Max's Update

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He seems to be doing good, he is such a tough little bunny.

Hes eating a lot, which is great. His eye is almost back tonormal now and he seems to be coping with everything pretty well. Hestruggles a lot when I have to flush the wound, but he's being such agood boy with everything.

Thanks for all your prayers, keep em coming :)

No, no bead :(He said he's had a lotmore luck leaving it open to drain and flushing it. I flush it withsome kind of baytril mix. He's also on Bicillin injections every otherday, so I hope thats enough.

How long has Penny been on the injections?
She is not bad, she never got sick from it (knock on wood).


After our vet removedthe entireabscess, Penny gotanother pus pocket right away, within a week, that's when he performeda light surgery and put in the bead. After that it never cameback. But in your case you are treating the wound, so I hope that itwill give more of a protection then we offered.

In Penny's case, about 4 days of the surgery we could see somethingwhite coming out of the cut. Looked like cottage cheeze, samedensity, and smelled bad, when close. So I knew right awaythatit was back. So if that happens don't losehope, bead could be the solution. But like yousaid, you are treating the wound; so that could be even better, becausewe don't know where the second infection came from, was it leftovers ornew.

Anyways, I glad to hear that he is eating.
:bunnydance::bunnydance::bunnydance:Soglad he's doing well!!:D I don't doubt that it is at least partly dueto how much you love him, it is so obvious from your posts that you'ddo anything for him!!
Been gone all day, sorry I missed the morningupdate! SO glad to hear he is eating and improving, go Max, that's ourstrong little trooper! You just watch, he'll be back to his old selflike nothing happened in no time!

Harper sends his love to his little friend!
aww Thanks guys :hug2:

MBH, that brought tears to my eyes. Give Harper a kiss from me. Our boys need to just be healthy, dang it.

Im just praying this heals quickly. He seems like hes in a lot of pain even though hes on Metacam.

Thanks again for all your kind words and prayers.

Way to go, tough guy. We're prayinghard for you both! You are such a good bunny mom!What a great example you set for the rest of us! Take careand keep hanging in there!:great::pray:
How is he today, Haley? You know, Iwas looking for a picture of Loki "praying" but I guess I don't have asingle one. Maybe he's just a dirty bunny.;)

How about a binky for luck?


Dutch bunnies, unite!
I don't have any good praying bun pictures,either (though you would think with as many as I've taken, that I wouldby

But, I'm praying for your boy......and we all send our love!

So, love from:

Maisie :bunny17:, Flower :apollo:, Trixie
, Hobbes :eats:,Sunny :hug2:, and the humans :pray:
Max seems to be doing great! The past 24 hourshe has been really active. Ive seen him lounge and relax in a way Ihavent seen him do in months.

Im also seeing a bit of an improvement in his breathing since thesurgery (even though every doc said there is no way they are related).He is still sneezing and has a runny nose, but his overall breathing ismuch better. I had always suspected that his body was focusing so muchon fighting the abscess that it made his respiratory problem worse. Ihope that that is true and he improves.

Thanks again everyone for the kind worse and prayers (and Loki for the binky ;)).

I'll keep you all posted, hopefully he continues to improve!
That's great news.

Did they have to shave much of his muzzle?

I called Penny 'the terminator' after her surgery, because half of her face was shaved off.

BTW, we started giving penny hard pellets and she is kind of eatingthem. I think she is still waiting for us to give the softone's. She was running around like a horse today in themorning, so I guess that's a good sign.
