life with winnie and pantoulfe

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thanks shiloh! i feel so blessed to have both winnie and pantoulfe in my life right now! Pantoulfe is about 8 weeks old now, so he is still about a month younger then tallulah. pantoulfe isn't even thinking about littertraining. but i only want to train him to his cage, and that is what winnie uses as a litter box (since she is free range). and he is yet to even be allowed off the couches to run around. untill i can trust him more he will be givin freedom in short quantities. i won't push litter training untill he is fixed really!
Memories of Breeding

I sit here tonight, drugged up on night-quill as I am sicker then 2 dogs right now, and thinking about my rabbits. Not just my fluffy buns that are spoiled in the house today, but also the buns from my breeding days. They are a constant reminder to me of my past, and what has built my character. Every time I walk out to my car during the winter with snow blowing in my face like a bitter-cold punch, every time I bundle myself up, scrap my car off, and fight with the mountains of snow on the ground I am drawn instantly back to my weekends growing up, cleaning the rabbit barn, hours, apron hours hauling wheel-borrows of rabbit poo, of cleaning, breeding, feeding, watering. I missed many parties, lost many friends, and was considered an ‘outcaste’ many times because of the bunnies, but I was okay with it.

Recently I have seen troubling things when it comes to rabbits. Bad breeding and management choices, people trying to be wiser then they are. I have seen adults drawn to the level of name calling because out of the frustration of attempts of helping they are left with nothing else they can try to do to get the attention of a bunny-person in hopes that maybe they will rethink their unwise ways.

This makes me wonder just how well of a rabbit-breeder I was. Did I do enough? Did I give them enough? Did I take to much on? is that why I sold out? Was I to compassionate? Or was I to harsh?

It is amazing how much a single person, well a single rabbitry can make me consider all these things.

Breeding taught me many, many things about life and about myself. I dealt with my fair share of rude breeders, nasty lines, and disappointing shows. I made mistakes, and know I did, but I never once made a risk so great that it could have caused the life of one of my girls.

The scary thing about breeding rabbits, well, any animal for that matter, it that it gives a human the chance to “play god”. In their own little enclosure, a breeder chooses who stays and who goes, what rabbits are breed, what rabbits are pets. Often times a breeder chooses life or death of a rabbit. They are the feeder, groomer, caretaker, show handler, and vet. All in one. No training necessary. They just pick up some rabbits and a couple of cages and go for it. If they want to breed rabbit ‘a’ with rabbit ‘b’ even though they know they shouldn’t who cares they are the almighty “rabbit breeder”.

I was reminded all this today by a topic I read, a scary topic that almost brought me to tears. I never thought I would see the day where an RO member truly treated their rabbit like “just a rabbit”. And they did. Part of me is shammed, not for myself, and not for RO, but for the fact that there are people so ignorant to the happenings of life that they can do something so utterly careless.

I try to keep my nose out of the breeder/rabbitry part of RO, just because talking about breeding still hurts. It honestly hurts. I loved the rabbits I produced and owned; I loved every single one of them. But I would give up those years of breeding and showing just to have trixie back, or more importantly to not have her death be looming over my head. Because I was careless enough to breeder her over and over again, to give up those years longer I could have had with her. You want to talk about guilt? About shame? I took years of my best friend simply to produce some show quality babies. Did I over breeder her? No. but I still put her at risk, and chipped away years of her life ever time I took her to a bucks cage.

The rabbits were sold; my ribbons are in a box, my standard tucked away. The cages sold, barn gone. What caused me to stop? Why did I give up a passion? Because one day I was looking at a litter of babies, but I didn’t see rabbits, I saw ear numbers. Because one day I choose to end a rabbits life, not because it was already dieing, but because its past was so carelessly bred it was vicious and unhandleable. Because I couldn’t stand to stay up in the long night hours with a baby rabbit that was failing to live. I couldn’t handle those hours of death thrashes, the final gasp of air, the pain you can see in their eyes. I couldn’t take the numerous unwanted rabbits that were dumped on me at my door, at the shows. The sight of breeders caring so little for their stock. Rabbits underfed, in dirty conditions, so bored they pulled on their wire cages till their teeth were out of alignment. I got out of the rabbitry world because I saw too much of the worst of it. There are good, no great, people in the breeding world. But seeing 1 bad breeder can ruin me for every 100 good I see.

