Lissa, how are you and Lenci doing?

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Where did you get the sign on the pen?

At least she wasn't like my Bunny who was so pathetic after the surgerythe vet told me to watch if she at or drank. She got home anddid not move at all. Next day I had to take her to the vetfor an IV of fluids and she perked up. Got her home and shestarted eating slowly.

Oh what good bunny parents you are! Sleeping nextto her is the most preciuos thing, and I'm sure she appreciated youbeing there, probably just her looking over at you during the night wasa great comfort to her.

And now this morning I read there are poopies too woohoo!

Well done Lenci,,, ummm and Lenci what was the new toy your mummy got for you????

So glad you are going ok Lissa
Aww Lissa, I'm so glad she's okay... it almostmade me cry that you slept next to her! You're such a devotedmummy! I hope she has a speedy recovery and she looksgorgeous in her photos! Give her a kiss on the nose fromHenry, Max, the kits, Dan and I... that's 9 kisses in all! :D

Ang xx
I just returned andam so glad to see that Lenci is cruisin through this and making it looklike a trip to the spa!Such a cool bunny!:cool:I'm sure she's eating up this attention from her Mommy!


Awww poor baby has an ouchie :(

She does seem to be doing well! I can't believe she's laying on her tummy like that!

POOPIES!!!!!!!!! yippeeee! (anyone else who would happen uponthis forum would probably think we are sick, sick people!) lol!

I didn't sleep by Bo when he had his surgery....... his cage is justoutside my bedroom door :) I am close to him every night :)
Lissa wrote:

Here's the wound that nearly killed me. It looks much better now.


oh gosh ooooooo ooooo no poor thing im really scared now lylaohhh gosh this is terrible i dont know what to donow she goesin tommarowand im truely terified....
lisa imglad you baby isdoing well
Don't worry. It will be fine! Look how good Lenci looks already!!!

Remember it's for her best interest!
Sara: The wound looks a lot betternow. Even the second day I could tell a difference.It's healing very well. The picture that I posted was quitegruesome, yes, but it does get better.

Bo Bunny: I can't believe she's laying on her tummyeither. She's pulling through this so well. What atough bunny she is.

UPDATE: I finally got to sleep in my own bed lastnight. Woohoo!:D Lenci is back to hernormal self again. This morning I put her medicine inNutriCal and put it on her paw. Man she hates that.She threw the worst fit! Haha! Then yesterday Iscolded her for picking at the carpet and she ran into her pout-box andthumped at me. Hehe. Same ol' Lenci! Backto throwing her tantrums again. :cool:

Oh, Lissa I am so happy! She is such alittle character! I remember you saying how you didn't thinkyou could have her spayed back when I first came here aroundThanksgiving. I am so proud of you for getting this done andI am so happy that Lenci is doing so well now. In the longrun, a couple of days are worth the security of knowing she can't getuterine cancer. Those chances are so high in does who aren'tspayed.

I want to kiss her little spot of a nose :) It's so cute LOL!
gjsara wrote:
lisa did you vet give you pain meds for lenci?

Yes, Lenci had pain medication that lasted for about a day.The second day I could tell she was a little uncomfortable.Today was her last day on antibiotics. I'm so glad I don'thave to do that anymore. She just HATES that stuff.How's Lyla?
Lissa your such a good mom for sleeping next tolenci. I'm sure it made a world of difference to her (momshere, things are cool). I'm sorry I didn't catch this postearlier but I have now and I want to say congratsgirls (Lissa& Lenci)on making it through.

Good job Lenci:D

Lenci's mommy is so proud of her.:D She doing so well I let her have full run of the housetoday.
lyla im sorry to say isnt doing as well as lenciwas i came home from work found poops but she really hadent eatonanything and she wasnt drinking i give her nutra cal and i gave hersome water in a bowl which she drank fast . shes at least moving todaycleaning herself im just hopeing for a speey recovery.

Good she drank a lot of water. Was sheavoiding her waterbottle? Bo loves to drink from a bowl buthe uses his bottle in the cage.

She'll do better in the next day or so.... she's just sore :(
gjsara wrote:
lylaim sorry to say isnt doing as well as lenci was i came home from workfound poops but she really hadent eaton anything and she wasnt drinkingi give her nutra cal and i gave her some water in a bowl which shedrank fast . shes at least moving today cleaning herself im justhopeing for a speey recovery.

She'll get better. Lenci didn't really eat a whole lot thefirst day she got home. Do you have NutriCal on hand?