Max's Update

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Haley, I am so happy to hear Max is better after the surgery. :bunnydance:

Please give him a nose rub for me :)
He's doing great! He's been doing what I like to call "Maxin' and Relaxin'" ;)


Here we see his slave, Basil, grooming him as he just chills. :DI can tell he feels sooo much better.
OH Haley, what a great picture. Look at that face, I'm in LOVE.:heartbeat:

Note to self go Bunny Nap Max today.

Susan and the Gang:bunnydance::apollo::bunny19:bunnyheart
YAY!!!! Wonderful news!!! :D:D:D

We're all so happy here to know he's doing better...

And give them all kisses from us over here!! We love your babies SO MUCH!! :D

Basil's such a wonderful friend...:)

How are the injections going? Are you altering the spot? Aslong as you do that there will not be any scaring tissue.Ourvetsay out 4-5 sq inch area is ok. Most buns dontmind the shots to the upper back, towards the neck, Penny is reallystill if we do it little bit to the side, either way right orleft.

How is the wound, if it hasn't showed signs of pus by now, I think you are in the clear.
Thanks for the tip on the injections, Ivebasically been giving them in the same general area (making a tent inthe shoulder area with the skin). I'll try alter it a bit. He doesreally well though, just sits there like a good boy.

Theres no sign of infection yet. One of his stitches came out lastnight. The area looks really good and Im still flushing it out 2x aday.

I just thank God for this most recent surgery. He is like a new bunny.Hes so happy and energetic, running around playing and flopping about.He's eating all kind of stuff he wouldnt touch before, I just have tochop it up a bit so he can just use his molars. He's still not eatingdry pellets though, Im wetting them and feeding them to him on a spoon.Im not sure if he cant eat the dry, or if he just likes being spoiledand spoon-fed. Im okay with it though, if it helps him and makes himhappy.

He has an appt next Tues for a recheck, Im gonna have to resist the urge to hug the vet. ;)

PS. His breathing is also 100% now. No wheezing, no dischage, no yacking or sneezing. This is truly a miracle, I hope it lasts.
Wow Im so happy for you. His breathingmust have been some kind of infection feeding directly of theabcess. I dont know I'm not a doc, but that seems like it.

We tried getting Penny off wet pellets and she pretty much stoppedeating. I have no problem wetting her pellets, hopefully Maxwill start eating his.

Haley, that's great news! Is he eating hay too?Have you tried chopping it small? I've heard of doing thatfor incisorless buns before.
I got this mini chopper from walmart for $20.You might try that for chopping up his hay. I use mine to make bunnycookies, which require ground up pellets and oats. It also works greatfor onions, otherwise they kill my eyes and I'll have a horrid headachefor about an hour afterwards.

I am so glad to hear that he is SO much better. :bunnydance:

Thanks for the hay ideas! I was wondering if he would ever be able to eat it again.

He is on timothy based pellets, so if he cant ever have hay I think he'll still be fine. He's eating a lot of greens as well.

He's such a happy bunny right now (and Im a very happy mommy as well :D)