Hi Janet , about the piggie i just put them on and snapped real quick, when i put it on them they kind of just froze,lol. Sooty was great, i decided to name the new bun Charger, for now anyway incase i decide on something else,lol. He still chargers but i am still giving him time to settle, i sit in his pen every night for a little while and he climbs aaaaaaaallllllllllll over me and doesnt bite me,lol. So i am hoping over time he settles.
I had to laugh at the black and white thing, cause i do have something for black and white animals, especially cats lol, put 20 cats in front of me and one of them be black and white and i am instantly drawn to the black and white one,lol. But that is ok cause black , and black and white animals are always harder to adopt out lol.
I have to say that i have been sad again missing my Sooty, I love Charger, as you can see he is tttttttooooooo cute, but it is still a reminder that Sooty is not here. (here i go again with the tears,lol) Going to the vet was a little hard the other day with him cause the last time i was there was when i had to put Sooty to sleep, so when i walked in there i wanted to throw up ,lol.
Charger is great with peeing in his boxes w hen he is in his run, which is on my carpet. Now if i could get him to get all of his poo pellets in there it would be great. He goes running around the pen like a mad man and the jumping in and out of the litter boxes and when he is done there is poop and bedding all over the place,lol. i usually have to go in a few times a day to pick up the knocked out bedding and the stray poo's, and when i am in there he is all over me. I love to watch him binky and run around it is sssssssooooooooo funny and when i am in his penn then go to see Belle she looks huge compared to him,lol. I am uploading pics right now and will put some in for you all to see