Misty, Charlie and Oliver's Crawl Space

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Nadia, I just read your entire blog and have tosay, you have two of the most adorable bunnies ever! I loved readingabout their antics, and so admire the setup you have for them as well.Two very happy, spoiled bunnies and two very wonderful human bunnyslaves! You guys are such great bunny parents...and Charlie and Mistyare just so sweet...:inlove:

Oh, I have a bit of a theory about the unbonding thing...if Charlie wassick, Misty might have rejected him when she sensed/smelled thatsomething was wrong with him. I suspect that with bunnies (and otheranimals too) it is an instinctive reaction dating back to the days ofliving in the wilds. If one animal in a herd is sick, then the otherswill reject, fight, and drive it out in order to protect the remainingmembers. I had a friend once who owned two dogs, and one of them usedto have severe epileptic attacks. A few hours after one particularlyrough seizure, the other dog (his bonded mate) attacked him. By thenext day she was once again okay with him, but I think his seizurecaused his body to smell differently, and the attack itself most likelyscared the other dog as well. Anyway, that's my guess...so maybe Mistysensed the change in Charlie and her instincts kicked in.
The sand pit is a fantastic idea. Thank you Imight have to get one for Fidget for the spare room. She loves it inthere and it will stop her from eating the carpet. Brilliant Idea. Ihope she likes it as much as your two gorgeous bunnies do.

Happy Birthday to the birthday boy! and Happy easter
Yea I was thinking the same. Put thesandbox in something so the sand is still contained. Idefinately have to get my babies that. They'd loveit!!
Wow, these 2 have such a wonderful life! These pics make me feel like my boys have it bad :shock:
I remember when you first got Misty, and boy has she grown! Charlie isSUCH a handsome boy and was suchhhhh an adorable baby.. my gosh.

I am totally in love with these 2, and they look like they're in thetop 10 most spoiled buns of the world. Thank god you guys beat thatchocolate fight, what a nightmare!
Aww I love the Birthday pictures! Charlie issuch a cutie,I still wish i'd been able to get hislook-a-like that time....:(

Oooh I will have to give the sandpit idea a go too, might stop them digging tunnels in the garden:disgust:
Thanks everyone!!

Bassetluv - I think your theory is a good one. She rejectedhim the minute he got all sickly and weak. Funny how thatinstinct really kicks in isn't it? Terrorizing him one day,and just fine like nothing ever happened the next.

FlopsnWills - my two are ridiculously spoiled - and I have seen pics ofyour guys - I know your boys have a good deal there too! ;)Myguys just get away with murder because they have a whole house to beterrors in.

The sandpit idea is all due to LuvaBun and bunnys_rule63. Isee how much fun their buns have in the sand, and I HAD to get my guysone too.

Today... I regretted the sandpit just a tad. The mess isincredible. Charliecan dig and throw sand about 6feet - that is his record so far. *sigh* :?

Uh oh! Your pictures really made me want a sandpit for my girls. But I guess it wouldn't be the best idea for someonewith carpet and small children.....darn!
The digging box has gone into retirement for a few days - it needs a break (and I need a break!).

Charlie's mission was to get all the sand out and as far away from thebox as possible. While this was cute at first... it's not socute now. lol.

We were watching him, and he digs digs digs, then jumps out the box anddigs at all the sand on the floor, then jumps back in the box and digsdigs digs, then jumps out and sorts it all out.... it's too funny.

He started using it as a litter box though (which I suspected theywould). I need to find a way to sift all the pooout. And someone peed in it, so that was when the cover wentonto it last night (after cleaning out the pee sand).

Neil said that this morning, when he woke up and went to check on thebuns, Charlie was just sitting ON the digging box - just sitting on thelid, looking all forlorn.

LOL. Poor Charlie. I took away the best thing that every happened to him.

I'll probably open it back up today, but I'm trying to figure how I can make them not pee in it... hmm.


HoneyPot wrote:
He started using it as a litter box though (which Isuspected they would). I need to find a way to sift all thepoo out. And someone peed in it, so that was when the coverwent onto it last night (after cleaning out the pee sand).

haha. I was afraid of this! I wanted to create one too, but I thought they might just pee in it!

I love this pic so much:


I dont know if you saw my blog pics of Lucy and Tumnus in the snow box,but they looked exactly like this. Tumnus jumped right in and Lucy wasrunning around testing it.

Great pics!
Awww, poor Charlie. Bad Mommy, spoiling bunnies fun :D;).

Pernod and Perry both used to sit on the cover of our sandpit - like anunsubtle hint that they wanted 'in'. With their sandpit being outside,I didn't have the problem of the mess. Neither ever pee'd in it, thoughwe did have a few poops to start with, so can't really think ofanything to stop them - sorry!

Since Charlie's chocolate scare, he has become the friendliest little bunny!

It's like he and Misty swapped personalities.Now Mistydoesn't want me to touch her (while she was the one begging for petsall the time) and Charlie won't leave my sideall day long.

I'm thinking Misty might be jealous or somehow we lost a bit of ourbond when I was spending all my time with Charlie... and now Charlieisso much friendlier and open to being cuddledandheld and is hanging out with the humans more.

This could also be because he's a bit older and growing out of histeenage years because to be honest, I notices a similar change in Mistythe moment she hit a year old and come to think of it... this could bethe same thing with Charlie.

He's growing up and becomming a little more friendly...

I'm loving it -he's sitting on the top of thesofaright behind my shoulder right now with one paw on my shoulder groomingmy ear. lol.

Nadia, did you come home with another "Bundle of Joy" today? How was the rabbit show? Lots of cute Bunnies?

haha Susan - NO I didn't. Thankfullythere were not a lot of bunnies for sale there today. I didsee Pam, and was going to go over to say hi, but the 20 minutes we werethere were the 20 minutes she was judging, and super busy, so I neverdid get to talk to her. :(

There was a Blue Otter mini rex baby that was for sale, but, it had arunny eye, and I resisted. It was a spunky little girlthough. I was tempted for a moment, but I didn't want to takethe chance with my other two.

I'll likely just keep my eye open at the humane society... i think if I get another, i want to rescue another one.


Neil said that this morning, when he wokeup and went to check on the buns, Charlie was just sitting ON thedigging box - just sitting on the lid, looking all forlorn. LOL. PoorCharlie. I took away the best thing that every happened to him.
aaaawwwww .... poor bunnies! Do you have a place for them to runoutdoors in the nicer weather? Maybe you could restrict the sand box toan outdoor, summertime treat for them. It wouldn't stop them frommessing in it, but you could scoop it the soiled sand and replace it,and then Charlie could fling sand to his heart's content! ;)

I could just see myself introducing a sand box to Anna...she'd flipout, she would be so happy! LOL As it is she goes nutz when I put herin my garden in the springtime...last year she almost succeeded inconstructing the proverbial 'hole to China'!

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