Marvin found a new home

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You can put Neosporin on it. You mightwant to check for mites, fleas, or other skin problems that made her dothat. In fact, a vet check would be a good idea, especiallysince that's a pretty big wound for a little bunny.
I did put some aloe vera cream on it, and it didscar the skin, leaving a "crust". So in a way, that probably stoppedthe itching for a while. She doesn't seem to pick at it. Cross fingers.If it worsens, I'll go to the vet.

That's another thing... The only bunny vet in the region is here 3 daysa week, and is about 45 minutes away. Isn't that silly that no othervet is specializing in "exotic" pets?

I think there's a niche. I should go and do vet school. :p

Quick update on the bunnies.

I'vebought (well.. technically, my wife and I bought) a house.

So we had to move the bunnies from our tiny appartment, to my parent'sbasement for a couple of weeks, to their final destination, our ownbasement.

At first, I think the bunnies were quite stressed of being move andkept in their cages (at my parents, they didn't get to hop around :( ).

Now, they are both getting acclimated to their new environment, andboth are docile. They haven't pooped or peed anywhere but in theircages.

I've let both out at the same time. Usually, Marvin would chase Bowseraround, but this time, she didn't chase her. But... I opened both cagesat the same time, and while exploring their environment, Marvin decidedthat BOTH cages were hers, and would keep Bowser from coming back toany of hers or marvin's cage. Talk about a dominator bunny!

So now, I let them out one at a time.

Marvin's behaviour changed a little bit. She still recognizes me, butwhen I get my hand in her cage, she starts to growl, but she doesn'tbite, she even gets her head down to get petted. I think she trusts me,but at the same time, she's scared I'm gonna take her food away orsomething.

Bowser seems a little bit more calm. But she having a problem keepingthe pee inside the litterbox. Yesterday, I held her with me in my armswhile watching tv for like an hour, then I got her back in her cage.She didn't pee on me the whole time. When I put her back in her cage,she went for the litterbox, but her butt was sticking our of it, andshe peed outside of it. *sigh* I didn't know if I should cheer her orwhat... I was kind of amused and disapointed.

Anyway, I love da bunniez! :)

proxi aka brem (

Congrats on your new house. The wide angle lens makes it look really big.

Marvin sure has character. Bowser waslike Pebbles when she pees over the litter box. I hadto make the sides higher, so she can'tsiton the edge to pee.

Rainbows! :D
Do you know why Marvin would grunt when I put my hand in her cage?

It worries me a bit.


P.S.: Yes, I only had a wide angle lens, and I didn'T fix thedistortion in photoshop... it makes the house look very large ;) thanks
proxima centauri wrote:
Do you know why Marvin would grunt when I put my hand in her cage?
Sounds like Marvin is very protective about her space in hercage. They don't like things moved orrearranged, so she's letting you know thatshe doesn't like it. Next timeyou put your hand in, offer her a treat.

Check this site again for rabbit behavior..........

Rainbows! :D
proxima centauri wrote:
Do you know why Marvin would grunt when I put my hand in her cage?
Watch out! :p Iszy does the same thing when I comein her cage. She never bites me, but I'm sure shewould if I gave her the chance.
Yesterday evening, I was petting Marvin on thehead, but not lightly... kinda "roughly", but not too much. I guessvigourously is a good description. Making circles with my fingersthrough the chin and nose and around the ears. I guess she liked that,because she kept her eyes closes and rest her head on my forearm. Aftera while, she started to emit a sound, with everybreath she would take.I'm sure it was because she liked it very much, because when I stopped,she was kind of "numb", eyes half shut.

I think I brought Marvin the closest it could be to a bunny orgasm. Especially since she's been spayed. :p

Anybody else experienced that?

proxi... loves da bunnies

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