Missyscove's Blog

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I'm not sure if anyone still reads this, but I'll let you guys know that I'm leaving tonight, just after midnight, to go to Washington DC, then we come back for two days, then we're going to Turks & Caicos to go scuba diving.
So, I probably won't be posting for a while, but I'll see you all when you come back.
Wow - I'm just now catching up on your blog.....

I hope you have lots of fun....maybe share more pics when you get back??

I'm back!

Well, until Friday night when I leave again for Turks & Caicos.

I had a great time, but there was a little too much powerwalking with my brother. He'd pick where he wanted to go next and I'd find it with my iPhone's GPS and tell him how far away it was. Anything 2 miles or less he'd say, "we can walk that" while I tried unsuccessfully to convince him to take the metro instead.

Now I'm resting, washing clothes, and packing again.

Thanks for the compliments on the bunners. I like to think they're quite cute as well.
I'm back again. This time from Club Med in Turks & Caicos and then a 2 day stay with a friend in Lake Arrowhead.

Turks was awesome. We did 7 dives, I'm now an advanced open water diver, windsurfing, trapeze, trampoline, sailing, sleeping, eating, etc.

Arrowhead was awesome too. We took water skiing lessons and I watched my friend wakeboard, but failed miserably myself.

I have 9 more days in CA then I move off to NY.

I'll try to upload new pictures soon, but right now I'm pretty much physically and mentally exhausted.
I'll never really be ready, but I've started packing if that counts.
I leave Wednesday night at 11:55 or something like that and we get in at 10 am on Thursday. I move in on Friday, so we'll use Thursday to do some last minute shopping and such.

I never realized how stressful these last few days would be though, between my family wanting to spend time with me and my friends, many of whom are also moving away, wanting to see me, and me wanting to just rest or pack or do stuff with my pets.
Don't even get me started on my summer reading book :shock:
My mom is in charge of the bunnies, dogs & fish. It was the understanding when we got Fiona that she was the replacement for my brother Charlie, then we got Timmy to keep her company and I guess he's the replacement for me. Anyway she'll take care of everybody and everybunny until I come back to visit.
Wow, I'm a blogging failure, huh...

I finished up my first semester and, well, let's just say I passed everything I needed to pass. I'm flying back to Ithaca on Friday. It's going to be a big adjustment, considering it was 86 here today and it's 6 in Ithaca at the moment but they're expecting temperatures below zero.

It's weird because I obviously feel at home here in LA, but I absolutely love it there too. It's hard to balance friendships and whatnot between the two. Still, it's nice because I know I made the right choice & I absolutely love the animal science major, so far.

I've got a few new pictures of the buns that I took over break.

Fiona on my bed

Me & Fiona

Timmy disapproves of this tiny train.

Me & Timmy

I'm officially back at school now, midway through my first week.
Last Wednesday I was at home in LA and it was 90 degrees.
This is what the waterfall/gorge looked like today in Ithaca...


Frozen waterfalls and giant ice things are cool and all, but I miss the LA weather.

Edited to add:
Here is the same gorge and waterfall back in November:


I'm supposed to be studying for finals right now, but procrastinating is so much more fun; I figured I should update my blog, though I doubt anyone follows it anymore. I'll try and get some bunny updates in when I'm home again.

I have three finals: statistics today, biology tomorrow and chemistry next tuesday. Then I'm packing and spending some more time with my friends and I fly home next Friday.
9 days to Los Angeles! I can't wait to see my friends and family again, and of course my pets. I also can't wait to eat some good food again.

I've been pretty busy here lately finishing up classes. I've also gotten involved volunteering with the research animals at the vet school. They have a few cats, a lot of dogs, mostly beagles and shepherds, and a few new zealand whites. The rabbits were kind of skittishat first- the woman in charge of the volunteers mentioned that most of the volunteers weren't really interested in rabbits- but they had a really nice setup. Three to a pen in big pens with tubs of hay to eat/ dig in and slices of PVC pipe to play with. Something I'd never thought of that they seemed to enjoy was that they all have buckets to play with. They seem to like pushing them around and sitting in them.

I've gotten so used to little 4-5lb Timmy and Fiona that the bigger bunnies were really a treat for me to be around.
I found a few videos I took of the buns playing in my room back in November and thought I'd go ahead and add them here as well.

I've been back home from college for a few weeks now and I decided it was time to update my blog.

First, the bunners.
Still not bonded. I tried a few bonding sessions, but nothing went all to well. I'm still not giving up though.
Here are some pictures from one day when I put them in a playpen outside.
(she's in a particularly bad molt right now and apologizes for her appearance)







And, second, Timmy






And now for some sadder news. On Friday we had to take our beloved Shadow, one of our two 13 year old Golden Retrievers, to be put to sleep at the vet. Nearly a year ago she had a toe removed because it had cancer in it and the vet estimated that she would have another year. A few weeks ago we noticed the same thing happening to one of her other toes on the same paw and we essentially knew it was only a matter of time. We wrapped it up so she wouldn't lick it and make it worse and decided as long as she was happy and eating and not limping around, we'd keep bandaging it up.
Well, on Friday she just didn't seem interested in getting up, lost appetite and in general wasn't herself.
We brought both dogs up to the vet because we hoped that if Missy was there, she'd understand what happened and wouldn't look for Shadow.
She really did pass peacefully and we know we did the right thing by putting off her pain, but it hurts us so much. We're not sure if Missy knows because sometimes it seems like she is looking for her sister, but she could just be looking for us, or for food, and we're misinterpreting it.
We find ourselves saying "Missy and Shadow" or "the dogs" and then choking up when we realize that there's only one dog now.
At the same time, I keep hearing the clickety-clack of toenails on the floor and expecting her to come bumbling around the corner alongside Missy, or I keep going out into the backyard and expecting to see her lying in her favorite spots.

I still remember the day, nearly 13 years ago, when we went to get them. I was only 6 at the time, but I remember walking through the gate into this family's yard and seeing all the fluffy little puppies and Charlie (my brother) and I each picking one of our own. We had brought a box in the car for them to ride home in but we would only put one puppy in the box at a time because they were identical and didn't have collars yet and we didn't want to mix up our puppies.

I've always wondered if they would have been different if we had chosen eachother's dog. Shadow, Charlie's dog, loved to play ball and would chase the tennis ball maybe 100 times before you would tell her "no more" and she'd finally go lie down. Missy, my dog, has always loved being brushed and pet and even loves to hold your hand.

In conclusion, a few pictures of our beautiful "Shay Shay Muffy" and her sister.






She always loved to rest her chin on things.


RIP Shadow, you will always be missed and always be remembered.
We love you.

Christina, your Bunnies are beautiful as always.

I'm so sorry about Shadow. That must have been a very hard decision to make, even though you made it for her. She looked so relaxed and loved in those pictures.

I'm sure she's watching down on all of your family and especially her friend/sister Missy.

Run Pain Free at thr Rainbow Bridge Shadow.:rainbow:

Susan:pink iris:
I'm so sorry Christina.
Shadow seems like a really good dog, I know for a fact that i'd be so upset if Luca passed. It was the best thing for her, she is probably watching over you and your family right now and also her sister. Rest in peace baby girl.

Thanks for the kind words, guys.

I've now been working at an animal hospital for two weeks and every time a golden retriever comes in, it stings a bit.

On a lighter note, today is my 19th birthday! :)
I picked up two friends from new york and one from florida yesterday and they're staying with me for two weeks. I'm really looking forward to showing them what LA has to offer.
Sadly though, between them and my new full time job, I won't have much time for RO.