Letters to our new mama

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Hi mama! It's me! I'm typing like this 'cause I'm so excited I almost want to yell.

Ok...I'll settle down a bit. Maybe. Or not!

I'm having a blast in my own new cage. Its NICE to live alone andnot have to listen to Drew talk talk talk all the times about"sneaksing". Its nice that I don't have to listen to Bun Bunsnore right beside my ears...

On top of that - there are all sorts of CUTE girls here. Did you knowdoes could be cute? They are all coming to see me and say "hi" and tellme their names and stuff like that. I've met Butterscotch (mama - she'scute.....we googly eyed each other for a bit) and I've met Theresa andPopcorn and Kate and all sorts of does. WOW...so many pretty girls tolook at and choose from.

And then - to make things even better....breeder dad TURNED OUT THELIGHTS just a bit ago. The girls are all huddled together while someother bucks and I tell them spooky stories. Its so much fun!

Anyways - your big boy sure is a happy boy.

Oh and when Bun Bun and Drew all grow up too - breeder mama is talkingabout putting us in cages where the three of us can be back to back sowe can sit close together if we want. I might be ready for that lateron...I'll have to think about it.


Hi, my big boy!! :D

I'm happy to hear that you sound like you're having such a nice time in your new cage and around all those cute little does! :)

What kinds of stories are they telling?

Love you!

Hi mama! I sneaks out of my cage to come write to you.

Hi nana! Hi Em!

Mama, I hopes you'z feeling better. I'z binkied for you in the cage today - so you'd getz better.

Yeah - you binkied right into me...

Nana, breeder dad turned off the light in the rabbitry.

We're right near the living room so we still have some light...

But I'm worried -what if Dusty gets scared....all the girls are crowding around his cage...maybe he's crying?

Um....Drew - we have to go. Its getting late...

Yeah - and we were going to make this short for mama.

Bye Mama! I love you!

Bye Nana. Give Em a hug for me.

Sneaksy Drew & Handsome Bun Bun

HI MAMA! It's your special sneakzy girl Drew! I knowz a lotz of our letterz is missing 'cause of the forum problems (Breeder mama told me about it) and I know itz been a while since I'ze written to you but I gotz to tell you what happened last night and how sneakzy I am....

You see.....Breeder mama likes to put our bucket of food on a stool by my cage lately. It has the food up higher and she doesn't have to bend down so low to get to it. So she putz the stool by MY cage....and last night when she was done...she left it there.

Well...I'ze found a way to get my door open. I can't tell you how 'cause I knowz breeder mama would read my letter and find out. Besides...its a secretz...right???

So Miss Amy (you know Miss Amy is here...right? She has Mallory and Morgan and Madilyn and Marlin....nad the peoplez know her as 'undergunfire'). Anyway...Mizz Amy is sittingz at breeder mama's desk late at night and she looks over to my cage....and I'm NOT in my cage....

Where am I? I'm sittingz on the stool like a big girl.

Aren't you PROUD of me!!!????!!!!

I SNEAKZ out of my cage and onto the stool and sat there like a BIG girl...

It waz so much fun. Miss Amy gotz me to go back into my cage and then she locked me back in again....but I gotz out once and I can get outz again.

Oh well...I gotz to go. I gotz HAY in my cage and food and a fun litterbox to nap in....and my stuffed toy named Emily.

But I lovez ya mama and I can hardly wait to see how I can sneakz once I get there...


P.S. Breeder mama held me and cried and cried the other day. You see...she was gonna let my mama go to a new home after this Nationals thing in May? Well...my mama got to stay here and breeder mama gave a "re-fund"....and the place where mama was gonna go had a fire this week and EVERY BUNNY died....

So breeder mama held me and cried and cried and said she was so happy my mama was here.

I told her I was glad my mama was here too....but it waz more fun to sit on her shoulder and look around....and play for a bit.
Hi mama. I got to play outside my cage tonight and I even got a bedtime bath from my new friend. Amy and breeder mama thought you'd like to see this....

I'm the cute one!

Hi mama!

Hi nana!

Mama ~ it's your Drew-baby.

Guess what mama? You'll never guess....

She already knows....breeder mama told her.

Aw rats...she did? Well - I can tell her anyway. Mama - I have a NEW cage. Its so "NIC-e"....I just LOVE it. I can jump and jump if I want (I never do it when breeder mama is around though. I act bored and mature).

