Looking for a bunny friend

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Well-Known Member
Jan 25, 2011
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Iowa City, Iowa, USA
I've had bunnies previously. My first was a English spot as a kid that I had to give up because I was so chronically ill at the time. The second a Dutch I had acquired with my uncle and mom several years ago who ended up passing on after livening happily with us for years.
I'm at home a lot now and finally well enough to have a bunny again and have been thinking getting another one and about what breed. I have a lot of options here in Iowa. I like calmer affectionate breeds who don't mind being petted and aren't skittish since both our bunnies were well socialized with the neighbors. I also have time to groom a rabbit as well and dont have a preference on size. Both my other rabbits lived inside but did get supervised playtime outside.
Some breeds that I've found interesting are angoras (I don't mind grooming and I have a use for the fur) also Flemish giants. Let me know what your think on breeds.:D
I have a bunny lady who swears that her jersey woolies and flemish giants are the breeds she will always have. The woolies are so cute if you like a smaller breed and you dont have to groom them as often as an angora. Flemish are also quite the lovebugs. I've already decided that my next breed be a French Lop they are the biggest cuties i've ever seen.
Here are some pictures.

Jersey Wooly

Im a sucker for the fawn flemish

French Lop. theyre so much cuter in person

[align=center]I'm voting for the Flemish here! =]




My Flemish Giant, Silas is a huge cuddler and he licks =] I've taken naps with him! It all depends on that specific rabbit's personality- but I've known my Flemish to be MUCH calmer than my Mini-rex mix and Dutch =]
There are a lot of great breeds out there. My Tan is a total lap bunny, and very licky. Most Dutch I've met (including mine) are both friendly and have silly personalities. If you are going for personality, I think your best bet is to check out rabbits that are past puberty, possibly spayed. If you want a specific breed, you might find a breeder that has a great bun that just didn't breed well. I personally prefer rescues and shelters, where you can check out a number of rabbits with different breeds and personalities, and often they are already neutered too.
I love both my boys.. one is a holland lop, one of two lops I have had in my life. Both are/were very laid back and well behaved and affectionate. BunBun is a runner though and he is really energetic but when he flops, he flops! ;)

I also have a Flemish Giant who is getting to be a true giant lol

He goes against everything I've ever read about Flemish Giants so a lot depends on personality I think. He is hyper, super hyper, he is strong willed and he eats more than I ever thought possible with a bunny.

If you're thinking about a Flemish, make sure you have the room!! It took a lot of figuring out what to put him in when he needed to be contained. We finally got an XL dog crate for him. It's almost impossible to trim his nails he is so huge and active and can he kick! so he needs to go to the vets to have his trimmed. I have to change his litter daily because he goes so much and it's so huge and this is probably just my bunny's trait but litter training him has been a nightmare since I got him at 8/9 weeks.

Not trying to talk you out of a Flemmie, he is super affectionate, super cuddly and very very smart. He gives kisses on demand. I just didn't realize how much was entailed in caring for a bunny his size.

So many sweet bunnies, it's hard to choose. My preference is definitely lops, I have a very soft spot in my heart for them.

Good luck choosing!
naturestee wrote:
There are a lot of great breeds out there. My Tan is a total lap bunny, and very licky. Most Dutch I've met (including mine) are both  friendly and have silly personalities. If you are going for personality, I think your best bet is to check out rabbits that are past puberty, possibly spayed. If you want a specific breed, you might find a breeder that has a great bun that just didn't breed well. I personally prefer rescues and shelters, where you can check out a number of rabbits with different breeds and personalities, and often they are already neutered too.

My families Dutch was very silly. You'd smack the floor and shed rear up, kick in the air and prance around and then jump around you. It was hilarious.
Thanks for all the replies replies. It's been very helpful to hear from the people who have actually had the breed.
woahlookitsme wrote:
haha i like how in the last picture of silas you can clearly see all his fur on your pant legs ! LOL

[align=center]Lol, he's a shedder alright! You should see my floor where he lays everyday!
:running bunny
I have a bunny lady who swears that her jersey woolies and flemish giants are the breeds she will always have. The woolies are so cute if you like a smaller breed and you dont have to groom them as often as an angora. Flemish are also quite the lovebugs. I've already decided that my next breed be a French Lop they are the biggest cuties i've ever seen.
Here are some pictures.

Jersey Wooly

Im a sucker for the fawn flemish
wow so cute

French Lop. theyre so much cuter in person
I have 2 English Angoras. A 5 month old male and a 2 month old male that I just got yesterday. They are so sweet. I keep them inside. I like to groom them every day bc it keeps them from getting knots. If you do it daily it takes just a few min. I have had a lot of different bunnies over the years and I am in love with this breed. They are more like little puppies I think. You will love them!ImageUploadedByRabbit Forum1392129695.988414.jpgImageUploadedByRabbit Forum1392129721.863800.jpg
I find the angoras to be so beautiful!
I recently got a lionhead × lop and she is just a gem.
I definitely love the long haired buns!

That being said - my Buster is adorable and his fur is so soft that if you felt it you might cry happy tears. He is my Dwarf X Lop. So gentle, and sweet.
Wow that lil white guy is adorable..i never thought of having an angora for a pet..i currently have a rescued mini lop/mini rex mix although i'm not too sure about the mini rex part..he's roughly 6 months old that i can guess not too sure though lol but he's a cutie..he is sooo adorable... loves to have his ears scratched...breeds of buns i am not familar with as he is the first house bun i've had any real contact with.i have heard that the flemishes make an awesome house pet regardless of what they were bred intentionaly for...i have a cat and stewie right now so he has a friend in her..she is still a lil weary of him but warming up as she too is enjoying having a friend around..she has been an only pet for 7 1/2 years...Good luck on what you decide to get as a bun they all seem awesome to me :)

Me And Stewie (2).jpg
I have 2 English Angoras. A 5 month old male and a 2 month old male that I just got yesterday. They are so sweet. I keep them inside. I like to groom them every day bc it keeps them from getting knots. If you do it daily it takes just a few min. I have had a lot of different bunnies over the years and I am in love with this breed. They are more like little puppies I think. You will love them!

You are so right! Mine are very much like puppies. They are super adorable :)
I have giant papllion frech rabbit my little princess she 6 months old

I have never heard of a papillon giant?? I'm actually going to say your rabbit is either a checkered giant or an English spot
I would recommend French Lops!! I've bred and raised them for quite awhile now, and I will always have at least a few. Right now I have 32 frenchies, including babies. They are big, huge, beautiful love bugs. Here are some pictures of them. I just love my babies!

christy's babies and meghan's baby rabbit 063.jpg

christy's babies and meghan's baby rabbit 054.jpg

christy's babies and meghan's baby rabbit 099.jpg

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baby bunny and me holding big bunnies 010.jpg

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rabbits and their colony set up 003.jpg

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