Max's Update

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Were home. I dont know if its good news or not,but he had the surgery. The vet was really apprehensive and made surewe knew the risks. We all thought it was for the best though, he justcant live with the pain of these abscesses in his jaw. I feltcomfortable knowing that if he didnt make it, at least I did everythingI could for him.

The vet said the other vet was wrong, no molars were involved. It wasthe same incisor in the front, but it had spread along his jaw and intohis chin area. He decided it would be best to just remove all fourincisors, plus the abscess. He said the top incisors were rubbing onthe lower area and he'd rather just get rid of them.

So,he removed the front teeth and the abscesses. He said heremoved some dead bone as well. Max is a mess though. His nose is allbloody from whatever they put up there to help him breathe. And theyleft a gaping hole in his jaw for it to drain.

My poor little man. Hes on his antibiotics and pain meds and we're justhoping for the best. Please keep him in your thoughts and prayers.

Prayers that he can recover quickly. :pray:
Have you prepared any soft foods for him to eat? Poor thingwon't be able to enjoy anytreats forawhile.:popcorn2
Rainbows! :kiss:
Poor Max. So is he going to have to have aslurry to eat from now on? I hope he feels better though, having allthat infection taken out has to feel better. Poor guy.

Thanks guys.

Stan, he has been on a pellet slurry for about a month now. He wasntreally eating his pellets and had lost some weight, so my vet had mestart him on critical care and Ive just continued with it since. Hestill hasnt put back on all the weight, but hes getting there.

The one good thing is that he loves his pellet slurry, he eats it offthe spoon. And I make sure to add something yummy like pumpkin orbanana, which helps. :)

Edit: Star, he should be able to be back on his pellets once he heals.He will just hopefully get used to using his lips to grab the food andchewing with hismolars.

I was going to say... "Bananas are soft, hedefinatly deserves some banana" I sure hope that getting all of thatgunk out of his mouth makes him feel better.

Hi Haley, I will say a prayer that Max getsbetter real soon, and I will say one for you so that you stay strongfor Max and the other babies.

Susan and the Gang:bunnydance::apollo::bunny19:bunnyheart
oh haley, i am sorry that max is going though such a mess, but i am happy that everything went well. . .
Oh poor Max. That's a whole lot of surgery! But hopefully he'll feel better because of it.

From my bunny crew::grouphug

And every dutch emoticon we have.:D

I'm so glad that Max has the surgery; I really think it’s for the better. Sending best wishes and prayers your way.

You're in a couple of tough days ahead, I remember force-feeding Pennyfor few days, because she absolutely refused to eat and take hermeds. I know you’ve already gone through this surgery oncebut if you have any questions, I’ll be here.
Thanks everyone.

Hes doing okay today. I had class and now Im at work but Im trying toleave early. He ate some breakfast this morning which was great. He hasbeen pretty miserable though, it was a lot to handle all at once. Hisbreathing is still pretty bad, and almost worse because they stuck sometubes up his nose during the surgery. His nose is all bloody, poor guy.

One thing though, one of his eyes is swollen. I know they put some gunkin there during the surgery to keep them moisturized, but I thinksomehow maybe it got scratched? I called the vet and he said it wouldprobably go back to normal within a day or so. I just feel so badbecause he can barely open it.

Thanks for all your support.
Haley wrote:
Thanks everyone.

Hes doing okay today. I had class and now Im at work but Im trying toleave early. He ate some breakfast this morning which was great. He hasbeen pretty miserable though, it was a lot to handle all at once. Hisbreathing is still pretty bad, and almost worse because they stuck sometubes up his nose during the surgery. His nose is all bloody, poor guy.

One thing though, one of his eyes is swollen. I know they put some gunkin there during the surgery to keep them moisturized, but I thinksomehow maybe it got scratched? I called the vet and he said it wouldprobably go back to normal within a day or so. I just feel so badbecause he can barely open it.

Thanks for all your support.

I talked to the vet here about the eyes. You probably knowthat rabbits keep their eyes open when they are under. Sothey put that ointment to keep it moist. But one thing Ididn't know and found out today was that anaesthesia tremendouslyreduses their tear ducts(or whatever glands that make itmoist)from funcitoning properly for 24-48 hrs.

I'm glad to her that he is hanging on.
Thanks for that info! I had no clue they kepttheir eyes open. Hopefully he will be back to normal. Im glad its justone eye and Im trying to keep it flushed and moisturized.