My rabbits today are who they are because I bred. I spoil my rabbits because of the times I walked into rabbitries and saw nothing in the cage but food and water. I spoil my rabbits because of rabbit after rabbit I would attempt to socialize that came from breeder who besides sexing, breeding, showing and tattooing, didn’t handle their rabbits.

So why am I saying all this, ranting on and on about rabbits? Because I was reminded tonight that it was past time I remembered all those hard memories of breeding. Because I read about a breeder that I have no respect for, and I had to relive my memories of breeding to remind myself that I wasn’t that person. That I didn’t put my rabbits through that kind of h*ll.

I just had to remember

This has got to be one of the saddest - and most heartwarming and honest posts I've read .... and I'm sitting here weeping.

Like you, I lost a beloved doe (GingerSpice) and I often wonder if perhaps I had not bred her...if I would still have her now. She started getting ill when she started weaning her litter...and she went downhill. I blame myself for her early death....I did all I could for her after she got ill...but I should never have bred her (to top things off - we still have her son - he has maloclussion and we have to trim his teeth regularly).

I rarely go to shows anymore (I didn't go much before)...and I honestly don't care for 95% of the breeders I've dealt with in the past because they look at their rabbits as "livestock" and not individuals. My last few breedings have been so that I can use does IF I continue breeding and I needed them bred by a certain age. Others that I think would give me beautiful babies - are past their prime - so I'm retiring them unbred....even if they are from excellent lines and I paid good money for them.

What you saw and what you experienced have done one good thing for you - they've made you a better bunny mom now....

Anyway - I say all this to say, "Thank you for your awesome post. It touched my heart and I needed something to help me cry and release some stress. Your post really helped me."

thank you peg.

i just sat there reading a bad post (i won't say which one) and i just couldn't contain myself.

i wrote it all out, and looked at it for about 10 minutes debating on posting it.

in the end, i am happy i did. hopefully others will read it and get a better understanding of how choices with their rabbits can affect their lives.

if i would have known what i know now, back then when i breed trixie, i would have never done it. not once. if i would have known back then how hard it was to sit with her those hours while she died, i never would have considered it.

you don't know what the bottom feels like, untill you have your best friend laying in your arms slowly dying while you just sit there singing phil collin's "you'll be in my heart" over and over again because that was her favorite song. hours of singing, and all you want to do is scream "i am so sorry"

regret is a bitter 6-letter word

trixie died 2 1/2 years ago. she was 4 1/2 when she died, far to young in my mind

let this be my anti-breeding warning. . .
It's very much important, insightful and from the heart! I am happy you decided to post it. Too bad all people thinking of breeding don't read it.




lazy dayz, winnie style

there is a calmness in the air of the apartment, as i sit cuddled on the couch, my daily herbal tea in hand, my morning book in hand (yes, i am such an avide reader i have a morning book, bed book, bath book, car book, work book, at any givin time i am reading between 5 and 10 books). the only noise to be hear is a slight movement from pantoulfe's cage while he slides his backfeet across the floor of the cage in an attempt to streach out just a little more. i feel a presence across the room, and look over to see winnie hopping in with the usual look of sophitication. oh the rabbit i have raised. outside a storm is more then brewing, it is tearing our world apart. snow thrashing around in the bitter wind. but inside with the heat turned up just a little to make cozy more then a word, we are content.

winnie feeling happy and playfull does a quick lap around the room, binking every few seconds to show that she is happy, then quietly settles down for a rest. noticing this i of coarse grab my camera, always at hand, mimic a crocadile hunter voice and proceed to creep closer "well, there's a beaut! let's take a closer gander, shall we?", winnie totally unimpressed just sits with a now smug disapproving bunny look on her face. i decide no more games, before somebody get hurt, and the somebody would for sure be me, and settle in from some bunny cuddlin'. deciding i am ready to get up off the floor, i leave winniein herrestfull bunny nap, only to sit back and watch in my own personal splendor at the joy of owning a house rabbit, then realizeas pantoulfe wakes to drink some water, i am even more lucky to own 2.
Winnie has to be one of the Prettiest Bunnies out there. :heartbeat::heartbeat::heartbeat:

Michigan is not that far away, note to self Bunnynap ASAP.

how about some pantoulfe cuteness???



the hassels and hardships of being a housebunny



this photo says it all, my quirky little boy!



