Lil' Darling

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lol not frost bitelol its part of hismarkings Momma is anmed size white orange/ cinnamon verybroken pattern daddy is whoknows what but another littermate has the smaemark but on the left ear ...

ready for the UPDATE !

he is now working on his 5thday! another milestone broughtin on baby bunny steps , when ichecked this morning he wasright there king of the hill again, last night i figuredmy heart would bebroken this morning , i am soglad he pulled thru the night .lol he even stuck hislittle tongue outthismorningfor that nasty nutri callol last night he made such aface , it tasted differentfrom the other brand i hadlol it was too funny .

Way to go Darling!! I'm so happy. Such a little love.Thank you for fighting so hard and my dear little Darling and thank youGypsy for doing all you do to help. I know you love him dearly. I willcheck in with you later.

From me toyou andgive Darling a teeny tiny one from me

Yay!!! He looked ok to me in the picture too, not peanut-ish. Here's hoping!!

Those aggressive little squirts often turn out just fine!


gypsy wrote:
ready for the UPDATE !

he is now working on his 5thday! another milestone broughtin on baby bunny steps , when ichecked this morning he wasright there king of the hill again, last night i figuredmy heart would bebroken this morning , i am soglad he pulled thru the night .lol he even stuck hislittle tongue outthismorningfor that nasty nutri callol last night he made such aface , it tasted differentfrom the other brand i hadlol it was too funny .


I was afraid to ask. I thought about you and Darlin a lot last night.

Every thing is status quo, he is still playing King ofthe mountain lol nice fattummy got a sqirt gunfor potting lol he isproficient in aimingtoo lmao , The Vetcalled me back with a questioni had had on wry neckin rabbits and wewere discussingdarlin also , hesaid i was doingeverything right andif i felt secureenough i could goahead and give him a fewdrops of milkreplacer for rabbits ,the thought scares the deathout of me. i hatethe thought of himasperating any fluids atthis point .

My vetaslo told me ifhe makes it tooweaning i am to bring himin for a thourough checkup FREE!! of charge , hesaid Darlin would behte sucess story inour area of the century, he has seen waytoo many of these babiesalready this year ,he had me email him apicture of darlin and will callme back tomorrowwith more informationand diagnosis .. GOSH ! i lovethis guy. i took a comparisonpicture and thisis what i sent him .
How is our Darling doing? I've beenthinking of him so much. Sorry I didn't get to talk long lastnight. I am still praying for Darling and for you. We'll talk moretoday. He is definitely a fighter this guy. Thank you for helping himfight, I'm to the pooint I love him like he was my own. So nothing butpositive thoughts for dear little Darling.

singing off keyas usuall but happy as allgetting out !!!!

into our 6 th day andyep you got it rightthere on one of his chubbybuddies , lol i pulled thefur back panicked , couldntfind him right off ,moved some more and therehe was right therelaying pretty as punch on hissiblings back lol im not reallysure who is going theestra miles here thebaby , his siblingsor me but between allof us heis thriving !!! oh yaMommy is doing her part too ,thankfully she is notabandoning him and seemsto have taken no noticeof how small and fargil heis ( yippeeee ).

I am sure with allthe love support and prayersthis little guy isgetting someone upabove is hearingand l paying attention !!!! im sohappy

Thanks Everyone forall your support it means morethan i can everexpress !
Thank God, gypsy!

Prayers continue. You're doing an excellent job.Thank you for the updates. I think about our little Darlin alot. I'm not as afraid to read this thread anymore.:)

lol ! caputerour hearts lol bythe sound the littleguy is holding all our heartshostage !!!!!! but thats ok iwill let him

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