Lil' Darling

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Way to go Darling! I am so happy he isdoing so well. I will keep Darling in my prayers. He stole my heart andhas no intention of giving it back. That is just fine with me;)

When do weget more pictures of the adorable baby?
i checked onLil' Darlinabout 10 minutes ago andi had him close up tomy face , i fianllynoticed he is starting to getFUR!!!!!! i can seelittle spikes of hair poppingup , i held himup to hubby and saidlook look , he gettinghair, hubby shook his headand grumbled something i couldnthear phtttttt on him lol

But he is still holdinghis own and doingquiet wellstill King of his ownlittle hutch lol
lol i stuckmy tongue out at him he turnedaround and i swear mytongue was on a sping itsnapped back in so fast lmbo
Bless his RoyalHeart.

Thanks for the update,Gypsy.


Day 7 one week birthday lol :::

Darlin is doing verywell he is now almost 4fingers not sure how many cmor inches that is butits a BIG!! improvement":: still holding his ownon top of Heap lolstill not reall sureif fur cover is goingto be off black orhard steel but no matter thecolor he's my baby !!!!
BoJay,thisis hte kit i have beenfighting to keep alive sincesaturday when i found it heis the smallest one of thelitter and a possable penut ithas taken him a week to get 4fingers on a streatch , lol he wasvery active when i justtook that picture, hismom is a lop fatheris an ihavenoclue breed !lol she was pregnant when i got herin . but i am guessing theres a dwarfinggene or more mixed up in all this, the rest of the litteris of normalsize and growth pattern.
How is my little Darling doing? It'samazing, all that will and determination in such a small body. Trulyamazing. I can't believe how big he's gotten in just a weeks time.Wow:shock:

Give the little Darling a teeny tiny hug and a kiss on thatlitle head. I'm praying for you little one. Gypsy, words can't expresshow grateful I am to you. You have stuck with him and givven him achance. You do so much to help him, Thank You. A hug for you too.

Darlin is holdinghis own as wespeak i just supplamentedhis nursing with somebaby formular and nutrical mixed up ,having little use of my thumband fear of him asperating iplaced the formular on hteside of my finger andlet him take of it whathe wanted uponmeasuring the littledude i found he hasgone from 1 1/2 inch long tojust over 2 inches in length ,big stride for him for beinga week old and goingfrom little chance of survival toa good 30 to 50 %chance ,

Mom i fear isnt feeding himoften enough so iwill be supplimenting hisfeedings in between , to keep himhydrated and full up, we are into day 8and so far so goodwill keep you all posted .


I am so Happy!!

We were so afraid he wouldn't make it through the night. So afraid what the morning would bring.

Here we are a week later...and Darling has doubled his tiny size. This is some of the most Awesome News.
Words can't convey my joy.

Tina, Jeremyand (ApolloWollo)

To supplement his feedings at this age:I would put mom on your lap on a towel and stick baby underneath tonurse so he can get some extra feedings in.

Thanks Pam i willdo that if she will allowit sheis a funnyrabbit sometimes shewill allow you to touch hersometimes she wont buti will give it a goand see what happensThanks hon I Appreciate it .
Thanks Bo B, he does seem tohave grown a tiny bit but iam afraid he isnt gettinghis share of mommy, he looked a bitthin and dehydratedtonight thats why isupplamented him a bit . hedid look a bit better aftera few minutes of watching .

Way to go DARLING!!

I'm so glad you keep such a close eye on Darling. With yourlove and care he is most definitely thriving. I am so excited. I livefor Darling updates. Only postive thoughts and prayers your way. kissthe little Darling for me again for Jeremy and again for Apollo.


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