That's ok though - I jumps a LOT for breeder mama. I jumps for fun too. Wow mama - my cage is so HUGE.

Oh shut up. Its no fair that you guyz gotz NICe cages and I've got my cage. I HATE Walmart. My pink cubes aren't in yet.

Pink? You're getting PINK cubes?

Why ya doing a thing like that?

'cause I'ze finally decided I'z gonna be a girl (after watching you big buffoons google at the girlz and act so silly). I figure I wantz some of that attention for me. So I'ze gotz a pink litter box and I'ze gonna have pink NICe panels too. I almost gotz purple but Walmart was out of them. So I decided for PINK. pink pink pink for a pretty girl like me.

So where is your NICe cage going? In the rabbitry?

Phew! At least she won't be with us boys.

Yeah - I don't know if Morgan and Mallory and Madilyn would like her at all. I like to google Miss Madilyn but Mallory keeps threatening to come kick my butt.

Dummies! Breeder mama told everyone the other day - I even seez the video....she'z gonna attach my cage to your cages so we'ze can all be together..


Oh no. Really? You mean we get to live beside you again?

Yep...and I'ze going to tell you all my st ories about sneakzing....and all my plans for sneaksing....and I have so much to tell you guys...

Bye nana. I'm going back to my cage to cry and enjoy the peace while I can...

And then I'ze can tell you all the stories Miss Bea told me and all I've learned and I have so much to talk to you guys about......

Bye mama. Think I'm going to go enjoy the peace for a bit. Talk to you later..

And then we can practice our sneaksing and ... hey....where did everyone go?

Mama - I think they sneaks away on me this time! Maybe there is hope for them after all....

Well...I'm so excited I'm gonna go sneakz back to my cage so I can use my pretty pink litterbox. I can hardly wait to be with my brothers again...it gotz me excited just thinking about it.

Oh and here is breeder mama's video of the boys in their new cage...this photobucket place pulled it the first time she loaded it and she thinks it is 'cause of the name "bun bun" in the title...

Its gonna be so wonderful to be with my brothers again and have a NICe cage. I can hardly waitz.

Now if Walmart would just send my cubes......hurry up Walmart!

Delightful Dusty, Sneakzy Drew & Bratty Bun Bun

(hey...I heard that.....)

Hi, Babies!!

Oh my goodness! I didn't realize you'd posted anything! Since changing over to the new forum, I hadn't checked this particular topic (shame on me!), and it wasn't informing me of the replies, since the last time I'd written here was on the old forum!

You babies are SO adorable, and I LOVED that video of Mitzy grooming you, Drew...and it looked like you really enjoyed it, too! :)

Oh...my sweethearts...I just love you so!

Oh!! I have to tell you!! You have a new sister!! Her name is SweetPea, and she's bee-u-ti-ful!! So, you're going to have FOUR sisters, instead of just THREE! :D Aren't you just so excited? Here's a picture of her:


Oh...every day, your coming home to me gets closer...it's such an exciting time for our family! We just a new SUV...we're looking for a bigger home (because Mallory and Madilyn are coming on the airplane to me with you)...we just brought home SweetPea today...it's all so exciting!! :D

I love you, Sweethearts...and I can't wait to kiss your foofy little heads...

Love always,


P.S. Bun Bun...Em sends a HUGE hug, and LOTS of love!! :heart:
Hello little Drewsy Drewsy Drewsy!

I just wanted to let you know that I didn't have much time to watch the whole video, but I thought you were just ADORABLE!! :)

Love to you and your brothers!!

Oh, Sweeties...I miss you so so much...

Mama still can't believe things went the way they did...you deserved at least one birthday, and some time with us here in CA. I will always wonder what could've been, and what should've been. Mama should have flown her babies home so long ago...I'm so sorry I let you down...I'm so sorry I didn't just bring you home when you guys were younger, so I could spend the last months of your life with you.

I'm going to bring your brother, Harley, home soon. Thank goodness Mama has assurance that he'll be just fine, and that I won't lose him, too...but I wish all of you had been able to come home to me. Boy, will he get loads of love, and probably some tears in that gorgeous fur of his, when he gets home!!

One thing I promise you...your memory will live on. To me, you're not gone...you're still a part of the our herd. You're still a part of our family. And one thing I won't do is use the past tense when I talk about you. It's not that I "did" love you...I still do. It's not that you "were" mine...you still are. That will never change. You will always be a part of our lives.

I love you so much, babies...and always will.

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