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I have never heard of a papillon giant?? I'm actually going to say your rabbit is either a checkered giant or an English spot

Oh wright the guy we got her off said that she was papllion giant :anotherbun
I have 13 bunnies in all, 3 Velveteen, 2 Californian and, the rest NZ. Of those the Velveteens are the least friendly, then the Californians, and then my love bug NZs. They are big but, they are all snuggle bugs except Sassy whom I got as an adult and, she isn't so keen on snuggling or handling for that matter.

I like the NZ, they seem to be fine with other rabbits or as only rabbits though as adults they are not as playful as some other breeds, they are nice, calm rabbits that, in general, are not easily startled.
I absolutely love my flemie! She is the most well behaved rabbit I have. Her litter habits are perfect and she is so sweet. They only negatives I have for Flemish giants is that they are so hard to pick up! For one they are pretty big and secondly most don't like to be taken of the ground. The other thing is that (I don't know if this is with all flemies or not) she sheds so much. Pretty much year round she is shedding. Other than these two things though I love my flemie and wouldn't trade her for anything.ImageUploadedByRabbit Forum1393171387.229062.jpg( her eyes aren't red the flash just made them look that way.

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