"look at the land, and to think it is all mine!"


"oh, hi, didn't see you there, i mean the land is all OURS! yeah, that's right, ours"

best of the night:


"you've got to be joking me lady, you want another kiss?"


"well, okay, i suppose i can handle a cuddle. . ."

my cuddly little boy. pantoulfe newest crazy: to dead bunny flop right on me, then begin a series of loud bunny teeth purrs, he is also in love with the computer, no joke. how do i find these rabbits? herman was in love with the toilet, and pantoulfe loves the computer. . . i guess i have taken a step up??? at least the computer isn't a breeding ground of nastiness. i open my computer and he zooms straight to it and likes to watch the screen as i surf the internet. . . right this moment i am laying on the couch and he is laying across my chest (in a semi-DBF) purring away and watching me type.

i honestly think that he is helping to heal my broken heart from herman. i look at him and his playfull quirky ways and i just swell with joy, i haven't really felt that way since herman's death.

once this guy is free range, and bonded with winnie, i can tell he is going to fight winnie for her spot on the bed. he is all about the cuddles. . . i love it!

Pantoulfe...another bunnyI love and can't have. :( But I'm glad you found him, so I can at least see pictures. And I'm glad he makes you happy.

He really does have such a cute face. And Winnie is still as pretty as ever. You have two great buns.

Make sure you update this blog a whole whole lot!
:runningrabbit:Katt I'm going to have to get in to see that little cutie he reminds me of Mocha. And from your place I think we need to go down to GR and get a cute little Lionhead from Hailey! You know how bad I want one LOL:sofa:

Gin and Gi are settling in pretty good here, they are starting to wonder around more but still aren't as snoopy as mocha was. They really want to venture across the living room but chicken out and go all the way around along the walls to scoot over to the buffet and patio door. It's like watching the guinea pigs wonder because they travel one behind the other I can pet them now when they are in their condo and they come to the door when I open it but still haven't settled in to cuddle much :tears2: I'm probably going to screw it all up when we load up to go downstate for a week. Meg is on spring break and wants to meet up Grandmas for a few days.
a day with house rabbits

Often times when I tell people that I have house rabbits, they look at me like I am a total nut job. What many of them don’t realize (until meeting Winnie or Pantoufle) is that rabbits are much more of a companion that anyone could have thought.

Let me start by going though a typical day with my rabbits. First Winnie is a free-range girl; no cage to keep her locked away, Pantoufle is yet to reach that level of freedom as he is still young, unfixed, and full of chews, and Mammit (my newest foster boy) is yet to gain freedom as we are still working on trust.

I normally wake up around 9 am, depending on what time I have to be at work. I awake to my alarm in my ear, and Winnie stretching at my side, she also avoiding waking up and moving on with our day. Yes, my rabbit sleeps in my bed with me, often time we power struggle for room, or the best pillow, even fight over who gets the extra foot of blanket to cuddle up into. The sad truth is that Winnie often wins; I have found my match in the 7-pound princess that runs my life.

But back on track, our day, right? So finally I get up, Winnie trailing behind me. I stubble to the bathroom while Winnie makes fast time to her litter box and we both relieve ourselves.

Breakfast is one of our special times together. While my water is heating up for my morning tea, Winnie’s food and water bowl are getting cleaned and refilled. I also say good morning to Pantoufle, and Mammit, proceeding to wash and refill their bowls as well.

