Lissa, how are you and Lenci doing?

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I've told Lissa all about your posts and have read them. I can hear her smiling over the phone. :)

Lenci's home! Lissa and Jason took a look at the wound. You can imagine how Lissa took that. :shock:

The vet said that Lenci was probably in heat because her uterus wasvery red. She's drinking from the water bottle, peed in her litterbox,her eyes are bright, and she's very aware. She had some banana and hasall her favorite treats readily available.

Lissa gave her a bit of NutriCal; the vet told her to give her a bit each day for a week.

Iszy is very curious as to what's up with Lenci and was looking for her all day. Iszy gets spayed in 4 weeks.

I'll talk to Lissa again tomorrow and read all your latest posts to her.


Oh I bet Lissa was really upset at Lenci's surgery site. She'll be better in a few days tho.... It won't looks as bad.

I'm glad she's decided to go ahead and have Iszy done too.It's healthier for them since they aren't going to breedthem. I know Lissa loves them so much and wants them aroundfor a long long time!

Good to know Lenci is eating and getting her goodies like banana......and drinking and peeing is great! Sounds like she did verywell :)

Carolyn, thank you so much again for updating us. I have beenthinking of them all day and I would have been sick worrying over theweekend not knowing.... It seems silly, but all ofthe people here and their bunnies are in my thoughts all the time... :)
Woohoo she is home!!!!!!!!!!!!

What a relief! She will be in great hands with her mummy and daddy and Iszy to look after her :)

I guess it's like if we have surgery you always feel that bit better when you have loved ones around :)

Well done Lenci, hope you're feeling back to your bunnyself soon :D:D:D:D:D:D
LENCI'S Morning Update:

Lissa said to tell you, "Waitin for poops."

Lenci hasn't had a movement since yesterday, but she also wasn't taking in solids yesterday.

She's urinating fine. She's gobbling down hay, Lissa gave her someNutri Cal and Laxatone. Now she's just waiting for it to kick in.She'll let Lenci out to help get her system moving.

As Lissa said, "She lays on her belly, looks beautiful, the wound isless red today, she was playing with her toys, eating a lot of hay anddrinking, just not pooping. :( "

I think I've heard it can take a bit of time for that. I imagine it hurts their tummy a bit.

I'm glad she's eating and playing.... sounds like she's doing fairly well for a little girl!

Send our love :)
Give Lenci a bunny hug from across the miles fromall of us over here in Canada eh? Poor little girl, they are tender atfirst (and I know everybunny is different in recoup time)Jezebel had some minor complications but was bouncing off the walls(with down time being enforced) after no time at all.



Cher, Jezebel and Jaden

How the heck did I miss this thread!!!!

I talked to her for a bit after she brought her in, thanks for theupdates Carolyn. :) Sounds like Lenci is going to fly through with noproblems. Tell her I said I'm happy that everything turned out ok andthat it was nice talking to her the other day.
So happy to hear that Lenci is doing well andrecuperating after her surgery. I am sure that Lenci is appreciative ofall the treats and extra love she is getting right now. Keeping fingerscrossed that the poops will start to overwhelm you Lissa!!

Fergi's mom


The only time I've heard her tone of voice go up these past couple of days is when she told me you called.



I'll share with her everyone's loving thoughts.
I am glad she is home and starting to recoverwell! Now we will all pray for bunny poops!! Ittook Blossom awhile to poop too. tell Lisa I am thinking ofher, and am sending speedy recovery wishes her way!! Tracy
Aww I'm so glad the little girl is back home withher Mummy and Daddy. It is good to here that she is eatinghay,drinking and peeing well! Oh I bet she is getting spoiltto bits! I really hope her wound heals up quick, I bet she is feelingquite sore at the moment! Give them all my love!

Geez everyone. Thank you for all yourkind posts. You all are so amazing!! :):)The big news of the day is that Lenci pooped an hour ago. Iwas so happy I almost cried. Hehe! She's doing sowell. I can't believe she jumped off the bed thismorning. :shock: She doesn't seem in pain atall. I spent the night in the kitchen last night next toLenci because I didn't want her to be alone. She looked verycomfortable....lounging, eating, drinking, sleeping. I wasvery relieved that she pooped today. Looking at her you canhardly tell she's had surgery. She's very alert, hoppingaround, doesn't appear in pain at all.Here are afew pictures I took.

Here's the wound that nearly killed me. It looks much better now.


Where mommy slept last night...


Out and about...





Again...thank you all so much for getting me through this. :):):)
Oh Lissa, bless your heart. Sleeping by her side all night. You are a dedicated Mummy. Little Lenci is lucky to have you.

Oh no that wound looks so painful and sore. I am glad it is looking better now.

YAY we have Lenci poops! Well that is a good sign!

Wow you are right. You would never think that she is recovering from an operation. She looks as beautiful as ever.

I just love her palace - It looks so comfy and cozy.

Thanks for the pics and the updates, glad to hear she is on the mend!!!

See, I knew I wasn't the only one who slept withher babies when they were ill or recovering :D Lenci's very lucky tohave a mummy like you!

Just got off the phone with Lissa and everything is going well. I'm sohappy, I was pretty worried (like usual). Things with my Abby went sopoorly, I don't want any of us to go through that, much less one of ourbuns.
Oh I am so happy for you and Lenci Lissa!

I was thinking about you yesterday and I am happy to hear that she and you are coming through this!

Keep giving her love!