Here is an update , I have to appologize for not being around alot , i dont know what it is, i think i have been in a funk or something i dont know. I do come on and read a little here and there but i am not here consistently.
Here is Brayden with "The Girls", they are now in there new chicken coop and run.
My Girls
Brayden and Gerti, he just loves the chickens.
This one my 6 year old named and considers "his" chicken. Chocolate Chip
This is my baby Charlotte, she is very affectionate, and when she was just a hatchling I would take her out and hold her and she would fall asleep in my arms, she is just too cute.
This is the chicken coop almost done, after this pic i finished running the hardware cloth on the bottom and aproned it out away from the cage and then burried it and the bottome of the fence a little.
Now some pics i have taken with my camera , which i just love!!!!
Now some bunny pics. I feel bad cause i dont take Charger out nearly enough, he is cage aggressive but does fine when he is out and about.
Here is Charger on the couch, but no worries because Brayden is watching him like a hawk.
Trying to get away from the "Paparazi" that was following his every move.
Bunny and cat kiss
It is ssssssooooo hard when i lay on the floor to get pics cause i have the dog and the cat in my face, i cant even tell you how many pics i had to delete because they had real close ups of a leg, or a but, or a cat body cause he was rubbing up against my camera,lol
Brandi , sat right down in front of me when i was trying to take pics,lol
Now for the sad news :*( Willow my cat had been diagnosed with a chest tumor and a tumor somewhere on her spine or back end that was pressing on a nerve. I took her to the vet when is seen that she wasnt really using her one leg, after lots of blood work, and xrays we found the tumor in her chest. Before finding the tumor i was taking her in to take about an amputaion of the leg that she wasnt using, but seeing the tumor in her chest i decided not to put her through a surgery like that and enjoy what little time i would have with her. At t he same time i am going through all these tests with her i am going through tests for my Beagle who is in liver failure, so i was getting hit from both sides with bad news. Fast forward a few months later i started to notice that she wasnt reallyn using her other leg. I had told myself that when she didnt have use of either back leg i would then have her put to sleep. Well that time came, her use of her other leg was getting worse, and although she could still use it , somewhat, it looked like she had spaghetti for legs, and it was heart breaking to watch her struggle to walk. I also had begin to notice the weight loss and her having trouble going to the bathroom. i waited , and waited, and waited, and finally decided to do it.
Willow was the absolute best cat anyone could have had the pleasure of having. From the first day she was an absolute love bug. She is the only one of my cats that had their claws and never once used them. when my oldest was a baby she would wait till he had no toys on the tray of his walker and she would jump up on it and lay there. Being a baby he would grab her hair and pull , she would jump off and shake it off then right back up s he would go, never once did she hiss, growl or scratch him. She was not afraid of anything, i would groom at my house sometimes, dogs she has never met and she would come over and jump on the table and rub up against them like they were best friends, she was a great cat. The ride to the vet was so long!!! It brought up so many memories of Buzz and having to put her to sleep. She was purring up till the end, and passed peacefully with me sobbing over her. WE brought her home to burry her and i am going to get a Pussy WILLOW bush to plant over where she is. It is so hard cause i just had to do this in Dec for Buzz and will defintely have to do it again before the end of the year for my Beagle so i know that this horrible pain will be here again soon.
Last year i thought was bad with three animal deaths and two human deaths, and i prayed for a better 2010 , but it is not turning out like that unfortunately. But i have to keep my head up and always remember that it truely is Quality of life over quanity, i did the best i could for her, for as long as i could for her, and i was able to let her go without too much suffering. I am sure Buzzie and Sooty were there to meet her and cross her. WEll i have babled enough and i am now crying, which is hard to type through tears so i will leave on that note