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If she was going to pass it on it would already have happened so don't worry about that now.
I'm glad that she likes pedialyte..let us know how she is?
Monsters a little more perky this morning but still not moving around much. I feed her some mushed up pellets last night and some parsley. She ate a couple of regular pellets and drank a little bit of pedialyte. I took some photos of her and a couple of video clips for you but my sisters computer wont see my camera :( even after i installed some files. ERRRR

Right now she's lying down on a towel in living room next to me. After i gave her, her Metecam she tried to take off but didn't get to far.
I gave monsters a little bit of a wash as she was a bit drity and she's pretty lively. Her poops are normal again. As soon as i put her down and took my eye off of her she bolted on me, i looked down next to me and she wasn't there, i freaked up. I have some mushed up pellets on the floor in a bowl for her and she's been eating a bit of that in between cleaning herself.
What a pretty girl. I'm glad that she's eating and pooping again. She does seem very alert, although not very mobile. It is a tough decision as to whether or not she is in too much pain to go on, and only you and your vet can know that. I'm glad she's had such a long, happy life so far, and it may be difficult for her to go through the treatment for EC in any case, given her age. But, like I said, it is a decision that only you and your vet can make. I'm sure you will make the best decision for the situation. Whatever you decide, it sounds like you have a good head on your shoulders and the advice and support of a great family and a rabbit-savvy vet, so it will be the right decision. Either way, Monsters is a beautiful bunny who has been treated to a wonderful life filled with love, and that's all any rabbit can wish for. Good luck to you, your bunnies, and your family, and I'll be praying for her recovery.
This video was heartbreaking to me
this is the way that Babettelooked several months before she was PTS. it progressed to the pointwhere she could not get off her side and developed a pressure sore.

We began to treat her for EC but were really uncertain as to whether that was the problem. We did determine that it was neurological in nature and was affecting her mobility ..possibly adegenerative condition of the spine or a tumor???

Babette remained trying to be active and eating well until her last breath. it was a hard decision.
Monsters looks like she still has a lot of life in her....

i wish her the best..:(

Thanx everyone. I just got home from a long day at work and Monsters was sitting up. I picked up and brought her to the living room so i could check my mail and she didn't want to sit on the towel, she took off hopping. I think she still has the will to live, as she's still eating. She was had a wonderful life with us, she a long time partner who passed a couple of years ago and I recently just paired her up with Fluffy. Monsters isn't her real name. When i sister brought her home she named her Tinker Bell and i renamed her to Monsters cause she was brat and i think she has a multi personalty disorder as she can sweetto a brat in mins.

Here's video 2. She's eatting Lettuce.

She's very cute and has a healthy aoppetite; just very poor mobility

it might be worth asking your vet about treating her with Panacur for ecuniculi (if that is his choice of medications). The medication is inexpensive ,easy to get and may be worth a try.
IMHO, she seems full of life yet. I am not at all educated in vet care, but she is alert, has an appetite, and doesn't seem like she's "given up." A good guideline is the three A's: appetite, affection, alertness. She seems to have at least 2 our of 3, and I don't know if she's still giving you affection. If so, it seems worth it to try. But, again, I don't know you or your bunny and only someone who does can make that decision.

I think Panacur might be a good idea, as well as getting her some vet bedding. It's a fleecy-type material that wicks moisture away to keep their skin in better condition. Leaf had two splay-legged babies that she kept in a kiddie pool lined with vet bed (they also had limited mobility). The pool was easy to wash out, the vet bed kept them dry, and it was high enough that they couldn't get out and get themselves into trouble ;). Maybe something like this would work. It should cut down on the number of bunny butt baths you have to give her. The company is Royal Pet Bedding, I believe.

