Mom Rescued a Lop from being dumped (pics)(Now in my home)

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I get to see him in a few hours.
He is here. His body feels like he lost weight. Loose skin.Looks like he lived inhis carrier.He smells like urine. Slight discharge from his nose. Could be stressed related. Hasa weepy eye. I cleaned himand now to watch if it comes back.
Aww, poor guy. I hope he feels better soon!
:shock:HE PEED! ALOT!
I thought I posted on this on Friday?? :?

It's probably still waiting to be sent on my work computer....hmmduh:?

I'm so glad you're Mom was able to get him before he was released.

The nose and eye could be from the stress, as you said. Hopefully it will clear up.

You're already doing what's needed right now.

Sending prayers and good thoughts.

Aww he is going to be so happy now,and i'm just so happy for the little guy that he's gonna know what love is....what a lucky little guy :)

The first day at my moms house he had no poops. Than started small. Now HUGE!
Sheesh he or she (I need to check) was rattling the pen sooooo hard when the food came out. All this time he or she has been nice till the food went in. Now she is tail up grunting, lungingand I swear growling protecting her pellets.:shock:
Wow! Oh my gosh the poor thing, you think it's because his previous owner kept food from him? How cruel.. poor thing.. He's a lucky Bun to be with such a good bunny person now!

He or she got food when they remembered.
Awww the poor little guy, he's in such better hands now, I'm so glad you rescued him! :D

Barney and Snowy were very protective over their food aswellat first, until they learnt that it always came at the same times everyday, and they began to trust us not to forget them...
jcl_24 wrote:
The way the previous owner treated him is shocking, thank goodness for you and your Mum :)In time, when he realises he won't be going short of food,maybe he will be less aggressive around food?

Jo x

I am sure he will though some never get passed it. Those are the buns I foster anywayz so he he is in good hands.


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