Misty, Charlie and Oliver's Crawl Space

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They are so adorable! Like two little beautiful stuffed animals or something..I just want to cuddle them both.

Give them kisses from me!
Just too cute!!!!!! Charlie is justadorable. I love his markings! Since we got ourbabies from the same breeder, we should see if they have a same mommyor daddy :)

P.S. are you going to the Rabbit show in March (In Brooklin, It's Up near Me :))?
I found a video of Misty as a baby!!! I was so happy I found this. Why the heck did I not take move video?!

This wasI think day 2 of having her. I could notbelieve how hyper she was. That was my first taste of hercraziness.

Oh thats so cute! Holly goes crazylike that too! Bandit is a pretty calm boy. Ishould post some videos I have of them. Definately do thatone day soon!

Oh I also looked at your photos in photobucket, and Holly thinks Charlie is pretty damn cute. Is he single? hehehehehe

Crystal (Bandit & Holly)

LOL - Holly will have to deal with Misty. And I suspect Holly and Charlie are long lost relatives..

Sooo... Charlie ate chocolate, got sick, finallystarting to eat again. Misty, on the same day had her molarstrimmed, stopped eating but has recently started in on the food again.

Two sick bunnies at one time is too much to worry about - I'mexhausted, I don't know how everyone does it. I've been luckyso far that these two have been very healthy (knock on wood).

Now I have another problem. They're un-bonded again.

When I put them together, Misty was attacking Charlie - charging himand nipping. Charlie was sick and not fightingback. So I kept them apart so she wouldn't pick onhim. Now that he is back to normal, I put them together,Charlie tries to mount her as usual, but now she is fighting back bigtime.

They're circling each other, tails in the air. She'scharging, attacking, nipping, grunting. They're chasing eachother around. She's pooping EVERYWHERE AGAIN!!Argh. This sucks.

Last night Charlie got to be in the cage and Misty got to run around...she spent most of the night ON the cage pooping on his head.They can't be alone together at all because they'll spend the wholetime fighting.

Back to the drawing board I guess.

Today I think we're all going to go for a car ride and then have some bonding timein the basement.

They both smell like little vanillabeans. I've been rubbing vanilla on them for days hoping itwas the smell of the vets office that was triggering things.No luck...

HoneyPot wrote:
Last night Charlie got to be in the cage and Misty got torun around... she spent most of the night ON the cage pooping on hishead. They can't be alone together at all because they'llspend the whole time fighting.

I am sorry but that made me laugh.

Hope things start working out soon.
That happened with Wilbur & Jackie, weseparated them for 1 night when one was sick. They ended upfighting it was awful.

We had one big NIC cage so we had to put Jackie in the small rabbitcage. I was heart broken that she had to be inthere. Both of them justsat around staring at eachother looking sad, but when we kept trying to let them out togetherthey would fight.

The only place they got along was on our bed, so every night for over a month we put them on our bed.

Finally I said to my husband we have to make another NIC cage as itwasn't fair to Jackie to live in this tiny cage. No word oflie the day we finished the second cage they became best buddiesagain. So now they have two big NIC cages to share, they loveit they are usually together but sometimes they are in their own cagelooking at each other, it really is quite cute.

Good Luck


So, after a week of hard work, my guys are living together again. Misty is still a little snippy, but otherwise, things are back on track. We did lots of bonding time in the basement (neutral territory). Down in the basement, no problem, back upstairs, Misty was back tobeing snappy- pain in the bunny butt.

Now they're at the point where they're together all the time again, but every now and then Misty will chase Charlie across the room.

They spend 90% of their time cuddling though, so I think all is good with the world again.

Tomorrow Neil and I are going to go to the pet store and get Charlie some birthday treats. We realized today is a holiday (Good Friday) and nothing is open. Duh, so we will celebrate Chummy's birthday tomorrow.



I have a couple photos. These are notbirthday photos, they're "My name is Charlie, I ate Chocolate and now Iam a sick bunny" photos...

This is right after he got home from the vet - poor thing, he was all tired and dopey.


This is him all wrapped up to get some Critical Care and water. He looks so funny.


This is a couple days later... my syringing station (aka coffeetable). Charlie hopped up there on his own to check thingsout and pretend he was watching tv.. I think he might have been tryingto steal the syringe so I couldn't force feed him anymore... excuse themess, it was a hard few days of trying to get him and Misty to eatanything in their path, so I was literally just throwing food on thefloor for them. :)

How adorable...that is the thing with bunniesthey tend to eat anything and everything. I am constantly runningaround after Fidget getting things out of her path.

Are they back to their normal selves now? I hope they start bondingagain. We tried to bond three piggies but two of them kept fighting sowe had to put a "fence" across the cage so they can see each other butthey still fight when we bring them out so i know what its like...yourworried in case anything happens.

Hope it all works out xxx
:balloons:BIRTHDAY PICTURES!!!:balloons:

2 guessesfor to what we got him for his birthday...




Here's the birthday boy


Misty can't be left out of the action of course

Misty making sure everything is up standards

Misty figuring out that the box is for digging

So this is actually funny. They think they are not allowed inthe box because anytime we come into the room, they jump out like "Itwasn't us, we were never in the fun box".

But this morning we woke up to a grand disaster in theirroom. There was some MAJOR digging happeneing right out theside of the box. haha. They love it!

Charlie is the better digger, he shovels and THROWS the sand behind himwith his paws - Misty is a lot more delicate about it. Ithink she doesn't want to mess up her fur too much. WhenCharlie digs, it's like hard core BOY digging. haha. SO CUTE!!

This sandbox cost us $12.
$7 for the tub (it's a under bed storage container - got it from Walmart).
$5 for the sand (it's Play Sand meant for kids sandboxes, so it clean,safe sand - won't hurt them is they give it a taste - which Mistyalready has)

Cheapest birthday present yet - and seems to be the most enjoyable!

Now that is just too cute!! What agreat idea! It looks like so much fun for them. I'msure mine would love something like that. Where did you getthe play sand from? I don't know how I'd feel about all themess I'd always have to clean up though hahahaha
Oops, forgot to say - got the play sand from Home Depot - in their gardening section. I always see it there.

Um.. yeah, the mess is tolerable now because of the novelty, but youare right. The box came with a cover, so I know I can closeit up when I get tired of the cleaning. I am also thinking oflowering the level of the sand to only a few inches. Neilwent a little overboard filling it up, so it's not too hard for them tobe able to shovel it over the sides...

I am also going to construct a 3 sided cardboard box to put the sandbox in, so when they shovel, it will only really be one side they canshovel it out of, which makes it MUCH cleaner.

Oh, how great that it looks like they are getting back to normal - what a relief!

AND - they got a SANDPIT :colors::bunnydance:. Don't theyjust love it! We use play sand in ours too, and it was the best thingwe ever bought. Both Pernod and Perry loved it, and we are hopingShadow will too. Do Misty and Charlie dig, then slide forward in thedug up sand with their front paws? So cute!

Give them both a nose rub from me!


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