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Sorry I've been gone lately. It's my senior year and college applications are rather stressful.
The bunnies are good as are the dogs.
Yesterday we went to the pumpkin patch. I even got a little pumpkin for the bunnies. Anyway, this pumpkin patch is also a small farm. They had some farm animals there sort of on display including turkeys, goats, 2 ponies and a bunch of bunnies. I had my doubts as to whether the buns were speutered, but I think they're meat animals anyway, so that wasn't all that essential, until I noticed 2 rabbits on the opposite side of the chainlink fence. Now, all that separates the farm from the freeway is that chainlink fence, a small hill and the guardrail.
I went and told an employee who responded, "oh, they do that all the time." Needless to say I was furious. As soon as I got home I called animal control and spoke to an officer said he didn't know if the one officer they send out could catch multiple rabbits, but agreed to send someone out. I figured that even if they can't catch them, it's some kind of wake up call to have an animal control officer out to your property.
Hey there!

Sometimes I wonder if Im getting vibes from people- I was just thinking of you this evening and wondering where you've been and how the buns were- and then I see youre online tonight!

Thats awful about the farm place. I hope Animal Control went out and did something about it. Maybe the Humane Society might be worth contacting as well?

Oh and can we get some bunny pictures when you have a chance? I miss your furkids!
I don't have many new pictures, but here are a few.


And my Senior portraits...



Beautiful senior pictures! Your eyes look so pretty and blue! Ive always been jealous of people with brown hair and blue eyes (Im brown hair green eyes) :)

The babies look beautiful as always. Are they still separated?
Aww, thanks for the compliments. Yeah, they're still separated. Those pictures were from one of our attempted bonding sessions in the kitchen.
Beautiful pictures! Thanks for sharing them. Yes, those eyes are mighty blue;).

I love this pic, only because my buns don't lay with their legs all the way out like that:shock:.


I'm an awful updater... aren't I...
the bunnies are in side-by-side pens right now as I still attempt to rebond them. I think they're both dozing though.
I had a nice Christmas with family, then we drove to vegas to see my uncle and back here in time for new years.
Yesterday we took a trip to Petco, Target & The Home Depot so I could build Fiona a NIC cage and update Timmy's to match. Pictures are coming... soon... I promise.
So, 2 boxes of NIC panels, 2 4' x 8' plastic wall panels of some sort that make great floors/shelves, one new food cup, one new hay rack, one bird toy, 6 carabiner clips, 300 zip ties, 4 scratches, one cut & one bandaid later...

Okay picture lovers... here you go! The new cages.





Great pictures, i just went through looking at them. You are quite a lovely young lady, very pretty and the most beautiful eyes. You must have alot of Boyfriends?

Refresh my memory (I'm old lol) how did their bond break? They are both so cute. Lucky you live so far away from me or I'd be Bunny Napping the 2 of them.:p

AngelnSnuffy wrote:
I love the Father/Daughter dance pic, how cute! Did you have fun?:)
Yes! The Father/Daughter dances are always fun. Our Mother/Daughter fashion show is coming up quickly.
SOOOSKA wrote:
Great pictures, i just went through looking at them. You are quite a lovely young lady, very pretty and the most beautiful eyes. You must have alot of Boyfriends?

Refresh my memory (I'm old lol) how did their bond break? They are both so cute. Lucky you live so far away from me or I'd be Bunny Napping the 2 of them.:p

Thank you! As for the boyfriends, no... I don't really have time for that sort of thing. Honestly, I have other things I'd rather spend my time on at this point in time.

We don't really know why, but one day they just had a big fight in their cage, so we separated them. Later they bonded to the point of shared playtimes, but they had another fight while I was gone and my mom permanently separated them.

Please don't take them!

Well... you can have Timmy. He's been a bad boy... peeing almost everywhere but his litterbox in his new cage while Fiona has been peeing and pooping only in her litterbox.