is Peg (Tinysmom). It's up to you completely, but I'm just telling you some other situations I've read about, and saying you might want to talk to them to see what their ideas on the situation are. BIG HUGS to you and Ms. Monsters. It's a situation no pet owner wants to be in, and the combined experience of others on RO who have been through similar things can help you out, I hope.