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Blue Sky, you sound like my daughter - she's horse crazy & loves POTC and Reese's too! And she raises N. Dwarfs and Hollands. She is Country Bunny Rabbitry and has her own website, but I'm not sure of the address. (She'll be 14 in April) Are you in 4-H? :)
Name and Questions? I hope Emily hasn't forgotten.
Country Bunny Holly, yup i'm in 4-h, but i only show my rabbits, not my mare. I only show her in open shows and such.

I pick Falling Star Rabbitry for the member hotspot:

1) When did you get your first rabbits?

2) What's the story behind your rabbitry name?

3) Are you in any clubs, like 4-h, ffa?

4) Zac Efron or Orlando Bloom?

5) Cats or Dogs?

6) If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?

7) What's the last movie you saw? Did you like it?

I guess I'll answer..

1) When did you get your first rabbits? I got them about 3 months ago.

2) What's the story behind your rabbitry name? Well I have this star that is always above my house so I decided to call my rabbitry FallingStar Rabbitry.

3) Are you in any clubs, like 4-h, ffa? I'm in a 4-H club.

4) Zac Efron or Orlando Bloom? Orlando Bloom. :inlove:

5) Cats or Dogs? Dogs!

6) If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be? I'd want to live in Alaska.

7) What's the last movie you saw? Did you like it? Superbad and yes I did!!

There ya go everyone! :bunnydance:

FallingStar wrote:
I guess I'll answer..

1) When did you get your first rabbits? I got them about 3 months ago.

2) What's the story behind your rabbitry name? Well I have this star that is always above my house so I decided to call my rabbitry FallingStar Rabbitry.

3) Are you in any clubs, like 4-h, ffa? I'm in a 4-H club.

4) Zac Efron or Orlando Bloom? Orlando Bloom. :inlove:

5) Cats or Dogs? Dogs!

6) If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be? I'd want to live in Alaska.

7) What's the last movie you saw? Did you like it? Superbad and yes I did!!

There ya go everyone! :bunnydance:
I think you forgot to leave a name and question thus ending the game! I demand the game go on!
I pick okiron.



1: Did you like the POTC 3?

2: Are you involved (or was) in any animal related club(s)?

3: Have you ever entered a rabbit(s) in the fair?

4: What's your favorite movie?

5: Have you ever wore un-matching socks/shoes? :p

6: Would you ever wear un-matching socks/shoes?

7: Do you play any sports?

Haha you didn't have to pick me :p


1: Did you like the POTC 3? Nope. Hated it. I need a real ending!!!

2: Are you involved (or was) in any animal related club(s)? Never been really a club type person so no.

3: Have you ever entered a rabbit(s) in the fair? Nope and not planning to.

4: What's your favorite movie?

5: Have you ever wore un-matching socks/shoes? All the time, I rarely match.

6: Would you ever wear un-matching socks/shoes? Yup yup!

7: Do you play any sports? I used to play tennis but not anymore.

I pick....Bo B Bunny!

1. What does the B in Bo B stand for?

2. What is your favorite sit down resturant?

3. What came first, the chicken or the egg?

4. Would you be happy if someone on RO visited you unexpectantly?

5. Would you ever want to receive an animal as a christmas/birthday/wedding/just cause it's a Monday gift?

6. Would you ever where a striped shirt with polka dots pants?
1. What does the B in Bo B stand for? Bo is Bo's name, B is his middle initial but stands for nothing really LOL!

2. What is your favorite sit down resturant? Depends on my mood usually but I really like Chili's

3. What came first, the chicken or the egg? The chicken. The egg would have died if there wasn't a hen to sit on it. :D

4. Would you be happy if someone on RO visited you unexpectantly? NO! my house is a mess! :shock:

5. Would you ever want to receive an animal as a christmas/birthday/wedding/just cause it's a Monday gift? NO! unless hubby gave it to me then he wouldn't complain LOL! He'd never give me an animal unless it was a pig or cow - but he wouldn't even do that most likely.

6. Would you ever where a striped shirt with polka dots pants? No way - it's too busy and tacky!

I pick JimD!

1. How long have you had rabbits?

2. Do you have other pets?

3. How many years have you been married?

4. What is your favorite breakfast food?

5. What would be your dream vacation if money and time were no problem.

6. Have you ever been fired?

7. Do you like to read books? (author?)

8. Have you ever wigged out on a cashier/clerk?

That's it???

That's all ya got???

Sheesh! I thought you guys would be tougher on me than that.

What a bunch of bunnie-huggers!!!!!

I'm off to bed now, but I'll be back in the morning to see what else ya got. :p

If you could be any age, what would it be?

If bunnies didn't exist, what animal would you be slave to?

If you had to trade bunnies (all of them) with someone on the forum, who would it be?

What is your favorite word?

What food do you hate?

Here's my answers:

1. How long have you had rabbits? A little over 4 years.

2. Do you have other pets? At the moment we only have one other pet....Lilah our doggy.

3. How many years have you been married? 26 years this coming March.

4. What is your favorite breakfast food? Coffee and a muffin.

5. What would be your dream vacation if money and time were no problem. To see all 7 Wonders of the World....and then RV to all of the National Parks in the US.

6. Have you ever been fired? If downsizing is the same....yes.

7. Do you like to read books? (author?) Oh my, yes. All time fav: J RR Tolkien, The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings (I'm on my second set because I read them so many times I wore them out).

8. Have you ever wigged out on a cashier/clerk? Only a few times...same guy....the service rep at the car dealer....he's an idiot.

If you had to choose a movie to be the set for your life, what would you choose? Young Frankenstein

If you could be any age, what would it be? 150....I wanna set a record!

