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I just snapped... screen name as in Zin? or screen name as in GoinBackToCali?

The cali thing is because I went back to raisin' californian bunnies after years of takin in New Zealand easter bunny discards. Also, I was watchin Last Holiday with Queen Latifah at the time I joined, and since I love LL Cool J, and he's in it, and Goin back to Cali was my teenage cruisin song.. I thought it was a cool name for a handle.

Besides, HareLipTheGovernor is one prolly only me and my mom would get.

In case it ever comes up, I do know how to spell, I just type like I talk, which is southern, omiting the -ing on most words, and makin up new ones..

Jeet yet? Naw, 'ont to?

(Did you eat yet? No, do you want to?)

Flashy wrote:

What Christmas decorations do you have up?
- lights on the windows (inside) and draped haphazardly on the wall unit, silver bell thingy on the door, a santa hanging from a light in the hall.

Do you have any hobbies? What are they? - bunnies! (I've actually always made my hobbies my job)

Do you enjoy beingadmin on RO? - hmmm... does one enjoy being addicted to crack?

Have you ever gone out wearing odd shoes by accident? - odd socks, often, and odd shoes on purpose (but that was an80s thing).

Whats the worst fashion disaster from your past? - My life is one looong fashion disaster.

Do you have a personal theme song, and if so, do you ever sing it to yourself while your walkin around? -- hmm... does singing 'Sherry Baby' to Sherry count?

Favorite movie of all time? - Nashville

Favorite 80's song? - oooh... way too many... London Calling (wait, that was '79, never mind), All You Zombies, Beds Are Burning, I Don't Like Mondays, Where the Streets Have No Name, Losing My Religion (oops, '91), We Run, The Rose, Relax, Only A Lad, Cool For Cats, EveryBreath You Take, I Wanna Be Sedated, Time After Time,Do THey Know It's Christmas, I Will Always Love You,Turning Japanese...

Stupidest thing you have EVER done? - quit school

Ever eaten the fruit in coon dog punch? - eh?

Ever dressed unlike yourself to catch someones attention? - every time I go socializing

What do you collect? - magazines and newspapers


K, question for somebody else? Hmmm... bettter post this and then look at the thread again...

sas :biggrin2:
K... I chose MSBINKY!

What do you eat more of than anything else?

What do you cook more of than anything else?

How many languages do you speak?

Who do you secretly admire?

Who's your favourite relative?

Who's your least favourite relative?

Who do you think is the most handsome man alive? (or dead for that matter). ;)

What celebrities have you met?

Where is the farthest you have travelled?

What's your'special' talent?

What's your least special anti-talent?

sas :biggrin2:
Ooooh I didn't know we had this! Lol!

Pipp wrote:
K... I chose MSBINKY!

What do you eat more of than anything else?

What do you cook more of than anything else?

How many languages do you speak?

Who do you secretly admire?

Who's your favourite relative?

Who's your least favourite relative?

Who do you think is the most handsome man alive? (or dead for that matter). ;)

What celebrities have you met?

Where is the farthest you have travelled?

What's your'special' talent?

What's your least special anti-talent?

sas :biggrin2:

What do you eat more of than anything else?

- Salad, definitely salad! I love it so much! I get along great with the bunnies. Hehe.

What do you cook more of than anything else?

- Seafood and rice. I love seafood and it's one of the only things I will actually bother cooking for myself. I also make a ton of rice.

How many languages do you speak?

- 2 and on my way to learning a 3rd. French + English, and then greek.

Who do you secretly admire?

- Mario, for being so calm all the time. I think the world can come crashing down around him and he'll just sit there and say, "Don't worry it's all gonna be alright, you'll see."

Who's your favourite relative?

- My father.

Who's your least favourite relative?

- My mother.

Who do you think is the most handsome man alive? (or dead for that matter). ;)

- No clue! I think my boss is gorgeous though! No, I don't have a thing for him :pAdmit he's cute:

What celebrities have you met?

- Bah I met a few from some local TV shows here. Two I served, 1 I didn't even recognize. LOL. My friend was freaking out :pI was like huh? What? Bah, I don't bug them anyway. I think they are allowed to shop without being bugged.

Where is the farthest you have travelled?

- I went to Greece :)

What's your'special' talent?

- Not so special but I can sing.

What's your least special anti-talent?

Errrrr I'll get back to you on that one :)

Maybe MsBinky forgot, if she doesn't post soon, someone random can choose someone random, lol.
I didn't forget but I passed out yesterday. I made the mistake of mixing alcohol and medicine. :?And well today was Boxing Day so of course I had to work. I hate Boxing day :grumpy:

But okies I take the suggestion and pick Polly :p


1) What did you do for Christmas?

2) What's the sweetest thing someone has done for you?

3) Name your worst or bad memory if too personal.

4) What's the one thing you couldn't live without?

5) What's your pet peeve?

6) Why do you like bunnies?

7) If you could be a celebrity for a day, which would you be?

8) Last movie you saw and how did you find it?

9) If you could live a story or movie which would it be and why?