In any case, it's going to be a hard process. She may not live much longer even with treatment, but then again the Panacur might do wonders and cure her completely in a month or two. The question then is how likely she is to be treated and how much longer she could expect to live after treatment, assuming it did work, which may not be likely. I can't say anything about her prognosis since I'm not a vet, and only a vet that's seen your bunny can say whether or not they can expect recovery. She may also not recover, but enjoy the last few months of her life happily. In this case, Panacur would be taken to slow the progression of the disease and make her more comfortable. GentleGiants' Ben was a flemmie (I think with EC?) who had limited mobility in the last years of his life, and GG kept him on vet bedding in an extra tub in her house. GG made sure that he had treats all the time, got lots of love, and was able to live out his life comfortably and pass peacefully at home. That story really affected me because Ben was sucha beautiful bunny, and GG gave him such a wonderful gift of happily living out his life in a bunny's heaven, full of treats and love. Another person who has experience with special needs bunnies/hospice care bunnies is Peg (Tinysmom). It's up to you completely, but I'm just telling you some other situations I've read about, and saying you might want to talk to them to see what their ideas on the situation are. BIG HUGS to you and Ms. Monsters. It's a situation no pet owner wants to be in, and the combined experience of others on RO who have been through similar things can help you out, I hope.
Since monsters has arrived back home with me, she seems 90% better. I just got home from work and i picked her up and put her on the towel in the living room so i could check my mail and see who's on line and she didn't want to sit there. Later I moved us into my room and gathered all her things and put her in front of my bed. Every time i left to go look for something Monsters was in the hallway, like she saying Where's MOMMY. My sister is her mommy and has since left me in charge and i don't think she coming back anytime soon. She is stillshows a lot ofaffection if u pick her and hold her she'll kiss u. She is the only bunny out of all the Bunnies that gave Kisses.. Sometimes she's stubborn as to who gets them but now that I'm the only one she sees i get them :). I'm not ready to give up on her. She has apt. Tues as long as I get the day off or sometime off to take her.
I'm glad to hear that she's feeling better and gives you lots of kisses! One day I hope my bunnies will trust me that much. Best of luck at the vet, and good to hear she's doing better.

Monsters isn't using her backend again. I gave her some metcam to help with anypain. I also noticed that sounds like grinding teeth but isn't thinking her cold came back.

ETA: It's defentially coming from her nose. It's a little bit wet.. My poor baby.

Monsters has her apt today at 330 and i have to take her by bus and walk as mom's schedule changed and it's cold out. I'll do my best to warm some towels up her.

Her poops most of the day they are nice and solid but over night they get soft. Should i still think she might have EC? is that something i should mention to vet if he doesn't bring it up?

I also think that she may have ec. You could print out some articles from the health section if you wished but denfinitely bring it up to the vet.
I feel sad thinking of you walking and taking the bus..:(

Could any friend of yours drive you there?
I'm not the most social person, so i don't have to many friends. And the couple of friends i have that drive would be working. I wish i could print out some articales but my 2 printers need ink and i haven't gone down to get new ones or to get them refilled. The high for today is 14. So maybe by the time i have to leave it'll get upthere. I drew a map of the campus so i know how to get there without getting lost.
We went to seevet and we saw Dr. Parker :) She's the exotic's vet that oversee's everyone. So she asked what i though was best and I decide we are going to continue her life. She decided to give Monsters a stronger Pain Drug called [shadow=red] Tramadol[/shadow] then she left and came back and said she might have EC so Monsters is also getting Panacur. She said if she does have EC the drug will work but if not and she starts to get worse I need to do what's best for her. Also i am to continue with metacam.

So she's getting Panacur.18ml for 28 days Tramadol.01ml for 30 days

Metacam .38ml untill theres none left.

Sounds like you have a good vet as tramadol is a good pain med.

I just wanted to let you know that it is possible that the Panaur may help and I sure hope that it helps Monsters. if it helps that would be indication that she, indeed, has EC
In my sweet Babette's case the panacur made her worse and I had to discontinue it. You have to be prepared for it to go either way but we sure hope that it helps.

You're a great bunny mom!:)
angieluv wrote:
Sounds like you have a good vet as tramadol is a good pain med.

I just wanted to let you know that it is possible that the Panaur may help and I sure hope that it helps Monsters. if it helps that would be indication that she, indeed, has EC
In my sweet Babette's case the panacur made her worse and I had to discontinue it. You have to be prepared for it to go either way but we sure hope that it helps.

You're a great bunny mom!:)

Thanx Angieluv.

I understand that it might not help. I'm prepared to make that decison when it comes. At the U of S we have a great vet. Even the 4th year Intern was impressed how the way monsters was with me and how i take care of them. I'm always watching them and keeping a close eye on them. I've seen a couple leave me for unkown resaon's and I don't want that to happen again. So anything out of the normal i try and get them checked up right away. Monster's isn't mine but I feel her as if she was. Well I guess now she is mine. Monster's is an non skiddish bunny, u can hold her any postion and she'll be happpy which makes the vets job easier and mine as the parent she can be checked over.

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