So, the big day has been moved up. Ihad an issue at work today and had to suspend someone, so I have totake his Saturday evening shift, I think. I called Nicci, thebreeder, and she said Friday would be fine, so now I'm getting him onFriday. I really have to make room for his cagetomorrow! LOL. He's not going in with the otherbuns, no space in that room for him. He might live in theliving room, but I'm thinking he's going to go in my bedroom.He's going to get a NIC cage for now, I don't have the energy to go getthe huge kennel from storage, it's way in the back, and he's just alittle runt right now (she said around 4 to 6 lbs).
He's eating Blue Seal right now, I don't know anything about that,should I change it? Also, my full grown bunnies get timothypellets and Saphy and Orion willgo on those at 6 months(Saphy is actually younger then the flemish LOL), but how long does theflemish need alfalfa? And the calf manna, how long for that,or is that a forever kind of thing? Oh, I have a millionquestions and can't think of any right now.
Nicole- I really wanted a blue or black, but I fell in lovewith the pictures of these guys and decided I wanted a sandy.I thinking I'll get another one eventually, so that will probably be ablue or black. I can't believe how many people are gettingflemish!