Carpet chewing is a very common problem most ofus have dealt with and it can be very serious, as rabbits can developblockages that can kill them if we don't watch them closely.
My husband and I try many things with our rabbits, well, we only haveproblems with one of our rabbits going after the carpet, thankfully.One is, as soon as he/she starts, stop the behavior immediately. Asquirt with a water bottle helps, with a firm NO. A loud hand clap iseffective too. We also give him something else to chew on as soon as hepulls at the carpet, to deter him. Bitter Apple spray has helped ustoo, although it doesn't work on all rabbits.
Also, make sure there are plenty of other things for them to chew on,such as paper towel rolls, or a cardboard box to play in. Our rabbitslove egg carton containers.