New Pictures! I finally got my pictures off my digital camera, so here's the stack..
Soo... the good news is that I realized I do not need a USB cable toget my photos off my memory card because my printer has a digital cardreader.
The bad news is, I had 500 photos on the camera and had to weed throughthem not to bombard you guys with months worth of pics....
So, here are a few of my favorites from the past couple months.
I realized these are the first real 'together' pictures I will be posting. YAY for bonded bunnies!!!
I'd like to draw your attention to my baseboards!! This is what they work on all night in their room!
I came home to this disaster one day... it was ALL Misty's doing.
This is what they have done to the underside of my boxspring. And it is also where they sleep everynight... intheir hammocks.
Snack time
Sharing. This is before Misty head butts him out of the way.
A Little Bit of Cuddling...
Annddd... somebunnies got a new and improved cage a few daysago. I took apart their individual cages and made them asuper cage! Notice it has no door.. as there is no point, I don't thinkMisty even knows what a cage is for.
:bunnydance:& :brown-bunny