10) How do you feel about Boxing Day? :p

1) What did you do for Christmas? I went to my husbands parents then to my parents then i came back and crashed out on the sofa :biggrin2:

2) What's the sweetest thing someone has done for you? oh thats hard to choose. umm My friend Mhairi was teh only person who stood by me while i got bullied and stayed my friend. Shealways stood up for me and defended me when she really didn't have to.

3) Name your worst or bad memory if too personal. 20th December last year when i had to watch my heart bunny Dido being put to sleep. Nothing would have stopped me being there but it was terrible to watch and know i was losing him forever.

4) What's the one thing you couldn't live without? my shoe collection:biggrin2:

5) What's your pet peeve? people who bitch behind your back but are to chicken to say it to your face

6) Why do you like bunnies? because when i have a bad day at work or you get someone being nasty they always love you and are always happy to see you. They love you for you!!

7) If you could be a celebrity for a day, which would you be? um I would be kimi Raikkonen (F1 driver) so i could drive a winning F1 car for a day:D

8) Last movie you saw and how did you find it? Santa claus the movie it was good but i missed Rudolph :p

9) If you could live a story or movie which would it be and why? memoirs of a geisha. I would love to be a geisha for a day they fascinate me

10) How do you feel about Boxing Day? :pI love it the shoe sales are on and i don't have to work:D

um i choose Country bunny holly

1) do you like your christmas tree to match or to be odd colours

2) what would be your ideal holiday

3) what is your favourite flower

4) what is your most favourite item of clothing

5) if you went to a spa what treatments would you have and why

6) what is your favourite colour of rabbit

7) what is your favourite disney movie

8) tea or coffee?

9) christmas or new year?

What's the most embarassing thing you have ever done?

What's the most embarassing thing you have seen someone do?

Are you laughing right now?

What things most make you laugh?

What hairstyle do you have?

What colour is your hair?
Not a problem, she will get it when she comes back on :)
polly wrote:
um i choose Country bunny holly

1) do you like your christmas tree to match or to be odd colours

2) what would be your ideal holiday

3) what is your favourite flower

4) what is your most favourite item of clothing

5) if you went to a spa what treatments would you have and why

6) what is your favourite colour of rabbit

7) what is your favourite disney movie

8) tea or coffee?

9) christmas or new year?

So many questions! Ok, here goes:

1) Has to match, white lights only

2) umm. that the British "holiday" as in "vacation"? I dream about going to Tahiti !

3) wildflowers are the best, especially the ones my kids bring me :)

4) has to be comfy - probably my blue jeans - couldn't live without them!

5) pedicure, please! Can't do massages - I'm way too ticklish!

6) Netherlands come in a color called chocolate otter - absolutely beautiful!

7) I think it's Toy Story

8) Iced tea, never any sugar

9) Christmas - I love giving gifts!
Flashy wrote:

What's the most embarassing thing you have ever done?

What's the most embarassing thing you have seen someone do?

Are you laughing right now?

What things most make you laugh?

What hairstyle do you have?

What colour is your hair?

Sorry guys, I was away for Christmas with family and just saw these posts.

Polly's questions were easier! Anyway, when I was in college I was trying to get an autograph from a professional, extremely well known basketball player. I met him outside the locker room and asked him if he knew where said basketball player was, only to find out, it was him! In my defense, I was not a basketball fan, but was trying to get the autograph for my cousin, a huge fan!

My friend Jill gives me lots to chose from here. But we still laugh about the time we were on a conference call with some lawyers regarding a student we were working with. She thought we had ended the call and started telling the rest of us how these people were a bunch of "nutbars," when we heard from the phone "we're still here!" OMG!

Yes, thinking about Jill always makes me laugh! So do my kids. My oldest daughter is very funny, with a dry sense of humor that gets me every time. I love to laugh, and I will miss her when she goes off to college. I also laugh a lot with my mom - she's the best!

HMMM. My hair is in a short bob right now, but I am trying to grow it out - kind of Martha Stewart- ish I'm thinking.

Blonde - but I have to cheat nowadays !LOL
OK - I had to check who was on and who had already been "tagged" I pick BlueSkyAcresRabbitry:

1) What's the best rabbit name you ever came up with?

2) Top 3 movies of all time?

3) Food you couldn't live without?

4) What's your dream job?

5) If you could live anywhere, where would it be?

6) Chocolate - milk, white, or dark?

7) Favorite season, and why?
1) What's the best rabbit name you ever came up with? Ooh, I'd have to say Supreme Dream's Dillonger or Candon's Tricksy Lullaby

2) Top 3 movies of all time? Pirates of the Carribean 3, Harry Potter #4, Free Willy (1,2,3)

3) Food you couldn't live without? Reeses Peanut Butter Cups...oh food, hehe, uhm FRIED POTATOES!

4) What's your dream job? Equestrian Veterinarian working in Kentucky with the top race horses

5) If you could live anywhere, where would it be? Kentucky.....hehe

6) Chocolate - milk, white, or dark? Uhm, White milk at home, chocolate at school.

7) Favorite season, and why? Spring. Not to hot, not too cold.