life with winnie and pantoulfe

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Well-Known Member
Mar 19, 2006
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, Michigan, USA
well, everyone knows my winnie. . .


only the cutest black lop you will find anywere! but i JUST added pantoulfe, a black tort fuzzy holland. so i decided i would make a brand new blog for 2008. . .

anyway, here is my boy:




and last, a video of him! watch all the way to the end for winnie and pantoulfe introduction!

They're both so cute -but I LOVE his did you come up with it? I couldn't figure out how to pronounce it till I saw the video...

there is a movie called chocolat with jonny depp.. . in the movie there is a little girl who has an imaginary kangaroo named pantoulfe, the movie is based on a book. i read the book and in the book anouk(the young girl) has an imaginary rabbit, not a kangaroo. . . i love his role in the book, and i fell in love with the name. . .

Oh my gosh he's so cute! Congrats! I'm sorry to hear the other litter died, but I'm glad you found a good bunny.

Tallulah wants to know if maybe she and Pantoulfe are related?


thanks guys! how about a little bit more of Pantoulfe cuteness!



and last, a little cuddle bug!


SnowyShiloh wrote:
Oh my gosh he's so cute! Congrats! I'm sorry to hear the other litter died, but I'm glad you found a good bunny.

Tallulah wants to know if maybe she and Pantoulfe are related?


pantoulfe says he sure hopes not, as he is in LOVE!!!

pantoulfe also says "hey tallulah, will you go steady with me?"
That too!

He either looks like a tiny, cute, confused little bunny or

a tiny, cute, stuck and ready to hurt someone little bunny! LOL!
how about some more pantoulfe photos?




being the romantic little french bunny that he is, he totally loves nora roberts books with me

btw- what a little cuddle bun, he layed sprawled on my chest for about an hour just chillin. . .


*sigh* i wish my buns would snuggle and read with me, instead they like to EAT my books. :p
i know! i have never had such a cuddly bunny before!

i had him out tonight, and he was exploring the couch a little, or so i though! really he was just working his way to me, up my arm, and onto my sholder where he cuddled right into my neck, rested his head on me, and began to fall straight to sleep.

anyway, i have 3 more pantoulfe photos tonight! i am sadden to say it will be a while before winnie photos will make an appearnce, as she is yet to forgive me for bringing home another rabbit (although she walks near his cage, and binkies around it, which i have to take as a good sign)




tonights adventure in winnie's apartment. . . because we all know that this apartment and everything in it, including the 2 human inhabitants, belong to her. . .anyway, jessica takes a shower and we put a movie in, all the sudden we hear a crush, bang, shuffle-shuffle. camera in hand (because anything my rabbit does that makes that much noise is bound to be photo worthy) i head to the source, the bathroom.

there i find winnie licking the water off the bathtub floor. because obviously the 3 water bowls in the house for winnie, including the one SITTING IN THE BATHROOM just isn't enough for her



and one after she jumped out giving me a "what are you looking at?" look


oh, and here is some pantoulfe!




size comparision:

the day i got him




and today pantoulfe got more toys! i am trying very hard to wait till we move to make him his NIC cage. . . so he is currently living in a cage :(



Awww I love your bunnies! Winnie is such a riot and so pretty! And Pantoulfe, my goodness. He is so sweet. I love baby lops! I feel so lucky to have Tallulah in my life and I'm very glad you have Pantoulfe. I don't think he could be any more adorable! I love his coloring too. How old is he now? How is his litter training going? Tallulah's one day short of 12 weeks and still poops and pees wherever. I think she's old enough to start being trained now, I'm just wondering how a bunny of a similar age is doing. She usually pees on me when we snuggle so I have to put down a trash bag with a towel on top! Oh and Tallulah is a little young to have a boyfriend, let's see in a couple months though :biggrin2: I think it's funny how Pantoulfe definitely looks like a little boy and Tallulah definitely looks like a little girl. I compare our two a lot simply because they're the same breed, similar ages and are both ADORABLE!