If bunnies didn't exist, what animal would you be slave to? A Pet Rock.

If you had to trade bunnies (all of them) with someone on the forum, who would it be? I can think of a lot of bunnies I'd want....but not to trade mine for...NEVER!!

What is your favorite word? "Brunch"

What food do you hate? It's a toss-up (very punny)between tofu, caviar, or poi.


Questions and designated victim to follow......:biggrin2:

Ipick Rosie!!! (maherwoman)

1. What’s the best practical joke you have ever perpetrated or been a victim of?

2. If you could send a day with a famous person, living or dead, who would it be? Why?

3. If you could have one magical talent what would it be?

4. Have you ever been stuck in an elevator?

5. Do you wear a watch?

6. Cash or credit?

7. Paper or plastic bags for groceries?

8. Drinks in cans or bottles?


When was the last time you went to a theme park and what was the most memorable moment that you had there?

If rabbits could be trained to talk like humans what would you teach them to say?

Do you have any phobias? if so, what are they?
Bo B Bunny wrote:
If you had to choose a movie to be the set for your life, what would you choose? Young Frankenstein

Dr. Frederick Frankenstein: Igor, would you mind telling me whose brain I did put in?
Igor: And you won't be angry?
Dr. Frederick Frankenstein: I will NOT be angry.
Igor: Abby someone.
Dr. Frederick Frankenstein: Abby someone. Abby who?
Igor: Abby Normal.
Dr. Frederick Frankenstein: Abby Normal?
Dr. Frederick Frankenstein: Are you saying that I put an abnormal brain into a seven and a half foot long, fifty-four inch wide GORILLA?IS THAT WHAT YOU'RE TELLING ME?:shock:
1. What’s the best practical joke you have ever perpetrated or been a victim of?

When I was about 20, my mother, Em, and I lived in this tiny studio apartment in downtown Long Beach, which is a SCARY place in some areas, and we were in the scariest, to the point where there were drug deals going on in the alleyway next to our complex (and right off our side windows...thank goodness we were on the second floor!).

Well, this creepy-lookin', always-barefoot guy of about 50 started coming into the alleyway (we assumed to buy/sell drugs) everyday...and my mom was simply FREAKED OUT about this character, who we'd named Creepy Guy.

Well, one day, she was out on the big ol' patio we had at the time, and was watering her garden that she had there, bent down to pick something up, and as she bent down, the hose angle changed and the water went up and over the fence, and into the alleyway...AND ONTO CREEPY GUY! :shock:

My mom heard him yell, "HEY!!", and she got all scared, turned off the water, and came back inside...

It's all she could talk about for a bit. Well, this happened just a couple days before April Fool's Day (which is a holiday my family takes quite seriously)...and I just couldn't resist.

When I knew she was on her way home, I double locked the front door, pulled all the blinds down, closed all windows, and when I heard her unlocking the front door, grabbed Em and pretended to hide in the back room. She came in, looked around for me, found me in the back, and said, "What the heck is goin' on in here??"

So, I told her that Creepy Guy had come to the front door, banging on the door, just FURIOUS, asking for that blonde lady that lived there, DEMANDING to see her right now. I told her he had eventually left, but I'd already called the police and they were on their way over.

Oh man, her eyes literally looked like this: :shock: And just before she started to act on it, I couldn't hold in my laughter anymore, and told her APRIL FOOL'S!!!

Oh man, I don't think I've ever seen my mother more relieved!!! LOL!!

Yeah, that was by far the best practical joke I've ever done...period.

2. If you could send a day with a famous person, living or dead, who would it be? Why?

I think I'd like to spend a day with James Taylor. He's my all-time favorite singer/songwriter...and I have a feeling he's a really amazing person to spend time with. :)

3. If you could have one magical talent what would it be?

Hmm...I would like to be able to naturally breathe I could go swimming all I want, and go underwater and just enjoy the quiet, see the fishies, etc.

4. Have you ever been stuck in an elevator?

Nope...that's one adventure I've not had...and don't think I'd like to anytime soon, lol!

5. Do you wear a watch?

Yep! It was my Mother's Day present from Danny & Em last year. :)

6. Cash or credit?

CASH...I've never had a credit card. And my credit is surprisingly good in never having had one, too! LOL

7. Paper or plastic bags for groceries?

I prefer paper...the kitties and the bunnies RELISH paper bags. There's so much you can do with them! :D

8. Drinks in cans or bottles?

I prefer bottles...I tend to be able to taste the metal in my drink if it's from a can. Though Mountain Dew does taste better from a can, for some strange reason.

9. When was the last time you went to a theme park and what was the most memorable moment that you had there?

We surprised Em with a visit to Disneyland on Christmas Eve. It was one of the best days we've ever had as a family. The most memorable moment would have to be during the fireworks show...Em was on a bench (poor kids can't see over parents' heads), and I stood behind her, hugging her...and I thought of what a rough year it'd been, and couldn't help but cry from the emotion of it all. This year was the most beautiful, magical Christmas we've ever had. :)

10. If rabbits could be trained to talk like humans what would you teach them to say?

"I wuff you!!" hehe


"I" *pointing*

11. Do you have any phobias? if so, what are they?

LOL...too many...sharks, small spaces, suffocating, being lost, being forgotten, not being loved...etc. I think most of those are fears other people have, though, when they think about it.

Okay...I pick...lemme think...ZIN!!

What's your favorite game to play?

What's your happiest memory?

What's your favorite season?

How do you like your eggs?

I've heard you're rather you get manicure & pedicures, too?

How long have you had bunnies?

How many bunnies do you have currently (in all)?

What's your heart pet (past or present, any animal)?

Who's your heart bunny?