Sooo... Charlie ate chocolate, got sick, finallystarting to eat again. Misty, on the same day had her molarstrimmed, stopped eating but has recently started in on the food again.
Two sick bunnies at one time is too much to worry about - I'mexhausted, I don't know how everyone does it. I've been luckyso far that these two have been very healthy (knock on wood).
Now I have another problem. They're un-bonded again.
When I put them together, Misty was attacking Charlie - charging himand nipping. Charlie was sick and not fightingback. So I kept them apart so she wouldn't pick onhim. Now that he is back to normal, I put them together,Charlie tries to mount her as usual, but now she is fighting back bigtime.
They're circling each other, tails in the air. She'scharging, attacking, nipping, grunting. They're chasing eachother around. She's pooping EVERYWHERE AGAIN!!Argh. This sucks.
Last night Charlie got to be in the cage and Misty got to run around...she spent most of the night ON the cage pooping on his head.They can't be alone together at all because they'll spend the wholetime fighting.
Back to the drawing board I guess.
Today I think we're all going to go for a car ride and then have some bonding timein the basement.