Maybe Getting a Flemish

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Thanks!! He's just a sweetboy. I can't get enough of him. I'm sure I'll postmore pictures later this week. I'm taking him to Pittsburgh(if I'm feeling better) this weekend to a friend's house and I'll getsome pictures of him and me there. Plus, he was chasing hertortoise on Friday, so I would love to take pictures of that.It was too funny!

Jenniblu wrote:
I think I'm in love...Shh...don't tell Vash.:p
I think Vash is a big beautiful bunny!! I love the bunny butt! :p

Saffy -- Apparently flemish fever is running rampant! LOL You wouldn't be disappointed.


Oh Goodness! Look at the littlepunkin!!


What an absolute Angel. I love his color as well. Look at those Ears already!! :shock:

Agreed, Mambo. The amount of water they go through comparedto the other buns was quite a surprise to me as well.:)

How I wish I could scoop him upand

He's so adorable! I'm sure you're goingto enjoy him - I know I LOVE Tiny and he is just so special tome....he's 16 weeks old and he comes up and nudges me now and lets mepet him and oh well.....I could go on and on...but this thread is aboutYOUR flemish!

He will be a big boy...that's for sure!

I can't get over his ears. I'm amazedat how big they are. I knew they would get big, butman. When I went to get him, all I could see in their pen wasa sea of ears.

He drinks water like a fiend! He empties a 16 oz water bottleat least once a day and he eats so much. He loves thosepellets.

Today he figured out if he jumped on the clothes basket I was trying toempty he could then jump on the bed. He then stole my glassesfrom my bookshelf beside the bed. What a crazy man!!


TinysMom wrote:
He's so adorable! I'm sure you're going to enjoyhim - I know I LOVE Tiny and he is just so special to me....he's 16weeks old and he comes up and nudges me now and lets me pet him and ohwell.....I could go on and on...but this thread is about YOUR flemish!

He will be a big boy...that's for sure!

Oh, please share your flemish stories!! Tiny is justbeautiful. I really want a black flemish. Sampsonmay need a friend some day.

I'm amazed by him all the time. I can't believe how loving heis, he bonks my hand and crawls into my lap. He makes melaugh all the time. He is so big, if something is in his way,he doesn't go around like the other buns, he goes over or movesit. He moves everything!!!


cirrustwi wrote:
Oh, please share your flemish stories!! Tiny isjust beautiful. I really want a black flemish.Sampson may need a friend some day.

Well, I posted these on my Texas Triplets thread....but I gotta postthem here too since they're flemish pictures....basically, Tiny foundhis way into my closet today to hide (last picture) and he found myfuzzy slippers. I like these pictures though because theyshow how long his ears are.....


Omigosh,cirrustwi! Heis just the cutest thing, ever! I am in love w/ theears! I just called my roomie over to look at the pix,& now she's asking if Meat Bunny's boyfriend can be aFlemish! :D
He sounds like such a love Jen. I am sohappy for you. I love how you put it a sea of ears lol. I love thosehuge ears. I'm sorry you are still not feeling well. It is nice to beable to spend a bit more time with Sampson though and the otherbunnies. He is such a doll.

Flemish are like puppies that want to be with you all the time.I think that's one of the traits that is so endearing about them.

You definitely have a sweet love bug. Hug and kiss that cutie pie for me.
