Lissa, how are you and Lenci doing?

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gjsara wrote:
lylaim sorry to say isnt doing as well as lenci was i came home from workfound poops but she really hadent eaton anything and she wasnt drinkingi give her nutra cal and i gave her some water in a bowl which shedrank fast . shes at least moving today cleaning herself im justhopeing for a speey recovery.


Hi Sara,

Sometimes when they first get home, they have a hard time drinking outof a water bottle. It's quite normal actually because theycan sometimes have a hard time lifting their head at that angle.

Keep the bowl filled with water, offer her whatever herfavorite treats are, give her about an inch of NutriCal a day, andkeep us posted. Her moving around a bit more isencouraging, you just want her to eat something.

Saying a prayer for the both of you. She's such a little doll.


Lissa wrote:
She has too many toys! :D

Girl, this is America, land of aquisition, there's no such thingas "too many toys"
They never have too many toys!

I'm so glad Lenci is doing so well.... she should be ready for somemore photo shoots I would think...... of course not in STEWPOTS!!!!!:X:p
Lenci is kinda camera shy. I have to be careful to catch her when she's "in the moody". :D
She hasn't gotten nothing yet.:p She gets her stitch removed at 5:00 - 3 hours togo. How about I give her a banana?
Lissa wrote:
Shehasn't gotten nothing yet. :p She gets her stitchremoved at 5:00 - 3 hours to go. How about I give her abanana?

I gotta leave for home now. I'll check for updates either later or tomorrow. Good Luck!!

Oh, and bananas are great, but toys are forevah!
But bananas are cheap and I'm broke. Ispent $190 on a spay, that should be enough money spent on that bun fora whole year! Hehe!
Go to the store and get "paper" not plastic.... give her the bag.

Bo's having more fun with a grocery bag than any of his toys! :p
Oh God. I can just see the look on Lenci's face if I gave her a paper bag!! LOL

"What? That's it? A paper bag?"


it was 190 dollars??????????????????? goodness!!lyla only costed 75.$$ wow i dont think josh would have let me take herin till i saved for a yer for that opperation lol
