life with winnie and pantoulfe

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athanks! winnie does know how to make a mess she has gotten into all kinds of things, bags of hay, powder suger, and cornmeal (along with many others).

patoufle is a cutie, and his personality is exactly as he looks, a complete teddy bear. he is all snuggly and just a ball of fluff.

i will have photos soon of all 3 bunnies, my camera is currently broken, so i am going to have to break down and get it fixed, or buy a new one.

the one good thing about living at my parents house is they have a huge back yard, the buns love to jump in the grass and binki around, i must get photos. they are simply loving it out here on nice days (that aren't too hot) they all have outdoor hutches (that i used when i bred) that they go out and spend the day in. they all love it, pantoufle binkies like crazy when outside, and winnie sprawls out in the bed of hay they all have in the hutch and dead bunny flops and toulouse runs around playing with a few tinkle toys i gave him for outdoor time. and they like the indoor days and the nights (the buns NEVER spend the night outside, just a few hours on good days). i thought they would have problems adjusting to the change, but they all are doing just great and are happy as can be.

anyway, when my camera is fixed, photos will be on there way!

I can just SEE Winnie digging and playing in that corn meal! :laughsmiley:She probably thought you'd intentionally left that open for her to play in!
well, i have been missing most of the summer. can safely say that once summer hits for me, i am busy all the way thru. buns are for the most part good. winnie has developed a lump on her lip that i have to wait till next week to get her in (the vet had no openings). we are hoping that it is nothing major. the thought of winnie having a serious problem scares me, so i am trying not to think of it.

i still have no camera, as mine is broken. so no photos to update ya'll with. i hope that by next month i will have the money to either get mine fixed, or if need be buy another camera.

but i thought i would drop a line. i am good, the buns are good. they love being taken out into the grass and let run around. i love living 2 minutes from lake michigan, and going swimming whenever i please.

anyway, there is an update. hopefully i can take photos again, soon.
Yay Katt!! :pinkbouce:

You've been missed! :hugsquish:

Here's hopingWinnie's lump is nothing to be concerned about. I think most lip ones seem to work out that way, even abscesses seem easy enough to treat when they're on the lip. I just took one of Bunny George's rabbits in for a lip abscessand one shot of some type of penicillin -- Pen G or bicillin -- was all it took. :)

Hugs and nose pats all around! Don't be such a stranger!

sas :wiggle
well, how long has it been? months, and months. so much has changed, so much is still the same.

i wish i had photos to post, i don't. my camera was broken for a very long time, and now, i just never seem to have the time. life is busy, busy, busy!

i guess i will start with the sad news. my little pantoufle boy passed away a little while ago. i kept on putting off comming on here, posting it. i wasn't there for his death. my family was watching the bunnies for 3 days while i went camping in the UP with some friends. pantoufle was always rather lathargic looking (he was always very lazy loppy, "why move when i can sit here, better yet, why sit here when i can lay down" kinda bunny) so when he got sick my parents didn't realize it in time, he went into stastis and didn't make it thru the weekend, he was gone by the time i got home.

it seems to be my pattern, at times i wonder if animals simply find me in time to die. that sounds uber depressing, but that was the first thing i thought when i found out about his death.

anyway, we are recovered. it has had time to heal.

so we are down to just the 2 rabbits, winnie and toulouse. we are happily set with just the 2 of them. winnie is still free range, mostly just in my room. we had a rather large scare with her the other day when she consumed a new plant that i thought i had put out of reach (it is a LONG story, i am going to post in a better section after this post) anyway, she is fine. toulouse is a funny little boy. one word: shoes! he LOVES shoes, high heels to be exact. he has one high heel he really adores, he cleans it, sleep curled around it, and will pull it over to his food dish so it can "share" his food with it. it is so funny to watch.

anyway, i just wanted to stop in, say hey, and let everyone know that i miss ya'll and hope that in the next few upcomming weeks, i will have more time for playing online!
Oh No! i am so sorry about Pantoulfe. He was a real favourite on the forum :(. He was such a cute little guy.

Glad that Winnie is doing OK - I love her. And Toulouse sounds like a real character, loving his shoes :)

Glad to see you back here - hope you're here to stay for a while.



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