life with winnie and pantoulfe

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Pantoulfe is just irresistibily GORGEOUS!!....i love his cute little adorable!

I also loved your story about Winnie..what a special little girl you have


winnie + pumpkin = good times



tongue shots!




she found the can!!! i swear i only looked away for like 5 seconds, and i come back to this!




Katt, those pictures are so cute. Winnie is a real doll.

Did she have pumpkin all over her face when she decided to take her head out of the can?

You truly brought tears to my eyes reading the post of "breeding and why did I do it and if I did the right thing". You even thinking about it and knowing when you "crossed" a certaiin point tells me that you are the responsible breeder/owner and that specific string should be put out as a "Declaration" to all other breeders to sign.

Good for you for being honest in your thoughts and endeavors. Really heart warming and insightful, hopefully others that are in the breeding game, will read that and give them pause. Keep your Blog coming and I'll keep reading.
"tell me it will be okay" and she nudges me in the cold darkness.

my rabbit, is my therapy, she is my center and my reason for being.

many people on this board, like myself, suffer from some form of a mental illness. from eating disorders to mood disorders and everything inbetween.

i myself have felt myself falling these days. i am hardly able to make it thru a days worth of work. at the end of my 8 hour shifts i have to congradulate myself for doing so well, then feeling all worked up from a days worthof stored up anxiety and personal issues, i go home and medicate, as so far that seems to be the only answer to my problems that work.

winnie knowing that something is wrong is by my side, day and night. she cuddles in close in the late night hours when i am either so drugged up i cannot function and pass out; or is there on those bitter nights were sleep will not come and i lay there crying. silent tears streaming down my face she nudges my side, scoots up to my face and licks away my tears. during the daytime, when i am not working or sleeping (which lately has been almost always) she is there to brighten my mood "hey mom, look at this" and binkies around the room. or does innocent acts of trouble that bring a smile to my face instead of a stern frown.

to this i thank her. how often i forget to thank her. today i feel like i have been taking to much, and giving so little. i woke up today and showered her with love and pets. she got all her favorite greens today and even a whole water cracker (which she snatched from my hand and took off running with such joy that my heart was filled to the brim).

but i realized something amazing. i have been feeling like i take to much from our relationship. but winnie doesn't see this. it is what makes me love her so deeply. she constantly gives, without even knowing it. she doesn't care that i am a mental mess. that my life is currently turned upsidedown. that i am taking drugs that make me a zombie. she doesn't care. to her i am simply herkatie. i wish i could have her unwavering love, her stead charature.

so even though it matter nothing to her for the extra praise, i thank her
a long awaited update.

when you stumble and fall the only thing to do is to get back up. this rule can be applied to anything you may face. it has the same meaning as "if you fall off a horse, get up, and get back on".

i remind myself daily of these things. that sometimes in life we stumble, and fall, and it hurts both our pride and our being. getting up is the only option that makes sense, because staying down will never be the answer.

many of you know that i myself suffer from mental problems. recently i was placed on a medical leave for 4 weeks in hopes of being able to return to my job feeling better. at 20 years of age (almost 21) i was daily (multiple times a day) taking enough medications that would cause most people to zombie out, fall alseep, and keep them from driving heavy machinery. i was sleeping at least 14 hours a day, and not making it thru my normal 40 hour week (i would go home at LEAST 1 day a week sick, or end up in the emergency room).

i am in my 2nd week off, and am proud at how much better i feel. i am down to 1 medication (instead of the 4 i was one) and am spending much time learning to work thru the panic attacks and depression instead of medicating to cover them up.

i can't say that winnie has been to upset with having me home full time these past 2 weeks. i can't seem to go anywere without turning around to find her only a step behind me. pantoufle also seems to be enjoying the extra katie time. last night he showed me his love by jumping on the sofa, climbing into my lap, dead bunny flopping right on me, and began a series of loud teeth purrs, he decided to stay like that for the entire movie.

i do happen to have 2 photos to share tonight. my camera is full, i just haven't had time to download any of them, but alas! here is my winnie girl:


and to show you what my entire carpet looks like, thanks to all 3 of the buns shedding at the same time, here is winnie dead bunny flopped in her own thrown of bunny hair


Katt, I'm ashamed to say that I never really looked and read through your blog...until today. And I'm infinitely grateful that I took the time to do so. Thank you for being so open, honest, and willing - you've helped me tremendously.

First off, let me begin by telling you how absolutely adorable Winnie and Pantoulfe are. And I know Mammit's (I can't remember his new name, but know it starts with a "T") adorable as well. You have too much cuteness for one's about sending one of those loppy-cuties over to my house? Yeah, I know it's a long shot, but you can't blame a girl for trying.

