Marvin found a new home

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proxima centauri

Well-Known Member
May 8, 2005
Reaction score
Quebec City, Quebec, Canada
Hello all. I'm new to this forum.

I'm 30, from Quebec City, Canada, and I've always liked pets, but I wasbeing allergic to cats and dogs. Lately, I've been lurking on theinternet and saw a picture of a bunny. I found it so cute and talked tomy wife about getting one... After going to the pet store and handlinga rex rabbit for a while whithout sneezing, we decided to get one.

We got a 1 year old broken black rex bunny. He was sheltered at a petstore, from a previous "easter" owner. Apparently he had beenvaccinated and litter trained.

Well, the first few days, he mostly got acclimated to his new cage, andI eventually picked him up and brough him on the couch to pet him... hewas "ok", but sort of aggressive. He was basically scared and wouldexplore the couch. Eventually, he decided it was ok to jump off thecouch... Holy... a rabbit can really run... he jumped and bounced andran everywhere in our living room... we had put some sort of fencing sohe wouldn't "escape" our attention. It was a long... long... "chase" toeventually get him to go back in his cage... I guess he really enjoyedhis freedom, but we really needed to go to bed... ;)

Yesterday, I let him hop arround for a couple of hours, and eventually,he jumped on the couch (up until now, he had only done the opposite)and explored the couch again, then went on my chest (I was lying on thecouch), where I pet him... up until... I felt... something... warm...MARVIN! you peed on me you loose canon! :p :shock:

Any idea on why he did this?

I think it may be that he didn'T have an "outside the cage"litterbox... and he might have decided I was a good enoughapproximation? :X

Well, I now have an outside the cage littebox... I guess I have to re-litter train him, with his new environment.

The relationship is slow to be established, but it's getting there.

Here's a link with pictures of Marvin, the psyco-maniaco-depressedrabbit. It was one of the first times he got out of his cage, and hewas still scared to hop off the couch he he he. Lapin/index.html

Oh I love his coloring. I'm sure you'll have a lot of fun with him - I know nothing about that breed of rabbit.

I do know that sometimes rabbits will urinate on each other to markthat rabbit as theirs...or something like that. So that mightbe a possibility for his behavior too!

Anyway, he's really nice looking - keep us updated with LOTS of pictures!

Hi, and welcome to the forum! I am a very newmember as well, and am Canadian too (living in Ottawa). No bunnies yet,but I do have some English lops on order (they are due to be borntoday...yay!). So nice to meet a fellow rabbit lover from the north!

Marvin is absolutely gorgeous...!! And it sounds like you and he willget along just fine. :) As to why he peed on you (and I've had thathappen too, probably most bunny owners have at some point, lol), Ican't say for sure, but it could be a territorial thing, or it could bethat he just had to go, and being in unfamiliar surroundings (andperhaps afraid to search for a place), that spot was as good as any. Hequite possibly isn't housebroken as well, but you can teach him that.

Enjoy your new friend, and I hope you keep us updated on how he's doing. :)

I have a Mini Rex too. I just love petting him, his fur is like velvet!

It sounds to me like he's a happy bunny. That running around like madand jumping around (what we call a binkie), means he's very happyindeed. As far as peeing on you, why, he's just marking you as "his"!I've been peed on's not very enjoyable to say the least.

I have my rabbits trained to go into their cage when it's time for bedor we have to leave. Our command word is "Cage Time" and when they hearthat, they do go in. To train him, just say "cage time" (or bedtime orwhatever you want) and give him his favorite treat as soon as he's inthe cage, telling him what a good bunny he is. Rabbits are veryintelligent and he'll learn quickly. We also lightly clap our handswhile saying it, which seems to help.Try not to force him in,but instead lure with a raisin or something.

He's a beautiful boy and can't wait to see more! :)
Marvin is simply stunning! I love the color pattern on him.
where I pet him... up until... I felt... something... warm... MARVIN! you peed on me you loose canon! :p :shock:

You have just been claimed - "Property of Marvin!" LMBO
proxima centauri wrote:
We got a 1 year old broken black rex bunny. He was shelteredat a pet store, from a previous "easter" owner.
Congratulations on your new rescued bunny. SomeEaster bunnies are starting to to show up at our local animal shelternow.

Is Marvin your first pet? He looks so cute and I like his black and white fur.

Pebbles is my first pet. She is an agouti coloredNetherland Dwarf, and the first time Isaw her at my vets office, she licked andpeed on me.....:p

Rainbows! :D
Sending a GREAT BIG welcome to Newcommers.

I havent been onlatly becasue me and my boyfriend are having problems and ive just feltreally depressed and wanted to be alone,So anyways im looking forwardto getting to know the new people to this fourm and there bunnys,I hopeyou enjoy and learn from this fourm as many of us do and agian a BIGWELCOME!!!!!!!!!

I might not be on alot imtrying to deal with my boyfriend and my animals i got alot of stuff todeal with

-ashley thumper fayth
Thank you all for the warm welcome!

After your advice, I started to use the "cage time" trick, and althoughhe's not yet very responsive, he eventually comes back and hops in hiscage... so that's an improvement, I don't have to wait and chase himanymore.

Yes, it is my first pet, if fishies don't count :).

I'm in the process of re-litter-training him... fun fun fun :)

I'll post more pictures as they come.

Thanks again for the welcome!
proxima centauri wrote:
I've always liked pets, but I was being allergic to cats anddogs.
Hi, and welcome. I, too, love animals but have always hadterrible allergies. I got my first bunny lastSeptember. It was the first animal I've EVER been able tokeep in my house. I was so thrilled! I now havethree and am doing very well with them. There was anadjustment period where I sneezed and sniffed quite a bit, but I'vegotten over that.

I'm so glad you were able to give Marvin a good home. I knowhe'll make you happy you did. He's adorable and he looks sosoft.


Marvin is now getting a little too curious...previously, he never dared to enter the kitchen, he didn't like slidingon the tiles... but I guess he got less shy and tonight, he decided togo on and explore the rest of the appartment. And he wouldn'T want togo back in his cage... I'd point to his cage, tell him to come in, heeven defiantly decided to lay down and chill out right in front ofme... grrrr! :p what a little bugger.

I had to catch him and put him in his cage... he was less than happy,on the moment, but 5 secondes later, he lay down and had a rest...

I have taken some more pictures of Marvin, exploring...

I wasn't quick enough to take a pic when he was "having a binkie" hoping around though... Lapin/index.html
proxima centauri wrote:
I had to catch him and put him in his cage... he was lessthan happy, on the moment, but 5 secondes later, he lay down and had arest...
Did you remember to give him a treat when you put him back in his cage? :cool:

I give Pebblesa couple ofpellets, a pinch of oatsand some treats every time she goes back into her cage. Whenshe finishes eating, she will flop in the cage. :D

Rainbows! :)
Yeah... we'll see if it makes him more compliant.

Also, He doesn't poops in his litter... he only poops inside his cage,but he doesn't choose his litterbox... I placed some of his poop in thelitter, in hope it will show the way... any suggestions?

I took some more pictures this evening and placed them there: Lapin/index.html

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