Miss Ang and The Snuff

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NZminilops wrote:
This blog is in severe need of updating :grumpy:.

I know, I know :embarrassed:. Not much to tell, the buns are doing very well. Heck, they didn't even know that Winston and Vega were here, thank goodness:agree.

I have some pics. Mostly of the Snuff. He tore up his old flooring, it was all we had at the time we built the cage and was a bit withered, so he easily tore through it:shock:. I wasn't going to pay $20 or $30 for new when I knew I could get something for free, which I did:D. A friend of mine at work, knew a guy that owns a plastics company. She asked him if he had anything, and after about a week (he had to check around), he found some. Not only did I get one piece, but TWO! Yay. It's coral colored and nice! So, first, a pic of the old stuff and what he did to it, then some of his new.


Pretty bad, huh?


Isn't that pretty? I love it! Thanks Sue!


Some toys.


He was being a grumpy butt.



Check out the Oat Hay!


Mid groom.




Having some hay!

That's all for now. I'll get more next time of Miss Angel. Enjoy:).

EDIT: I am going to include a few pics of Snuff's cage door. It helped NZminilops redesign hers, so she thought it would be good for others. My husband came up with this. Notice, the only connectors are on the floor. Zip ties are on the second square in on each side. The pics will show how I lift it up.

Opened, and usually it lays on top of the cage, so the ties can't be tight, kinda loose at the top for mobility.




Inserted into the connectors


Hey Crys, Mat says he's gonna buy me a big bag of zip ties today so I can finally try out your cage door idea :D.

Are you sure you guys aren't married to the same Rob :shock:

P.S I always call your guys hubbies Robbit when I talk about y'all :p..get it, Robbit? Haha!
Haha, I know Jess, I was bad:shock:. Glad you like his cage, I love the color of the new flooring:D.

Well, thought I'd update. Got some new pics from last weekend when I took the babies out for deshedding;). We were out on the picnic table for this, so, don't mind the table:biggrin2:.

In the Snuff ones, the goofy boy was snuggling with the sticks we have on the table at one end:shock:.

Getting ready to groom:D


Here he is, snuggling with sticks:craziness





Now, on to Angel! This neighbor guy just peeled out in the alley! Good thing Ang isn't skittish;)


Trying to see if we can get off the table







My closeup:biggrin2:


Thanks guys! Yes, Snuff is a little strange at times:D.

Silvie, I haven't been doing any bonding sessions, shame, shame, shame on me. I am going to start, I am almost afraid Angel won't bond:(. We'll see, I am going to try the laundry basket sessions and probably dryer and car rides, maybe that is what will work, here's hoping! Thanks for asking Sil;).
Snuffy: "Mom wont cuddle me, so maybe this pile of sticks will? Ahh sticks, I do love thee so..."

Angel "What was that? Why am I here? What's the meaning of life....god I'm beautiful!"

Michelle, you are so funny:p.

OMG, I got a DBF shot! I'm so excited. Normally Snuff will wake up if he hears the camera turn on or me creaking the floor:(. But I got a good one! Well, a few other great shots too! I know, the back of his cage is bad, I decided to give him a hay box, bad idea, he wasted it all:?. He also looks chubby in the pic:shock:. He's not though, he has a TON of hair, it's amazing.



Woke him up, check out this look:p


Grooming shot


Sittin there, not amused


Laying pretty:D


Beautiful pics! I love the DBF pictures.

And you need to get on that bonding, woman. They will be such an amazing couple (now if only they agreed :biggrin2:)