Thank you so much for everything that you've shared. I'm one person on this site who suffers from mental illness in some form (eating disorder, anxiety, OCD, and PTSD) and it's a point of contention for me as I'm constantly feeling "less than" due to my illness. But we're not really less than or better than anyone else. And I appreciate you sharing your struggles because they've helped me remember that I'm not alone. Together we can all get through the bleak days and then laugh about the good days...

And rabbits are incredibly special. I adore my dogs and my Madeline is my baby (she's a toy fox terrier) and my best friend. But my rabbits are just as important to me. They give me reason to keep going sometimes and they're always there to cheer me up or sit with me while I'm down. Animals are the more unconditionally loving and forgiving creatures and I'm blessed to have them in my life as I'm sure you are to have them in yours.

Thanks again for posting everything you've shared. You and your bunnies are quite the inspiration.
Alexah wrote:
Katt, I'm ashamed to say that I never really looked and read through your blog...until today. And I'm infinitely grateful that I took the time to do so. Thank you for being so open, honest, and willing - you've helped me tremendously.

First off, let me begin by telling you how absolutely adorable Winnie and Pantoulfe are. And I know Mammit's (I can't remember his new name, but know it starts with a "T") adorable as well. You have too much cuteness for one's about sending one of those loppy-cuties over to my house? Yeah, I know it's a long shot, but you can't blame a girl for trying.

Thank you so much for everything that you've shared. I'm one person on this site who suffers from mental illness in some form (eating disorder, anxiety, OCD, and PTSD) and it's a point of contention for me as I'm constantly feeling "less than" due to my illness. But we're not really less than or better than anyone else. And I appreciate you sharing your struggles because they've helped me remember that I'm not alone. Together we can all get through the bleak days and then laugh about the good days...

And rabbits are incredibly special. I adore my dogs and my Madeline is my baby (she's a toy fox terrier) and my best friend. But my rabbits are just as important to me. They give me reason to keep going sometimes and they're always there to cheer me up or sit with me while I'm down. Animals are the more unconditionally loving and forgiving creatures and I'm blessed to have them in my life as I'm sure you are to have them in yours.

Thanks again for posting everything you've shared. You and your bunnies are quite the inspiration.


i am happy that in sharing some of my personal problems i have reached someone. it is never easy to suffer the way many do. i have learned that talking about my problems is part of the solution for getting my life back on track. the rabbits have been a huge part of that as well. there are times when i am so low, so down that i do nothing more then lay in bed, and having winnie jump on the bed and creep up like "is everything okay mom?" and nuzzle close is honestly what gets me thru some days.

i have learned that on those bad days i have to do at least one constructive thing to get me going, and normally it has been getting up and feeding and watering the buns.

they are my center.

i am glade you enjoy them, and if you EVER need to talk, i am just a PM away!

it has been far to long since i posted any photos!

first let me show you naughty winnie's latest



that would be corn meal. . . i grabbed something out of the cupboard late the other night, and forgot to close it when i went to bed, in the morning, this was what we woke up to :foreheadsmack:i couldn't get a good photo of it, but back in the pile of it, is actually her big bunny butt impression. . . i couldn't help but laugh. . .

okay, on to my pantoufle boy. . . i have a really cute video of him, but my connection is sooo slow right now, i will have to wait till i am out at my parents house to upload it. . . but i do have photos!!!!

"you do this to me EVERY time. . . enough already!"





just to show how small my boy is, here he is next to a frebeze bottle


and some cute close ups with heavy background light




well, there you have it! winnie photos later! as it takes so long to upload photos right now!
LMAO @ Winnie and her corn meal escapades :pI admit, I can't get mad at them either when they do bad things. Lol. Pantoufle is just too adorable :)I love the close ups.
Loved - loved - loved the video! So cute - looks like a little puppy-bun!! And that was hysterical that you found winnies butt impression in the cornmeal!!!!

One christmas years back I came home from work to find my cats had found their christmas present early (a big container of some really great catnip) between the 3 I had at the time they managed to get the container open and had it spread all over the kitchen floor with 3 kitties happily dozing in their mess!!

Its always so funny when you find this type of destruction - its hard to reprimand the critters!

Cute blog katt! Always love to come back to it - so keep it up!
Oh my goodness, Winnie! LOL! That silly girl, must have been proud of herself!

Pantoulfe reminds me so much of Bruno hehe, he does the same thing with belly rubs! What a sweetie.
Katt, the cornmeal thing is hilarious! Winnie sure is an expert mess maker. Rory got into a bag of corn tortillas once, but at least that was easy to clean up! And Pantoulfe is so, so sweet... He's little just like my Tallulah. He just about breaks my heart because he's that cute. What's his personality like these days? And do you have any new pictures of Toulouse?

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