Hey, what a cool idea! Sorry I'm so late joining in. Okay, here we go!!
1- Are you afraid of the dark?
Not really, but when I read about ghosts, a night light is much appreciated. I've read about Native American skinwalkers a couple times and each time slept with the ceiling light on the whole time and my back against the wall so I could survey the room. Yay imagination?
2- What was your favorite cartoon as a child?
I loved Rainbow Brite. I was on the tail end of the craze since I was born in 1985 and always wanted a doll or one of the floofy tribble like things but my mom could never find one, and she's a creative shopper. Too bad there was no eBay back then! Other than Rainbow Brite, my favorite was Ninja Turtles. I was a girly tomboy.
3 - Do you have any siblings?
One older brother named Brian, he turned 25 a couple months ago. I look just like my mom but we thought he didn't resemble anyone in the family until I saw pictures of my aunt at the age of 5 and 16. She looked like my brother wearing a wig and it was creepy.
4 - If you could meetanybodyin the world who would you like to meet and why?
Does the person need to be living? I know, boring, but if I could meet someone who's died, it would be my grandma because I miss her. Someone living and it would be my host mom from when I lived in Austria. I loved her and her family was my second family. I lived there 2000-2001 and haven't been back since 2003.
5 - What's your favorite Holiday?
I love holidays! Christmas is my favorite, though. I grew up in a family that wasn't religious (my dad has since become Catholic so he could marry his second wife), so I don't do any of the religious things. Christmas is still about sharing, being with family and helping those in need, though. This year I'll be chillin' in my apartment a few hundred miles from my boyfriend and a couple thousand miles from my closest family member.
how many layers of clothes do you have to wear during winter?
I don't have a car and next semester my boyfriend will be working off campus, which means every day I'm going to be walking to the bus stop. The bus stop is a mile and a half away and it's going to be COLD, then the bus is usually 20 minutes late so I get to stand outside longer. So for these trips, I plan to wear long john pants, normal pants, snow pants, thick socks, my winter boots (I'd better find them!), my no slippy titanium gripper things so I don't fall and break my head on the ice, a T-shirt, sweatshirt, gigantor coat that was made in Siberia and makes any day feel like 80 degrees, and a hat. I will probably get some mittens and one of these face masks that warms the air you're breathing in. So I'll be set, though my eyeballs will probably fall out from the cold.
how much daylight do you have today?
I just looked online... We had three hours and 41 minutes of daylight today. Sun came up at 10:59 am and went down at 2:40 pm. BLEH! I prefer the days of 24 hour sun in the summer time and so do my poor, confused cockatiels who are used to rising with the sun (it's their first winter and they like to start squawking in the middle of the night because, heck, they gotta do it sometime!)
Are you currently reading a novel (If so, which one)?
You know, I'm not at the moment. I usually am, but I'm saving all my unread books for the long trip to Louisiana on the 26th.
Have you ever dreamt about your bunnies?
Lots of times! I've had jillions of dreams about Cinnabun. Unfortunately, I usually dreamed that our house was on fire and I was either too much of a weenie to save him (cage was downstairs) or I forgot about him until afterwards. After he died I dreamed about him dying again. One day shortly after he died, I saw a dead opossum in the road. That night I dreamed he came binkying out from behind the couch, then slammed into the floor and turned gray and his features changed and his tongue got huge and was hanging out of his mouth. Not exactly pleasant.
I can't recall any dreams about Rory since we've had him, oddly enough! The night before we went to pick him up from the shelter, I dreamed about him all night and at one point was dreaming he was HUGE, human sized and liked belly rubs. I woke up rubbing my boyfriend's belly. We got a laugh
If you could change one thing about the world what would it be?
Tough one! I'd infuse everyone with a good dose of empathy, tolerance, love and ambition. I figure that should take care of most of our problems.
Have you ever went out to eat on Christmas?
No, but we usually order Pizza Hut on Christmas Eve!
Have you ever died in a dream?
I don't think so, but I've been bitten by snakes and stuff in dreams.
Do you have a cell phone?
Yes, but I can't find it at the moment. I have the cheapest plan available and don't use it all that much.
have you ever fallen off a ski lift?
I've been skiing once, when I lived in Austria. The place had one of those lifts with an upside down T shaped bar that you could either put between your legs up by your butt and it would pull you up the mountain with your skis going over the snow, or two people could go up at once with one arm of the T behind their legs. Understandably, I was really bad at skiing, the lift was moving fast and the stupid rope the T was connected to was extending more and more so it was behind my knees. I had to let go half way up. I also went up it with my host dad who weighed 150 pounds more than me and my arm of the T was behind my back. Had to let go again. Stupid ski lift!
Ever dyed your hair a weird color?
Ugh. My mom has dyed her hair red for years, and on New Years Eve 1999 we dyed my hair red using the same dye she uses. It made my hair freakin' purple, and to add insult to injury she was sloppy with the dye and got a lot on my skin. It always just wiped off her skin, but it dyed mine purple. It was horrible. I'm pretty laid back though so it wasn't the crisis it could have been. Still, I celebrated the new millenium with purple hair and skin.
Also, I know this question wasn't asked of me, but someone did ask it earlier and I'm one of the few people who can say "yes". I changed my name legally when I was 18. I hated my previous name my entire life. It was Brittany Christine. We lived in Wisconsin at the time and my mom thought it was unique. She was horrified when she found how many other girls there are with the name. Both she and my father were fully supportive of me changing it and we actually agreed on my new name, Shiloh Annarose, together. I don't like the middle name (too frou frou for me), but I let my mom pick. Oddly enough, the only person who has had a problem with it is my father's new wife. She hadn't even MET me before I changed it, and it was more than four years ago, but she STILL insists on calling me Brittany. Quite rude, in my opinion, considering that the rest of my family (and I have a huge family) very rarely slips and calls me by the old name.
Anyhoo, the change was easier than you'd think. I just went to the court house, filed a petition (took a minute and a half to fill out), came back the next day to talk to the judge, and that was that. Then I had to get a new ID, change the name on my bank account, change my name on my school records, etc but it really wasn't a hassle. It's been four years and I still love the name Shiloh. I changed it literally the day before I went to college and have introduced myself as Shiloh ever since. My boyfriend (and his family) is the only one of my current friends who knows I used to be Brittany. He found out when he asked me what I'd change my name to if I could. Talk about a surprising answer! He had fun trying to guess what my name had been before (didn't want me to tell him) and agrees that Shiloh is a much nicer name.
That was fun! For the next person, I pick xXMontanaXx!
Questions for Montana:
How many bunnies have you had before Macey and what were there names?
If you could have a wildlife sanctuary, what animals would you take care of?
What's your favorite dinner (and dessert)?
If you were stranded on a deserted island, who would you want to have there with you and why?
Who is your favorite non-Macey bunny on the forum and why?
If you could give everyone in the world one physical item, what would it be and why?
How do you feel about aliens?