Maybe Getting a Flemish

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Ok, I'm leaving now. It should take me about 1 1/2 hrs to get there, so....I can't wait.

Stephanie -- Thanks for asking. I'm actually feeling prettyawful, if I didn't have this to do, I probably wouldn't be doinganything today. LOL

Oh Jen, I am so sorry, I got so excited Iforgot you aren't feeling well. I;m soory about that. Still not feeingany better? Just think of how good it will feel to get home and cuddlethe big baby.

Be careful, Jen. Take itslow. Wish I could've picked him up for you, but then again,he probably would never have made it home to your house.

Do hope you feelbetter.

He's home!!! Well, he has been sincelate last night, but it was so late by the time I finished inPittsburgh, it was right into the cage and into bed. I took alittle time to let Harley, my lab/rottie meet him and all wasgreat.

He's the sweetest little guy!! I can't get over it.They all were like that, it took me forever to pick. She hada litter of 10 total - 9 sandy, 1 light gray (really wondering how thathappened because both parents are sandy and looking at his pedigree,everyone was sandy -- genetics LOL), all male (geneticsagain!). I almost took the runt, he was just the sweetestthing, but then Sampson came over and I picked him up and he ripped myshirt nibbling it and then turned around and groomed me! Idecided he accepted me right away as his own.

The breeder was pretty interesting (I'll explain about that one later).LOL She knew her stuff, but I actually disagreed with somestuff she said, so I'm wondering what people think. First,she said that feeding timothy hay pellets and timothy hay would killhim (I wouldn't do this for a year, but she asked what I fed everyoneat home)? She also said absolutely no lettuce, not evenromaine...I feed all my buns romaine, why can't he have this when Istart veggies?

Also, I went to TSC, and got Calf Manna, it says to give him 1 tspdaily, but it says this is for all growing rabbits, so should he getthat or more or what? People, you should have told me itsmells like anise, YUCK!!! I had to get a 10 lb bag, thesmallest they had, can I freeze it? Oh, my TSC doesn't carryWoody Pet, they have something called....hmmm...I can't remember, I'llhave to look it up on their site.

Well, I'm going back to sleep until I have to go to the eyedoctor. My throat is hurting, so I was up, and being a lightsleeper and having a baby bun who wants to play, play, play, andalready bangs the cage bars to get out, isn't real conducive tosleep. LOL I'll get over that, but I'm not sureShawn will. LOL I'll try to post at least on pictoday, but Shawn's here and I never get to see him, so it might waituntil tomorrow. I'm going to finally start a thread with mybunny pictures (I might actually put up pictures of Saphy.LOL)


I'm so happy for you!!!! I cannot wait to see pictures of him. :)

As far as your throat, have you tried a gargle with warm water andsalt? It really does soothe. Also, when I had strep, those throatlozengers N'Ice worked wonders.

I'm glad you can rest up this weekend and get to know your new baby.

Glad to hear he's safely home!!!

Stick with the regular pellets - 16% protein - until he's a year old --the alfalfa pellets will provide his growing body with importantminerals. Once he's mature, hecan go on amaintenance diet of timothy pellets.

Timothy hay is fine, as well as a small amount of calf manna.You can discontinue the calf manna once he's matured because his bodywon't need the extra protein.

Romaine lettuce and dark leafy greens are fine -- be sure to start with a very small amount since he's not used to them.

Get well so you can enjoy your new bunny!

Thanks Pam. He's actually been eatingsome greens, especially grass. I went ahead and gave him someromaine last night and his poops are fine this morning.

He is a crazy man, but only in the cage. He bangs on the doorconstantly to get out whenever he sees anyone or anything. Heloves my dog, it's pretty funny. The dog is really good withhim, they are new best friends. LOL

I'll post pictures tonight, I have to make a run to Pittsburgh today tosee a friend (I actually took Sampson to see her on Friday and left hispedigree there), but I'll get them put up when I get home. Ican't wait for everyone to see him. I feel like such aslacker because Mambo already posted his pictures. LOL

Pictures coming tonight, I promise. (I'll actually post someof Saphy too, and Orion, he's changed so much.) I've not beenon much the last couple of days, he's kept me busy, so I need to catchup with what's been going on anyway!

Jen, please don't feel like a slacker. HAHA. If Ididn't have my neice here this weekend to help me with the Fonz, Iwouldn't have had time to post the pictures either. They are suchbeautiful aninmals, I know neither one of us will regret out decisions.Let's hear it for

Jen, you've been sick Hun. That's notexactly slacking. I am so glad Sampson has settled in so well and socompletely. What a sweetie befriending the dog. He sounds so sweet. Gohug the big guy for me. Can't wait to see Orion and Saphy too.

Congrats again.


i was thinking about getting a flemish bun but we just didnthave the room for a big bun sigh!! oh well i have 3 buns.. which are..2 min dwaf lop buns -females

1 nertherland -male!! they are great!!

well congrats and good luck with getting 1!!!
Waahhhh Hoooooo!!!

Welcome Home, Little Mon!! We already love you.

The little guy wants to be with you at all times; it's True Love. Whata Little Angel - coming up to you and kissing you as if to say,"Uh-unn, Lady! You love ME! I'm your baby. :) " Stealing your heartaway from the other little one you were focusing on. It's always wiseto go with the one that kisses you first.


I do hope you're feeling better today so that you can enjoy this time.You poor woman. You must've been so frustrated to be sick on such aHappy and Memorable Day in your life.

Don't you worry about pictures. We'll see them when we see them. Feel better.

Ok, here are the long awaited pictures.I can't get that photobucket thing to let me post pictures thatactually show up, so I'll have to do them in a few posts.

I got these pictures of him right after play time today, so he wouldactually hold still. LOL None of them do his sizejustice. The breeder said he is the size now that his dad wasat 12 wks, he's only 8 -- he's going to be a BIG boy. He wasborn on Valentine's Day, I thought that was cute.

I'm feeling slightly better today. I went back to the doctorand they took blood (my favorite, I have an absolutely irrational fearof needles -- it's honestly insane). Shawn's nephew has monoand I was with him about a month ago, but I have no idea how I couldhave gotten in and no one else, so I'm thinking no. They putme on stronger antibiotics. I've still gotten to love my babytons. He is just a cuddle boy. He's already littertrained (YES!!) so he can hang on the bed with me.

