Lil' Darling

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Dear Gypsy,

What an amazing story of love and determination.

Bless both of your hearts, Gypsy and Darling.

I'm so glad that Tina and you have developed such a strong friendship.

Thanks Little Darlin for getting these two lovely people together in friendship and reminding us all never to give up hope.

Prayers continue.


I'm always afraid to read this thread, just in case....:?And so delighted to hear he's (?) doing well.

Keep fighting, Darling!

Best, gypsy!

What a LOVELY thread !!!!

I have just finished reading it, and your babes sounds like a real fighter !!!!

I will keep everything crossed and I look forward to reading the updates as they come in.

It iswith the heaviest heartand many gallons oftears that i writethis last postfor Lil' Darlin.

His Mother took it uponherself to send him to therainbow bridge ,

He was doing well at midnightwhenI checked on them, everyone was finefat ansd sassy , what possesedher is beyond me.


My tiny ray of sunshine , my little bundle of hope

You showed me howto fight for life , you showedme its all right to have hope

to grieve,to worry , Totrust again .

You brought wonderfullfriends into my life, for without themI couldnthave gotten as far with you asi had

You will for always aheva placeofhonor in the Fairie Garden , whereFairies and Sprites will forever playand love you as weall have .

I love you and will miss you ,i will see you again at therainbow bridge when my purpose inlife has gone , Tillthen my sweet oneI will say good bye.

Gypsy, I am completely heart broken. Hewas so brave and so strong. I will always love him. As sad as I am thathe is no longer here, I will be eternally grateful to him. He broughtme to a very dear friend.

Darling, you were so brave for someone so small. Your strengthand determination was amazing to witness. So I will try and be likeyou. I will try and celebrate your life and try not to cry. One ofGod's dearest little Angels learned how to fly. Iwill always miss you baby.

I read this and was so moved by it. I don't think Jan or Lannawill mind if I share it with you. I think you will find somecomfort. I will talk to you in a bit Sweetie. I wish I could cross themiles so I could give you a hug. I am so sorry.
LuvaBun wrote:
I read this story ages ago, and when Lazarus and Blizz passedaway it reminded me, and I eventually found it. Hope y'all likeit. - Jan

A story from the Rainbow Bridge
Adapted from a story by Barb.

The bunny arrived at the Rainbow Bridge, and many rabbits rushed up togreet him. He braced himself, expecting a fight, but these were thefirst animals that binkied and kissed him instead of attacking him. Itwas beautiful here, and everyone was nice to him. None of them had beenborn in a bad place like he had, none of them had been neglected andleft to die in the cold and all alone, because they were less thanperfect, and had a torn ear and were not cute.

They explained why they were waiting... for their humans who lovedthem. "What is love?" the bunny asked, and God let him go back toearth, and find out.....

Warm, and dark, he squeezed in with the others and waited for the dayto be born. Scared, he held back as long as he could, but finally gotdragged out, by his hind feet. Hands without fur held him gently andrubbed him dry and opened his mouth and guided him to a warm nipplewith milk. He didn't get a good hold on it, because one of his big fatbrothers pushed him aside. The human hand moved the other bunny toanother nipple and held his body, so he could drink. "Ahhh, that'sbetter," he thought, and drank until his jaws got tired and he curledup to sleep next to his warm hairy mother. "I remember this," hemused... Too bad I'll have to grow up to be left out in the cold andrain to die. I remember what it's like, being unwanted." he thoughtsadly.

That night, he crawled up to his mother and tried to nurse, but he keptgetting pushed off to the side. When they were full, the big brothersand sisters got their bottoms cleaned and he finally latched on to anipple, but the human hands weren't there to hold him up, and therewasn't any milk in any of the nipples, anyway. He was weak and so tiny.It was even hard to stay upright, and he fell over on his back andcouldn't right himself.... but suddenly the human hands were there,holding him up and putting a rubber thing in his mouth. It didn't tasteor feel like mother, but it was warm and made the ache in his tummy goaway.

He was having trouble breathing ... His lungs weren't fully developed,because he had waited too long to join the others in the womb, as hetook one last run around at the Rainbow Bridge. He could feel theheartbeat of the human, who had laid him on her chest and covered himwith a soft cloth, keeping him warm, and soothing his boney body withgentle circling touches. He kept thinking of his new friends who hadbeen so nice to him at the bridge and asked God if he could go back.God said "Yes, but not just yet. You wanted to experience Love. "So forseveral hours (seemed like days but it was dark and he couldn't tellwhat time it was), the human supplemented his feeding and let himexperience the warmth of his mother's body and tongue, and the pile ofwarm soft littermates.

He got weaker, and the human held him more often, leaving thelittermates to sleep in a pile while he got caressed, kissed, and gotto listen to the heartbeat which was strong and loving. Finally Godcame back and asked, "are you ready to come back to the RainbowBridge?" "Yes”, he responded, with a little sorrow, because the humandidn't want to let him go, and was crying. He pushed the air out of hislungs and floated back to the Rainbow Bridge and looked back at thehuman, who was still crying and holding the limp body that he hadborrowed for his trip. "Thank you, God," he said. "Love is beautiful,and I will wait near the Bridge and let the human know, when shearrives, that I loved her, too."
Tina and Apollo
So sorry for your loss Gypsy,

Lil' Darlin couldn't have been in better hands during his short staywith us. You have done so much for him, and he will bethankful when you see him again at rainbow bridge. No fear,he will be a giant amonst the Fairies and Sprites in his Fairie Garden.

Rainbows :(
Oh Gypsy,

My heart goes out to you so much. I'm sincerely so very very sorry. I'mat a loss for words on how to comfort you. I know how dearly you loveDarling. *tears* You went 100 extra miles for Darling.

What a horrible shame.

In Friendship and With Deepest Sympathy,

Oh, no :(

I'm so sorry Gypsy. Things like this are so hard tounderstand and just break our hearts. I know you loved thelittle baby and did everything to help him survive.

Mama bunny knew he was weak, and sometimes that instinct takes over.... it's so very sad....

Lil Darlin is with all the loved bunnies that many people here havelost.... he's frolicking in the fields of clover.... it's not such astruggle for him now.

Im so sorry Gypsy to hear Lil' Darling is in Rainbow Bridge :(

Lil' Darling will be cared for, and will have all our loved bunnies in Rainbow Bridge to play with.

My Thoughts are with You !!!!

I am very sorry. Lil' Darling will be very missed. But you know where she is, ans there she will stay until you come for her.

With deepest sympathy,

Lyndsy, Buster, and Tucker

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