Marvin found a new home

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Today Marvin was a bad boy, he pooped and peed on the couch :disgust:

But the reason I post here is because of his left back leg. Sometimes,when he walks or when he jumps, I can hear a "crack" coming from hisleg, and I actually see his left back leg "fall" a little... he moanedonce of twice when that happened, but he otherwise doesn'T seem to bein pain. I checked his leg and couldn't find anything, he seems ok...also, he doesn't react as if in pain if I touch the leg... I think hesimply dislocates his left back leg from time to time... I have no ideahow that happened in the first place, but I'd like all your advice...

Poor Marvin...:tears2:
I'd make an appt with a vet to make sure all iswell...even if it turns out to be nothing, you'll feel better forhaving done so.
I second the vet idea. You can also check into having your "very happy" bunny neutered at that time ;).

I absolutely ADORE Marvin's colors. While I've seen a broken black rexbefore, I've never seen one with such large patches of black. It'salmost like you put a harlequin great dane's fur on a bunny. Stunningcolor.

I'm glad he's being such a cuddle bun. :)

Thanks all for the opinions. The vet apptment iscertainly in the talking. We want him neutered. He's been reallyaffectionate lately, not only humping, but he's also more "cuddly"...he prefers to come to me and be petted than to explore around thehouse. Also, he started to pee and poop on the couch... which he didn'tdo before... he'd actually go in his litterboxes... so I think myMarvin just had his hormones kicking in...

We'll fix that :highfive:

His markings are wonderful! He's my holstein rabbit hehehe
I love him :inlove: although he's a little bit "too much" lately...:shock2:
Still haven't neutered Marv'... He's veryaffectionnate, but if I stop for more than a few secondes, he runsaround my arm, he whines, he nibbles, he bites, he digs... he humps...he wants attention.

Is that a phase or will Marv' alway be like that unless I neuter the boy? :)
Marvelous Marv is going to be justfine!! When he gets home, give him a big kiss for me and hisfavorite treat. By tomorrow, he should be fullyrecovered.

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