Sitting down with my normal breakfast of tea, oatmeal, and fresh fruit, I am joined next to me by Winnie, eyeing hopefully at whatever seasonal fruit I have cut up for my breakfast today. My morning routine is to enjoy my food with my rabbit, slipping her a slice or 2 of apple, maybe a section of orange, a coin of banana, a chunk of fresh melon, a sliver of pineapple. During this time we get lots of cuddles and bunny-whispers. We gossip about people we know, share secrets and current loves, and plan our day out together. She trails behind me as I clean up my breakfast mess, and fallows me ever so lovingly into the bathroom. While I shower she lays on our scale, when I do my hair and make-up she gives herself a bath.

Before I leave the house I create a commotion of bunny 500’s and binkis galore by giving everyone their daily hay. The best for my bunnies each one has their own recipe for how much of what type of hay they all get (1/2 timothy, ¼ Meadow grass, and ¼ alfalfa for Winnie; ½ alfalfa, ¼ timothy, and ¼ Meadow grass for Pantoufle; ½ timothy, 1/3 meadow grass, and a ‘pinch’ of alfalfa for Mammit). I say goodbye to my babies.

During the day I can only imagine what the rabbits do while I am gone, if my roommate is home, they fallow her around, soaking up all the attention they can manage by my bunny-loving convert of a roommate I have created!

Upon returning home later that night after work, and am greeted almost instantly by Winnie, and can hear Pantoufle jump around his cage. Winnie is given a treat of ½ a water cracker, an apple chip, yogurt drop, or some other naughty-but-okay-in-small-portions treat and I make up nightly salads for the buns (a couple leaves of whatever for pantoufle, 2 cups of greens for Winnie, and 1 cup for Mammit).

Later on the night, after veggies have been consumed, Winnie is tucked away in my bedroom with the door closed so the 2 boys can get some run around time. Mammit getting about 2 hours and pantoufle getting 1 hour with lots of trips back to the cage so he can relieve his young bladder.

Bedtime for us is normally the same thing every night. I recheck the buns water bottles and bowls, say goodnight to each of them, and head to bed, muttering “nighttime Winnie” to my girl as I walk towards my bedroom. She fallows, every night, ready to tuck herself into my room. I lay down with a book for a little while and Winnie runs around the bedroom, making visits to me in my bed, chinning my shoes, nibbling on the corner of my book, digging at her blanket that is kept in a pile behind a chair tucked in the corner by my bed. Once the lights are turned off, right before I slip into sleep she jumps on my bed, carefully walks up to my face, gives it a sniff or 2, I mutter “there’s my girl” and she settles down into a lay by my side, we both drift off to sleep together.

The funny thing about my rabbits is that they give me the exact same, if not more, companionship as I got from my cat and golden retriever who love at my parents house.

So yeah, I have a house rabbit, and I support rabbit education and rescues, my rabbits are my best friends.
I love love love what you wrote Katt. I can picture it all in my head too. And you know what? It makes me want Winnie even more. Haha, she sounds like such a sweetheart.

I can't wait until I move out and can have house rabbits. And we'll be as happy as you sound. :D

And I love how she sleeps with you. That's the cutest thing ever.
how about some pantoufle cuteness!!!!




pantoufle getting some cuddles while katie RO's


katie on easter (with my bunny ears!)


no photos of winnie today, she really hates the camera (and i hate photographing a black bunny!) but how bout a story?

so last night i am dead tired, so i crash in bed, i feel winnie jump on the bed, crawl over me, and settle in. but she decided that sleep wasn't in the game plan. so i feel her creep closer to my hand and start licking me. mumble-mumble give her a few pets and fall back asleep. she then begins to persistantly nudge my hand whenever i stop petting her. finally i just fall asleep and ignore her. shuffle shuffle, next thing i know she is right next to my face and begins to nudge my cheek, i attempt to push her away when she begins to shower my face with kisses thinking that i am waking up to give her attention.

she got so annoying that i finally woke up, gave her about 15 minutes worth of cuddles then plopped back to sleep completely UNDER my covers, just so i could sleep without getting kissed and nudged to death!

my little cuddle-bug, gotta love her!

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